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So, the ongoing saga on trying to persuade my daughter to whatever extent I can not to jump straight into the dumbphone upon waking up … CONTINUETH.
Every time I do this though, either on the phone or whichever way, I think of something.
How different was it back in “our day” when kids weren’t permitted to argue with their parents or even say what they WANTED in most cases.
Else – WHACK! And yelling galore …
Believe me, my oh my, how times have changed.
But anyway, the plague has wreaked havoc globally – as the CCP planned, of course.
The worst damage done by far is one we cannot see though and one that people are STARTING to wake up to – to young, impressionable kids to whom the LAST thing one should do is keep them cooped up without a ROUTINE!
Anyway . . . Kiddie Fitness is one of things every kid should incorporate into their routine, but no, this email isn’t a direct or indirect pimp on that.
That brings to mind another thing I told my daughter the other day.
The “credit or no credit” routine.
And the “direct or indirect teaching” routine.
“Papa, you taught me handstands”, she’ll often say.
Yes, I did, I’ll reply. But You – DID IT!
But you taught me.
But you did it!
And it continues, until she says I DID IT!
Which is something important to learn.
Everyone learns from someone, either directly or indirectly, but the credit for DOING – and being persistent – goes to the PERSON. Not the “teacher”.
Thats something a lot of people forget.
Sure, you “give the teacher credit for teaching”.
Sure, you credit your sources.
But end of the day, your success – or FAILURE – is yours!
More important life lessons for your kids – and YOU as well.
Anyway, I got sidetracked yet again. Ugh!
Every time I sit down to WRITE … anyway, so the daughter.
I was telling her to read – write – draw – COLOR – draw her dreams – anything she wanted to BUT the damned dumbphone.
She wouldn’t, as usual.
“We need to make a habit”, I told her.
And then I explained the importance of proper habits and routines to her.
She didnt get it. She did, actually!
“You’re the most boring person in the world! You always work, work, work!”
It’s a battle these days, I’ll tell you that much! But it’s always been a battle as far as I can remember with this damned dumbphone.
Now sure, some may say “go back to the good ole days”.
Where kids had to toughen up no matter what.
But that sort of thing can irreperably RUIN one’s relationship with one’s parents. Believe me, I know how that goes – and while it may or may not have been how it was done back in the day – I’d rather take a different approach with my daughter.
And therefore I do.
Anyway, fitness.
What does this have to do with fitness, Rahul.
Well, simple, amigo.
You HAVE to make a fitness routine that you STICK to – come rain, hail, shine, or sun, or snow, or sleet, or tiredness, or the wife complaining, or the tea not tasting good, or being constipated, or hungover, or any number of excuses ADULTS make for not exercising.
That is one of the 10 Commandments of Physical (and Life) Success I lay out in The Rolls Royce of Fitness – and those 10 commandments are perhaps more important to learn and DO than the actual workouts and exercises themselves.
Making a ROUTINE – a daily routine you STICK to no matter what is KEY to success at anything, fitness included.
And lifewise, and indeed fitness wise, here is what you should do.
Reserve the first two hours, or right after waking up for you.
EVERYTHING else can wait.
It could be just fifteen minutes, or half an hour.
But reserve it for you – your thoughts – your workouts – whatever matters!
And believe me, you’ll be nigh SHOCKED at how things start to flow in your life.
For me, much as you might think otherwise, I dont work out “first thing” after waking up.
I did back in the day during those 5 AM hill climbs, but even then, thinking time was always there, if just for a few minutes.
And it was after that I did what I had to.
Now, I work on my businesses for at least two hours before anything else …
This may or may not be what you do – but you get the point!
Anyway, fitness wise, remember that getting the heart pumping is one of the best things you can for yourself after waking up – or anytime during the day, and I’ve structured the Royce so that you can get in a workout truly anyplace, anytime, anywhere!
This truly IS a fitness System EVERYONE MUST HAVE – NOW!
Jump on the train NOW.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – 20% DISCOUNT on compilations will end this week – hurry while the going is good.
PS #2 – Also, make sure to pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts if you have not already. Truly one of my BEST EVER!
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