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Dear Reader,
Well, first off, before I start this rather interesting email, Happy Chinese “small” New Year to you, wherever you might be!
‘Twas news to me indeed that it was Chinese New Year’s eve yesterday. I was receiving messages galore in Chinese, but the actual holidays only start on Feb 4th, so I was wondering what the heck was up.
And today I learnt that the Chinese actually have a “small new year” before the “actual” new year. What that means or why there is a small new year is something I don’t quite understand – for now, at least, hehe, but whatever – so happy “small” Chinese New Year to all readers!
Anyway, so Cindy messaged me this morning.
You on the 0 Excuses faithful list probably remember – she’s the one that took the 0 Excuses Fitness videos for me a couple of years ago, and really made it possible for me to kickstart the website.
And today, as I was talking to her (she’s been in Hunan tending to her father), we caught up, and I thanked her again for her help in the past.
And being I love spicy food- and being she’s returning to Hunan for the New Year, I also asked her to bring back some roast (spicy) duck from her hometown if possible, which she agreed to. Yum!
Hey, I’m nothing if not a foodie. I’ve mentioned my love for chocolate in an email prior to this, and I’ll say it again – I love to eat good food, and the fact that it doesn’t “show” is a testament if any to my routines.
But we’ll get to that later, of course!
So we were chatting, and she popped the following question.
“You went home for a while, didnt you? You had your wife’s cooking?”
And then, the inevitable.
“Did you get fat?”
And predictable though it was, it was funny – and an apt question to ask.
I mean, lets face it. Holidays, or extended get togethers – or even just a regular dose of good ole fashioned “home cooking” DOES make the average Joe kind of “tubby” if you get my drift, and yous truly was no exception at the beginning.
Sure, I didn’t turn into a human balloon or anything – but after the first few weeks of eating, I was beginning to “feel” a bit of a difference.
The waist was looking different from what it did a while ago. The abs were not quite as prominent. The chest was showing signs of … anyway, you know what I’m talking about!
And as I plunged back into my regular Eat More – Weigh less routines, all this disappeared, of course, but it was a nigh powerful reminder to yours truly to do what he preaches about on a regular basis – that being do something – DAILY!
Yes, I too am human – I too need that kick up the backside at times, and I sure got it!
“Chi Huo” continued a giggling Cindy.
“What’s that” I asked.
“A man that appreciates good food!”
And that, my friend, is today’s news – and today’s missive. Whether or not you’re a “chi huo” too I know not – but rest assured that being one of the “chi huo’s” does NOT mean you have to get fat and bloated – or unfit – or unhappy – or any of the above – and this particular “huo” is living proof of that!
All for now. If you workout today, make it a good one – the best ever!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Here is the link to the most comprehensive fitness System on the planet that’ll allow you to eat as much as you want and still burn fat at record levels – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
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