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I think it was around last August or thereabouts – perhaps mid-August, when one of the air conditioners in my apartment conked out – for good.
The damned thing had been repaired once before, but it was dripping water all over the living room again – – so I called my landlady, and she called the repairman – – who in turn advised her to buy a new unit.
There are two air conditioners in the apartment I’m in right now – both “split units” rather than the traditional window units if you get my drift.
And though one of them was working, fine, my landlady wanted to replace BOTH.
“How about I replace both”, she asked me.
“Uh, that’s great .. but there is no need”, I responded. “It’s just the living room A/C that is out of order – – bedroom one is working fine”.
But she was getting a special offer if she bought two A/C’s apparently (online, of course!) and of course it was future “insurance” against most repair costs etc – – so two A/Cs it was.
And come installation day, I was in for a SURPRISE – a huge one – – when a skinny Chinese dude that looked like he was 15 or less knocked my door “to make sure it was the right apartment”.
“I’m coming up”, he said cheerily thereafter, and I figured two to three people would show up – – if nothing else, perhaps just him, but with a dolly.
Nothing of the sort, my friend!
Shortly thereafter I heard a noise like a runaway locomotive running out of steam – and there he was.
… With a massive, 1.5 TON compressor – – that he had lugged up BY HAND (the box had a cable wrapped around it, but that’s it!) … up FIVE flights of stairs.
Now bear in mind this dude was no Paul Anderson, or even close to it. Probably weights 50 kg soaking wet, and still …
And he didn’t pause to rest. Off it was for the SECOND compressor. And then the slightly easier actual units and at of that hot summer day – – he was literally breathing like he had sprinted several MILES at a go – – with the sweat pouring off him – – and I could pretty much “see” his heart trying to thump out of his chest (not really, but you get my drift!).
And as he was off, I was reminded of the Chinese lady who used to deliver water to me all those years ago when I first moved to China.
Up and down FOUR flights of stairs she would go – with a large, unwieldy bottle of water in each hand – one of those large 20 liter bottles that you grab by the snout – and she’d rinse, and repeat over and over again. I still remember the first time I shook her hand – – and if you had – – you wouldn’t be mistaken in thinking she was a guy, hehe.
And these are examples, my friend, as I wrote an email or so ago about how you can get in a FANTASTIC workout (and pretty much NOT need any other exercise) doing tasks in your daily life that are either part of your daily routine – or your JOB.
Truly no excuses, and if the Chinese lady – – and skinny Chinese dude – – haven’t inspired you to go start working out NOW – – well – – I don’t know what will!
All for now – I’ll be back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – I mention more such stories of how to work EXERCISE into your daily routine in 0 Excuses Fitness – which if you’re serious in any way, shape or FORM – – you really DO need to grab. I’ve got a special “limited time” offer going on on this which is NOT going to last much longer. Get on the stick NOW, my friend – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
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