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Making a career out of it. And, being “different”.
And “useless”. And a “shame to everyone”. And the black skeleton. (albeit a healthy one, hehe).
And the etneral guy who “how dares he” (especially one with zero “ambition” eh).
How dare I. I know. 😉 And I’ve written up a post before just onthat (I believe it was also sent out to my email list, but I ain’t 100% sure …).
Now, point of saying this?
Well, a lot of the hate and angst I get from my haters (which I love!) isn’t so much because of “what I do”.
Its because of HOW I do things.
It’s because I say it like it IS, no punches pulled (something the bozos can’t handle when the shoe is on the other foot).
It’s because I actually DID something with my life as opposed to some of other nimrods out there content to stuff Cheetos down their throats while trolling away on the phone in Mama’s basement (while claming they go to “Oxford” for one).
But most of all, it’s the “how dare he” thinking.
When you look at people of Indian origin, or Indians, or those from the subcontinent, lets face it.
Fitness isn’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind is it? 😉
Hey, before you scream “racism”, think about it.
You think MONEY, perhaps. You DEFINITELY do think “smart guy (or girl!”
And some of you perhaps make the “IT association”.
Ditto with when you see Chinese or those of Asian origin. My first thoughts when I see females of Asian origin for one aren’t the much trotted out stereotype about “how submissive they are”
If actually, it’s the exact opposite, and thats what I see, and thats why I have a whole another … ah, but let’s leav that be for now. 😉
Ditto for any other race, or nationality, or whatever.
We all have those “misconceptions” (well, most of us) – or perhaps you could call it “first thoughts based upon experience and fact which are sometimes true, sometimes not”.
I don’t for the most part, but thats only becaus eI’ve trained my m ind to look at the PERSON, and nothing else.
But anyway, a lot of the hate is because I do precisely what I’m not expected to.
Run a business (several)
Become and continue to be a fitness MACHINE at the age where (half the age actually) most just flat out give up.
Because of my “communication skills” (how dare he speak English that well, I can hear ’em say!).
One good pal of mine (or so he thought) made the following comment in jest (partly about me).
“Welcome the latest entrant to the ole boys club” (and the way in which he said it, well … and he still doesnt know I know he said that).
Moving on from that, another person I deeply respect and ADMIRE said the following about me.
“you’re not like most persons I know that are of Indian origin or from India!”
(Paraphrasing the gist of what he said).
And he’s right, of course.
Some love it.
Most hate it.
And I’ve made a career out of it. Hehe. So can you, my friend, but that ain’t the point.
The point here is fitness.
And sometimes, doing what you least expect can get you the BEST results, and how.
For instance, did you know that the trick to getting better at pull-ups, better than you ever imagined in your wildest dreams lies not so much in doing pull-ups or grip strength as something else?
Something right infront of your very eyes.
Something that you KNOW, and yet diss as being ‘useless’.
And something that has been mentioned galore in the book on it, both the books actually …
Or, that doing LESS can sometimes get you MORE?
Or, and …
You get the point!
And you know whats the most satisfying?
The results from living life this way – and doin gBIZ this way, and watching their jaws drop when they “find out”, hehe.
I’ll have more on this later. For now, it’s adios from this “ole boy” (how dare I, I know! ;)) and I’ll get back to you SOON!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – HERE is where you can pick up that course on shoulders (for those of you that have asked after the last email) – – Shoulders like Boulders.
PS #2 – And if you’re SUPER ADVANCED and really want the REAL DEAL, Doug Hepburn like MAMMOTH SHOULDERS And strength toboot – pick up Battletank Shoulders my friend. For the rest of you though, the above course will do JUST FINE.
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