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I wouldn’t be lying to say I almost passed out after today’s workout – or towards the end of it.
Yes, that’s right.
A 25 minute BLAST from Mr. Fitness “el supremo” (I know, hehe) and an unabashedly, unashamedly GREAT workout that would have kicked most of you in the can (again, I know, hehe, I’m nothing if NOT modest at times!) . . . and yours truly almost collapsed.
And I could barely pump out 50 pushups today, let alone a 100.
Believe me, getting to THIRTY was a chore – for ME!
So what gives, you ask? The author of Pushup Central – spanked at 30?
Well, here is what I did today.
2000 rope jumps
75 pushups
TWO different kinds of squats for high reps.
And a type of sitting-squatting motion that looks easy – ridiculously so when you see people doing ‘em, but is anything BUT.
And I didn’t do any tough pushup (note – easy for me is usually ASS KICKER for most others – such as the table pushup for instance).
No high reps.
No insane numbers of handstand pushups and pull-ups as I used to do. All I did was five handstand pushups at the end of my routine.
And believe me, I was spanked.
And breathing DEEPLY.
And it’s THIS deep breathing, my friend that made the pushups harder!
Deep breathing done right, as I mention so often in 0Excuses Fitness, is the KEY to supreme health, strength and fitness from the inside out.
It is also the key to that massive, DEEP chest so many of you crave.
Deep breathing, as Martin Farmer Burns, old time wrestler and strongman famously said, made many a weak man strong, and many a sick man well.
Well, well, well.
And deep breathing is what really enlarges the DIAPHRAGM – which really is responsible for giving you that deep chested look, my friend.
It’s not the external muscles or the look (much like it isn’t about the six pack).
It’s about what lies inside – and BEHIND.
Yes, your heard me.
THAT is the most important . . . and I think I’m going to sign off for now, since I can barely TYPE right now. In fact, I can barely hold up my shoulders, much like during the first boxing workout with Marc the African Silverback gorilla!
Not to mention barely type . ..
Out for now – back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Rope jumping is something I cover in Fast and Furious Fitness – a collectors item if there ever was. Grab it right here –https://0excusesfitness.com/fast-and-furious-fitness/
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