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Back in 2019 (not all that long ago, hehe) I was going for a foot massage.
At around 3 in the afternoon, I believe.
An “off time” for the ladies there, and yet, a time I really enjoy going to such things, mostly because there are hardly any people around at the time.
Sort of like the times I work out, when most of the “sheeple” are busy ponding away at the computers for someone else, building little or no future for themselves . . .
I think that was the day she bought some coffee from me.
Oh wait. I never did mention Carol, the person who made the comment in the subject line of the email.
I was chatting with her as I often do, and I detected MORE than a tinge of envy in her tone as she made the above comments.
Something I’m very used to. As I hear it all the time from other people.
And yet, years ago, when I FIRST got started doing my own thing, her first comment wasn’t one of encouragement, and it wasn’t anything to do with getting the goal accomplished.
It was one along the lines of “I don’t care about your goal, or how hard you work. Have you DONE it already?”
And this comment really, really rankled with me at the time and STUCK with me.
I should thank her for it, as I wouldn’t be where I am today mentally without those comments from Carol, but at the same time, it provides you with a very interesting glimpse of what goes on in the average sheeple’s mind.
The average person out there could care less about real success, or what it takes to get there.
Those that DO . . . aren’t usually willing to put in the very unglamorous WORK required to get there, and deal with the HARD SLOG that IS required.
The numerous hardships, often times a lot of them seemingly insurmountable that EVERY successful (truly) person has gone through. I don’t know a single person who hasn’t lived the Napoleon Hill adage of “there seems to be a hidden guardian to the gates of success whose job it is to test men through ALL sorts of discouraging circumstances and heartbreaks before “admitting them””.
And it’s true. As Hill said, those that can’t take it, and most can’t, simply do NOT make the grade.
As for the minority that can?
They are rewarded not just with the success at the goal they are pursuing.
They are also rewarded with the very satisfiying knowledge indeed that “every misfortune, every adversity, carried within it the seed of an equivalent, or greater benefit. Not the FLOWER of full blown success, mind you but the SEED via which the above success may germinate eventually”.
Not mine, and those were two quotes attributed to the great Napoleon,and almost verbatim.
You know you OWN the quote (metamorphically speaking) when it becomes almost a part of you as if you were the one writing it! ?
Just writing this bit reminds me of Ben Settle, world famous copywriter. He once reached such a nadir that he was forced to choose between living in an apartment and his one room office to “save cash” (the latter was a less expensive proposition at the time!).
He’d often times wake up before 4 AM, hit the gym, and then walk the streets until it was time to “go to work” (he didn’t want his office landlord knowing he lived there!).
But it was during those dark times (and I’m pulling this from the article) that the SEEDS for his current SUCCESS were sown. (and no, I don’t get nothing for mentioning the dude here either, in case you’re wondering).
I don’t know him. I’ve just heard of him, and from what I see and read of his writing, he’s got it SPOT ON!
Anyway . . . so, I sold some coffee to carol. And I sent her a picture of me getting my feet massaged (admittedly, I went there for the overall body massage but that’s another story) while she was at work.
While most people are.
And hence the envy.
But it makes no sense to me, my friend.
When I tell people how THEY TOO can do the thing, they balk at the WORK required.
Same thing for fitness.
“You’re naturally fit! You look like a movie star! You have that X shape to you!”
And so forth.
The comment pout forth, and when I Tell these people that I TOO was just like THEM (and indeed every successful person HAS been there) years back, they don’t believe me.
Oh well.
It’s amazing. You are willing to hand hold the person (well, not handhold, but you get the drift) and tell them HOW you did it, but they won’t listen.
And that’s precisely why I stay away from the lookie lous, wanneb’s, and do nothings’, both in terms of life and fitness.
If you’re here taking up space on my list and never ever plan on BUYING anything, my friend, then it’s a waste of time both for me and you to be on it.
Of course, the free stuff provides great value as well, I must say . . .
But really.
If you’re not willing to take the plunge, then you probably never will be, and you don’t need to be on the list – or any list – anyway!
And if “envy” or “how dare he” are your emotions upon reading this, you probably don’t either.
And if you’re feeling like calling me an arrogant, cocky bastard right about now . . . hey, go for it. I’ve been called worse, and I don’t mind at all. ?
But the fact stands, my friend.
Think about that the next time you’re envious of someone’s success. It may just change YOUR life – – for the BETTER!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And yes, I can relate to what Ben Settle went through. Oh YES, I can, and here is a page where I’ve detailed some of it – Gumption Galore.
P.S #2 – Here is where you can pick up some of our products.
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