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Dear Reader,
So, over the past few days I’ve been going back and forth on the phone with a customer – NOT fitness related.
It’s an old customer back “from the days” in which I still did I.T. work on a regular basis – building websites, so to speak, for those interested.
This customer was a lot of “trouble” from the get go, if I were to be honest. While he’s certainly a good man – he has NO clue on how to do business – and his constant response to any sort of price – or any sort of price tag is “can it be lower”?
He’s also involved in a startup, and while I certainly (more so than a lot of others, I’d say!) understand the costs etc involved – the fact of the matter is this – and I’ve said this to him multiple times – that start ups simply incur costs FIRST and profits LATER – and that is just how it goes!
In other words, you have to give before you get. There is no escape from this Universal Law of the Universe, my friend – and while I’ve advised my customer on this many a times, he seems “not to get it”.
Even worse, he responds with this “Rahul, you’re good at making deals! Your deals have many layers embedded into them!”
What do I think of this?
Well, I take it a as a compliment, my friend. I’ve never once known a successful business person that wasn’t excellent at making/cracking complex deals – perhaps my customer does – but I don’t – and I doubt any of you reading this do either!
Those that know me in person and through these newsletters know me as a brutally upfront and honest person. If it has to be said, I’ll say it. There’s certainly no beating about the bush with me and that is how I do biz as well, my friend.
Perhaps that isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I’d rather that than “play games” as it were if you get my drift.
And of course, all this brings me to the famous Napoleon Hill saying with regard to getting something for nothing.
The one who tries to get something for nothing usually winds up getting nothing for something.
Sage words indeed, and as true today as they were back when Hill penned them.
Now, what does this “got to do with” fitness, you may ask.
Well, plenty, my friend.
There are scores of folks that simply want a “magic solution” – or a “one stop fix it all” for their problems – fitness included.
I recently received a note on LinkedIn inquiring about how I lost weight.
“Through exercising right”, I responded. I’d normally be a bit more verbose, but I could tell the person wasn’t really interested in buying a product – all she wanted to do was “leech”.
“But thats too difficult for me”, she whined.
“Well, it’s either that or staying a lard ass”, I quipped.
I then sent her to the 0 Excuses Fitness System page – and true to form, no purchase.
Ah well. No skin off my nose to be sure!
So always remember folks. You have to give FIRST – before you GET – and there is NO such thing as something for nothing.
Remember this little bit of philosophy and USE it in your daily lives – and be amazed at how fast you start progressing towards your goals!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – By the way, Corrugated Core is flying off the shelves as we speak. If you’re looking to get that fab bod for the summer reason – six packs, bikini look, whatever it is – then this is one course you really need to grab now – https://0excusesfitness.com/corrugated-core/
P.S #2 – And here is the link to the fitness System that folks all over the globe have been RAVING about – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
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