What is it you REALLY WANT?
- Definiteness of purpose is key to achieving anything in life - fitness included!

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Dear Reader,

In the path breaking Napoleon Hill book “Think and Grow Rich“, there is a section of the book that the author considers SO important that it is placed right at the start of the book.

BEFORE the Author’s preface. BEFORE the Publisher’s preface.

Yes, right there at the start of the book – and the title of the Chapter jumps out at you.


An amazingly simple question you’d think, and yet, even more (or perhaps not so) amazingly enough, when you ask people this question – 99 % of people are unable to answer with any clarity.

Por ejemeplo, I often ask folks what exactly they’re looking to get out of life.

The answer is almost always this – more money.

OK, how much more?

Uhhh … As much as I can! The more the better!

OK, so what are you going to do with the money?

Uhhhh … I don’t know! I just want it!

And so forth. One almost always gets vague answers to what should answered AS precisely as possible.

It’s probably 1 out of a 100 people – or more – that can answer instantly and precisely, and THAT is the person that oddly enough, or perhaps NOT so, is the person really “going to town” in all regards.

As Claude Bristol says in the Magic of Believing, it’s incredibly hard to get people to focus on any ONE thought for any length of time.

Thoughts ebb and flow with amazing speed through the average person’s mind – and this “un-cordinated” mass of thoughts is then fed to the subconscious – which works to bring exactly THAT to reality – and if you don’t believe me – well – is it any wonder that the vast majority of people are UNHAPPY with not just their current fitness levels – but life as well?

Quoting again from Think and Grow Rich,

These facts – and they are fact well known to almost everyone who knew Mr. Carnegie – give you a fair idea of what the reading of the book may  bring to you provided you know WHAT IS IT THAT YOU WANT.

Personally, for me, every success in my life – or business – or fitness – or anything at all for that matter has been about KNOWING what it is I really, really want – picturing it with deep emotion (either consciously or unconsciously) and then going to “work” – except that work is a lot easier than you might think.

Opportunities are abundant, my friend – but provided you KNOW what it is you want – and COMMUNICATE this to the subconscious mind effectively.

At the end of the day it is really our subconscious minds that decide our destiny and where we are headed in life, and this is a fact that cannot be debated or argued – it just IS.

Now, fitness wise, what does this mean?

Well, tons of people have a goal to get “fit”.

OK, so what does that mean?

Uh, I guess the usual …

OK, what is the usual?

Uh, I guess lose weight and look good.

OK, how much weight? Where exactly? What does looking good entail?

Uh, I don’t know. Just overall … I guess just go to the gym and …

OK, and …

Uh, I guess just do what everyone else does. It should work.

OK, take a look around you. Do you think people are getting fitter – or FATTER – and more unhappy by the day?

Uh ….

And so forth, my friend. This may sound hilarious to some, but its TRUE.

I wrote a post a few days ago about PICTURING what it is you want out of your fitness regimen, and then reinforcing that picture on a continual and INTENSE basis into your brain until you really start to “believe”.

Tap tap tap, my friend, as the incomparable Claude Bristol said. Repetition is indeed the CADENCE of the Universe, and if you don’t believe me?

Well, step back and consider any success you’ve had in the past – or in the here and now.

Analyze the thought processes that led to that success – and then go back and read this email again.

I’ll bet youll find “gold in dem hills” my friend!

OK, so that is the message for today. Back again tomorrow!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – Don’t forget to pick up a copy of the revolutionary 0 Excuses Fitness System while you’re at it – right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

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