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There is a reason the hashtag #strengthandconditoning is one of the most popular fitness related ones on Twitter, for one.
And most other social media.
But for the life of me, I don’t get it. I don’t understand why more people don’t jump on to the strength and condioning band wagon – big time!
You see the roid monsters at the gym pumping massive weights claiming it’ll build strength.
Perhaps to an extent, and in some wierd ways it DOES build strength and of course the “beach boy look”.
Then you have the average Joe doing the same (except with less poundage strapped on) but worrying about “going for my runs four times a week”.
Or similar cardio done for a set duration for set number of times per week …
You see, you have to get your cardio in!
Now, none of this is necessarily a “bad” approach to training.
And it might even work to a degree.
But whats ‘not bad ‘ can always be made BETTER my friend.
And why wouldn’t you want a workout that not only accomplishes both strength training and conditioning, that all important conditioning and fat loss in ONE workout?
A workout that would not only free up a lot of time for you “busy folks” out there to watch more TV, and get on more social media, and perhaps pound more cold ones at the end of the day, or whatever else you so choose to do …
Por ejempelo, SPRINTS instead of “squats.
Uphill sprints preferably, but if you don’t have hills around subway stairs or even flat land does just well.
And you don’t even need to do ’em more than three times a week!
These are exactly the sort of workouts I mention in Advanced Hill Traning for one. I don’t advocate doing ’em daily. I did, but at that time I wasn’t doing much else in my life but training and writing BOOKS – and righ tnow, I am, and you probably are too!
Or, let’s say pull-ups.
Pull-ups will build strength like nothing else, especially if done along with pushups.
If you can do handstand pushups, so much more so the better.
But regular pushups and pull-ups are an oldie but goodie that is often ignored, and will get the heart thumping like never before.
And even if youd o just pull-ups … if you do ’em right, you CAN get cardio in while doing them!!
Thats another secret I reveal (and the how) in the advanced book on pull-ups.
Or pushups, for that matter. 100 pushups a day will get you sweating like a racehorse if done right – trust me!
So why wouldn’t you want workouts like these that build a ton of strength – – and lung power to boost?
I don’t know about you – but if I had an all in one workout that would give me that all important boost of strength – along with conditioning – then I know which I’d choos ewhen compared to wasting hours and hours in the gyms, on the pavements and what not!
I’ve given you the choices up there. There are more HERE.
The rest, my friend, is truly up to YOU.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember to pick up the elementary course on pull-ups (for those of that are struggling to do even a single pull-up) right HERE: – https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/
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