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I dont know what the world is coming to. Or has, for that matter.
We have a dastardly terror attack in France where an attacker, ostensibly a Muslim went berserk and attacked several people with a knife and apparently ended up beheading a woman as well …
… all because “he” (and his community in general) was “offended” at some caricatures by an official or someone a few days ago.
To be quite frank, I dont know the details behind the caricature, as I’ve stopped reading this “I get offended easily” nonsense a while back.
And the only reason I noticed it was the attacks (which is probably why the attackers did what they did as well, to get the world to sit up and notice their madness).
Just terrible.
But what is even more terrible is former PM’s of certain countries, Malaysia to be one saying that “the attacks were OK because France killed millions of Muslims before” (this was just one in a series of highly idiotic and inane tweets the former PM issued).
And just in, Egypts current PM made the following gem of a statement.
“Muslims have the right to not have their feelings hurt”.
At which point I just turned off the sh-news. Or should I say closed the browser.
I mean, there is (or is there??) a LIMIT to how ridiculous things can get in all regards??
Sure, political correctness has never been anything new, at least not in the recent past.
Everyone and their mama gets offended by something.
But guess what.
The “offense” is generally caused by people pointing it out like it IS.
Saying it like it IS.
And not backing down from doing the same (although the people in that category seem to be a dwindling minority to be fair).
All summed up pretty nicely to a reaction or two I got on social sh-media from the posts I made on it.
One guy posted a long (somewhat) rant (and every bit true!) about how silly leftist immgration policies from the very countries Trump once famously derided as “shithole countries” (and he was right in the sense he said it) are causing all these problems.
No problem – except he deleted it right afte r- and posted something slightly “less offensive”.
Ditto for the other commentor.
My reaction to the first was … “Well, like you said … “.
And he DID say it. !! He just had second thoughts about it ..
It’s simple, my friend.
Legal immigration usually and most always BENEFITS the country in question (to whch the person is immigrating).
Wave upon wave of asylum seekers and illegal immigrants from imporverished nations with a “chip on their shoulders or several” is quite another.
And the proof is in the pudding. Need I say more?
Now, yours truly doesnt believ ein religion. Period.
But I’m not above saying “Jesus Jumping Christ on a pogo stick” (or similiar statements) when the “urge” hits me or when I feel the need to.
IF I said the equivalent of that w.r.t say the “Hindu” religion?
Or islam?
OR any other?
I mean, really.
Goose and gander folks.
Good news though is this (for most of you on this list anyway) – yours truly has never ever bowed down to the pressure to be politically correct and/or say white lies every once in a while.
Could be not and never accepting blame for emails I had NO PART in (regardless of the consequences).
Could be calling the one and only Bozo Scofield out for what he is … (and quite frankly, I dont think even the easily offended got offended by that. Most are tittering as we speak).
Could be anything, really.
Could be me NOT shying away from saying big guys can do pull-ups, but FAT GUYS usually cannot, and NOT being apologetic about it (or hand holding, and listening to sob stories about “I’m too stressed to lose weight” and such BS).
I mean, whatever.
You either do it, or you don’t.
And if that causes the politically correct lot to hit unsubscribe, I quite honestly don’t give a rip.
Really speaking, what the world needs is WAY LESS of political correctness that is being imposed upon peopel globally, and yours truly for one will do everything he can and then some to buck the trend.
As he always does.
As he’s made a career out of, hehe.
Anyway, thats enough on that. To get your hands on probably the most politically INCORRECT fitness ways out there (but one that works, no questions asked) – go right HERE.
I look forward to welcoming you aboard!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And no, if you’re fat, you’re fat my friend. Big doesnt mean fat. Fat doesnt mean big either. Thats just how it is for the scores of people that keep writing in to complain about it …
PS #2 – Pull-ups, you say? We got you covered. Click on over right HERE …
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