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In a post or so prior to this one, I believe I wrote about “the Universe talking to us”.
Being that site #4 I have is currently down for a certain reason that should go (and will go) unexplained here, hehe (but will be up soon) I’ve been doing a lot of writing on this one, a LOT. An dI can’t remember which one.
(Actually, to be honest, I’ve done my writing for the other sites too. Just a matter of getting it up on #4, and …)
Anyway, just saw the following on my phone (remember how them things can almost “predict” our thoughts?? Remember the post on that one??)
“Gallery Romantic Love Video” added in Status.
God knows what video, and what status…
I think it’s a free software I have on my phone, or something, but anyway, if there ever a sign from the Universe to write what I am about, it is this!
Many years ago, yours truly “fell in love”.
Some may argue for “once”. Some may argue “again”.
Some may argue “never”. Hehe.
But despite any and all of that, yours truly’s first thought was to (naturally) cohabitate together and see how it went from there.
The girl was a different bent of mind though. And smart, too (from a certain angle, if you think about it!).
She wanted to do the same thing, but marry.
Yours truly agreed. After all, what difference could a piece of paper make eh.
And while that was one of the worst decisions – as well as BEST decisions I’ve ever taken (i know, sounds strange eh, hehe) – would Igo back and change anything about it?
Probably NOT.
Definitely NOT, actually … (and for those of you guys clamoring that “marriage” isn’t really all that “different from where we’re at now” – well – be warned. The littlest of things (seemingly so) do make a huge huge difference!).
If you want me to explain ,let me know. And I’ll do so. But it’s outside the scope of this email.
For now, just know its true and a FACT, much like the Sun rising in the East daily is . . .
And the same way, would I change a damn thing about my admittedly sloppy and rubbish fitness methods back in the day?
For instance, the pumping and toning and “Weightlifting at home” that I did back in the day in China?
As I got bigger, I also got fatter.
I could barely climb a flight of stairs with groceries in my hand without puffing up a storm.
I couldn’t run around the block without breaking a sweat.
Despite my forearms growing in size and a certain (for one!) “Henry Wong” marveling at the size, they didnt necessarily get any stronger.
Not wrt the size at least.
Now, point in all this?
I’m getting to that, sweetheart. Hang on!
Ever hear of the “seven year itch”?
Apparently its the point at which any and all romantic feeling in a “traditional” marriage (man and woman, as you and I know it, hehe) completely flies out the window?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I can hear people jumping up and down in rage. How dare I say it!
But it’s a term thats been coined for a reason.
In Napoleon Hill’s “Laws of Success”, he writes and rightly so that if you study married couples married for 10 years at a stretch or longer (5 or more by today’s standards!) then you would be hard pressed to find even the smallest hint of that whch we call “love”.
But no-one could NOT find and notice the “usefulness” (in a practical sense) of husband to wife, and wife to husband.
Unsexy, unromatic, but it works.
Fitness wise, same thing.
Slogging up that hill was a chore at times.
Certainly no pump n tone walk in the park in an airconditioned home or gym …
Especially not when it was hot and humid out there in the middle of the day duiring climb #5, or when I was soaked to the bone in grade III thunderstorms … with trees falling around me no less.
Doing 100 pull-ups per day hasn’t exactly always been “joyful” either.
It’s something you do daily.
Make a habit out of.
Much like kissing your SO every morning whether you feel romantic or not …
Much like brushing your teeth, actually, or writting these daily emails.
Practice does make perfect.
And Practice done long term is like, well, a “successful” or what most people term it as “marriage”.
Meeting of the minds my arse, hehe.
Anyway, thats enough ramble from me. To get on the very best damned fitness system on the PLANET, click on over right here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Here is another interesting book from way, way back int he day … Fast and Furious Fitness. The first, and the only one still being offered in paperback (note – the site offers it in ebook format, but if you want the physical version, lemme know!) .
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