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So I can feel the burn. DEFINITELY!
And while I could just tell you yes, as I did in the last post (well, one of the last posts) on the 0 Excuses Fitness site, and while I can almost hear you scoff (how can such a simple girly exercise work the arms eh I hear you say) – well – hear me out.
Ever notice the build of men from not so long ago?
Like even in the 1950’s . . . or before that.
Chances are if you go back about a 100 years or so, you’d be hard pressed to find a FAT person anywhere – man or woman (unless they were royalty or something of that nature).
And chances are the men would be solid and muscular. Especially them Spartan warriors whose coat of armor alone weights a ton (or about it!).
Not to mention the maces and swords they swang, and with deadly ferocity and aim at that – and in the heat of battle like you and I would swing . . . well lets say a jump rope.
And guess what tool these Spartans used to get in shape – and to stay in shape – and to do BEFORE going into war (right before).
If you guessed that it’s the same thing football players of yore, boxers and wrestlers do to start a solid workout off, you’d be right.
That’s right. JUMP ROPE.
And heck yeah, it works the triceps, big time!
I have spoken about how hard it can be to bang out 100 pushups after a SOLID jump rope session (high reps).
And if you’re looking to get those cut yet huge arms . . . think Mike Tyson, or any other martial artist or high level wrestler,tri athlete etc . . . well, this is one way to get ‘em!
And the best and quickest way.
Unless you mix in pull-ups, and as I did that outdoors today, I felt it.
Oh boy.
I felt my triceps working like never before (and this is the guy who banged out 100’s of pull-ups per workout, if you recall!).
And as I completed 50, plus a few patented moves that I teach in the book on pull-ups, I felt my entire body being worked – to the BONE – especially the grip – and triceps.
And upper back.
And all with what I’ve described above.
So yes, jumping rope works the entire body my friend, and if you do it with a weighted rope, so much so the better.
You will quickly find out just why the Spartans amongst others used it as a workout tool!
Last, but not least, remember that while rope jumping is an excellent movement, there are others you need to get good at too to truly “complement everything”.
The kiddie movements I’ve mentioned – by themselves, any ONE of them a workout unto themselves.
The Hindu squats – and the JUMPER squats. Oh boy!
And a few others, mi amigo – not to mention the pushups of course.
All covered in 0 Excuses Fitness – grab your copy today – and start to get in the best shape of your life!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – Pushup Central is another course you really must grab if you’re serious about that CORE and SIX PACK, so do so now – along with Corrugated Core, of course.
P.S #2 – And if you haven’t already, sign up for our members only area right HERE – https://0excusesfitness.com/groups/0-excuses-ship/ . Free lifetime access to ALL our products, books, courses and yours truly so long as your membership stays valid. Truly a STEAL for the price I am offering it at for NOW, my friend – so jump on this while the going is GOOD.
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