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Or contracting the COVID for that matter (aka the China plague as I so like to call it).
(because that’s what the darn disease is, a plague that China knowingly and wilfully spread to the ROW – – planned it for years in advance as well, right from 2014 when a certain strain of this mess was first discovered in Saudi Arabia of all places).
From there to Canada, then getting expelled from a lab there, back to China, and now . . . ah!
Don’t get me started my friend.
But past that, a couple of interesting things.
I’ve always told people that I look way younger than I am, and curiously enough I did NOT think this to be true when I first started to say it based upon what others told me.
And yet, it stands true.
99.99% of people would be hard pressed to believe I’m almost 40.
You ?? You look around 25-28 they all say!
Even in mainland China where the foreign devils are usually all “old” . . . (gui lao).
A couple of weeks ago, my wife was asking about none other than the Trumpinator.
Now, for what it’s worth, my wife hates politics of any nature, and the only one reason she noticed Trump is because (as she said) “he’s someone that actually DOES SOMETHING as opposed to sit around and play politics all day”
Tru dat, my friend. So true. And that’s why I keep carping on the fact myself that Trump is the best US president ever not just because of his ACTS as Prez, but because he ain’t no damned politican looking to fill his pockets and nothing more than that (unlike a few past … ah, but I’ll leave it be there!).
“How old is he”, she idly asked.
“74”, I replied.
“Really”, she inquired. “He doesn’t look a day over 50!”
And she’s right. Upon first glance, I would peg Trump at around 55 or so, maybe “55-60” is what I’d say but certainly not 70, and much like the Brigadier General I wrote about in 2018, certainly not way over 70!!
(The same guy that does pull-ups daily – y’all should remember him! ?).
And anyway, whats the point of me saying all this you might ask.
Certainly not #trump2020 (well, maybe a LITTLE ? but not about that, really!).
What doe sthi shave to do with ME, I hear you asking.
Well, good question.
A leftist to the core commentor recently responded to one of my posts on WeShat – China’s premier shitty messaging app.
I believe I posted about it being strange that Trump got the virus, as he’s healthy as a horse and you certainly wouldn’t expect HIM to get the virus would you?
I mean come on! Regardless of politicial affiliation and what not, right off the BAT, does the TRumpinator in any way look or feel like a person likely to contract the China plague?
I think NOT.
“Lol dude you must be crazy. He’s 70 lbs overweight. And you write about fitness!” went the poster. I won’t name him here, but he’s so far anti Trump that he’d probably support the PRC if they invaded the US tomorrow.
Won’t happen obviously, but really, that’s how far to the left he is, and if you think I’m going too far by branding the dude a traitor, well, guess what.
SEVERAL FOLKS have come up to me privately and told me he’s sold out, and the EXACT SAME DAMNED thiong!
Pity, and it’s pathetic to be honest.
Anyway, that aside, whats interesting is this. . .
That dude’s not necessarily WRONG.
And he sure ain’t RIGHT either.
Let me explain.
When yours truly was way, way overweight (I’ve made no secret of that have I, hehe, as I have NOT made a secret of how QUICK the 0 Excuses Fitness system will get your fat, lazy ass in shape if you just LET it work it’s SHEER MAGIC!) I did pull-ups daily.
I followed an exercise regimen which to be honest would have floored most Crossfitters, and certainly most gym goers, pumpers, toners, etc.
Try doing 500 pushups a day for 30 days straight my friend, in proper form. It ain’t easy, I’ll tell ya that!
And not to mention pull-ups etc.
There is a damned good reason I have a FAT ME on the cover of my books on pull-ups (well, the INITIAL and most successful book).
And . . . the reason I was fat then was way less conditioning than I should have, and of course too much GORGING on my wife’s (admittedly delicious) home cooking, and of course, too much beer. Hehe.
But I still had that vitality about me. Folks would still tell me my stuff was inspirational. Motivational. That it got them off their ass. That I said it like it is. That I inspire millions!
And I do, of course, and I’m damned glad to be in a position where I can DO SO!
And Donald trump, my friend, has the same damned vitality about him, and then some.
Sometimes, it ain’t just he excess weight.
You gotta look at the overall PICTURE!
And the overall picture with him ?
20 hour workdays for one. ENERGY Laced TWEETS that make you stop and take notice. A travel schedule that would kill the average 20 year old within a week.
And all that isn’t even getting started for the man occupying the top office and top job in the world, and very deservedly so.
Look, man.
When you look at Trump, you FEEL a certain something come off him!
The first impressions DO count!
And his VITALITY is what makes him healthy. And it’s no coincidence that his vital signs are all perfectly fine (wasn’t really the case with me when I was FAT).
And of course, his body type.
Trump’s first impression is that of a SOLID character. That LOOK about him!
That SOLID, “get her done” look (same thing I get from Mike Pompeo when I see him!)
“He’s a solid character!” as I say in Shoulders like Boulders (hey, true comments – what can I say!!).
And his weight is evenly spread all over his body unlike yours truly (when he was fat).
My weight was mostly around the midsection, the dreaded pear shape (although it might not look that way) and so when I’m in shape – I look SUPER. When I’m not, the same thing applies except in reverse (though people still told me otherwise, hehe. Apparently Charles for one thought my lard ass looked “thick”: – and he’s probably both right and wrong too!!).
And that’s really the nub of it.
It ain’t an excuse to be overweight. No way, Jose. I’d be a fraud if I told you that!
It ain’t an excuse to be complacent. None of the above!
But fact is, sometimes, and most of the times, the overall picture is what counts!
Chew on that a while, and let me know your thoughs my friend.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – More on this on social media, including my initial post on this and dude’s response etc, but for now, I wish the Prez, the BEST DAMNED PRez EVER a very speedy recovery, and I’m sure he will recover soon! We ALL need him to lead the world from the FRONT as he has been for a while. Godspeed Sir!!
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