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Actually I could say “five things”. Or “ten”. Or perhaps a bazillion.
But we’ll just sum it up as follows.
“What the average Joe or Jane likes – or the average bozo follows – or … what the sheeple does … or the “herd mentality” thinking” …
I think you get the picture, and a lot of things can be included in this!
But for now, lets stick to TWO that come off the top of my “here” brain (and believe me, do a search on the site and you’ll find plenty of other things too! ;-)).
One being “no response” to a discussion.
Usually started by another person …
And the other being idiotic meaningless “audio” messages (which have apparently become all the rage these days with dumb phones and what not”.
And into that I’d tie in people ignoring one side of the conversation, selective reading (or listening – as Denzel so famously said “you’re listening, but you didnt hear mE!”) and of course Bozo like comments on “here, this video solves everything!”
Of course, my hatred for VIDEOS of any nature is well known!
And it’s of course opposite to what 99.9% of the populace wants, of course.
We all love videos. Let’s face it. I don’t, but most others do, because it’s brainless, let’s someone else do the thinking … and …
Even Donald Trump, one of the smartest marketers alive today understands the importance of video marketing, hehe.
Yours truly?
Well, after the barrage of videos I created for 0 Excuses Fitness, and a few others, I did precisely ZERO for myself.
(Edit – thank you, Cindy! I’m glad we’re stillt alking, and my cranky comments the other day didn’t “repel” you, hehe. But then again, you know my “caveman” style better than most! 😉 Or you’d never have taken the videos, hehe. I miss those days tho. Was fun wasn it? ;-))
Despite marketing for a client who created videos damn near daily .. And he was pretty good at ’em!
For me, it’s about finding what suits me though.
And creating a biz on my own terms, or several. Out of my bedroom. IN the “darkness” of my “man cave”.
And so I have.
Even nonchalant whistles outside annoy the heck out of me, as I prefer to trulyu be left alone. Maybe the Himalayas would be my next stop? 😉
Anyway, back to it.
Audio notes for one.
I cannot for the life of me understand why, for instance, you’d need long rambling audios to say what can be in ONE sentence, or less.
Or not type out what can be, and just “say it”.
Sometimes it’s a good thing to do. Don’t get me wrong. Words in black and white are often misinterpreted, but for the most part, it’s an annoying habit to have.
End of the day, all biz deals, or discussions for that matter are conducted, as ole Freddie once said “we need to put it in WRITING!” (that was, I believe, one of the reasons he hired me back in the day though neither he or I probably consciously knew it, in addition to my IT skills) are conducted via the WRITTEN medium
And of course, the next thing is …
We are having a conversation, and all of a sudden the other person goes SILENT.
Hey, we are even having a conversation via voice (because apparently “text” didnt get my point across).
As my buddy Alan perhaps rightly say “Jesus, Rahul! That long, long text message of yours”.
Great guy, but he was right perhaps. Hehe.
Other hand, yours truly LIKES LONG.
So despite all the marketing advice to the contrary I continue to write LONG emails that I could and do sell. In fact as of now, the Fitness Pioneer series could probably run to five volumes instead of the one it’s at it if I so choose!
Anyway, the “silent” part.
Followed by “I dont know much about this”.
When you’ve done all you can to explain repeatedly.
IT makes me gnash my teeth! Hehe.
But really, and thats why I keep my circle tiny, and hardly ever “get on the phone” with ANYONE.
Perhaps good buddies yes. But most of the time, no …
It just ANNOYS me. I mean we all have the Internet for Christ’s sake, so if we really care about something (other than the videos) we’d find the time to …
Ah, but there I go again.
This email is guaranteed, of course, to not just as I say (knock your socks off) but also annoy the heck out of most reading, so for you fine folks (believe me, YOU are in the MAJORITY there!) the unsubscribe link is right where it should be.
At the bottom of every email, and yes, it does require you to READ other than send me nonsenical emails to the tune of “go away”.
Thats #3 by the way.
People that get annoyed at me and say “Go away! Just go away!”
Usually when they have NO REBUTTAL to what yours truly is saying on a logical level, and for some reason it seems to happen in mainland China a lot, hehe.
Anyway, enough on that.
Something else that annoys me no end is thos ethat get on the list, and keep staying on it for FREEBIES.
IF thats you, you know what to do.
And if thats not you, well, congratulations on joining the most select group ever my friend.
I look forward to welcoming you aboard!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – YES – that “one time” yearly membership comes with FREE access to ALL our products! Truly a “value deal” if there ever WAS one …
PS #2 – Something else, you ask? AS I post this, I remember. I was going to say it above, but it’s those that “ask me something”, and when I Respond (remember, I don’t make statements unless they’re true or I stand behind them 100%!!) they’re “like” “well, I don’t think so!” or … “I don’t believe it!” (and yet, those things end up HAPPENING). Ugggggggggh. OK, if you think I’m an idiot, wouldn’t it be better just not to ASK in the first place? Mindblowing my friend!
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