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I dont know why, my friend.
But I’ve been seeing a ton of article on the plank as of late.
And people crowing about how “they can hold it for five minutes” or what not, and this is even seasoned fitness pros that are “stuck at home” due to the plague from China that are talking about it.
Now, don’t get me wrong.
The plank is a great movement for beginners – but it isn’t all it’s made out to be.
Do I think it’s a waste of time?
Absolutely not.
The vast majority of the populace out there, and this number is only “bloating and increasing by the day” couldn’t get into a plank to save their lives if they had to -literally.
Including some of the booby builders and so called “strong” guys that are FAT – big time – around the midsection.
But the position itself, I dont know.
It’s OK, but …
Here is why I don’t think it’s the best ever as it’s constantly made out to be.
First, the way you rest on the side of the forearms doesn’t exactly lend itself well to isometrics – or “pushing”.
True, it builds core strength.
But so will variation #1 in Pushup Central – if you just get in the position – and hold.
And if you’re interested in the isometric – well – SQUEEZE – and PRESS down with all your might for 30 seconds, let alone a minute or more, and then tell me which taxes you more.
It’s the latter, my friend.
Or, do it on your fingertips …
Second, if it’s just a static position, the “table” position I teach does a FAR better job of taxing the core and lower back than the plank does.
I’ve seen overweight folks struggle into the plank and wiggle around for a second or so, but the “table” position?
A position a certain poster once labeled as “gay” – and was then roundly REBUFFED – by a lady who had been in gymnastics and cheerleading no less for years (I posted that on the blog last year)?
If you’re overweight – even slightly – and even if you aren’t, actually – you’ll have trouble getting into and holding the position for time the first time – or second – or third – you try.
This is another pushup variation mentioned in the great book on pushups which a lot of you “fence sitters” on the list need to GRAB, and NOW.
And the hold itself will whoop your butt into shape like nothing else will.
Believe me, your lower back will feel like it’s CREAKING and ready to break (figuratively speaking) if you ain’t in shape for this one.
Some might argue the plank works the obliques the best.
It works them, sure, but best?
Not even close.
The “twist and torque” pushups that I teach you in Pushup Central, for one, works the obliques, abs and shoulders like NO other exercise can.
Trust me on this one (befor eyou do ’em).
And for the ultimate hold – or pushup – or both?
Well, try the “extended” arm hold for one …
And there it is, my friend.
The plank is fine, but you’d get so many MORE benefits by doing things that people don’t talk about.
For some reason, the plank has turned into the “glamor gal of bodyweight exercise”.
And we all know how those are once the glamor is stripped off!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And along with Pushup Central, make sure to pick up the compilation on pull-ups now. Again, don’t put this off until tomorrow my friend (or on the “I’ll do this later” list). Later hardly ever gets done unless you’re part of an ultra rare breed. Just do it NOW and get cranking.
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