Why, Rahul. Why!!

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Tee hee. Chucke muckle. Snicker wicker and so forth …

And every time I get a question to the tune of the above, usually a moronic question that the person asking could answer themselves (that goes for most “whys” I’m asked normally, including the most moronic question I KEEP getting asked, and I KEEP IGNORNING is “why China of all countries isn’t necessarily as strong either militarily or economically as they’re painted out to be”).

I mean, gee whiz.

Google, my friend ( if you’re too blase to see the bloody obvious for one…).

But really.

A long time ago, yours truly joined that job.

A sum total of six months later, and plenty of beer down the gullet yours truly was fired through a “third party” who I won’t name here.

History repeats itself, if you let it.

Yours truly worked part time for the employer afte that, and enjoyed it for the most part.

And then due to whatever silly persuasion or reason yours truly DITCHED (again!) what worked for him in the past, and badgered his prior employer to take him on full time.

Well, I didnt really badger him.

I Asked him once, and I asked the third party a couple of times.

They did.

Within a couple of months, yours truly was very uncermeniously “almost fired”.

I did them the favor of not having to do it by walking out myself shortly thereafter.

History repeated itself.

I Worked part time for these guys, again.

And enjoyed it!

Thankfully that was about as far as it got.

And my then “wife” (or “S.O” as she sometimes called me, or the local language equivalent thereof – she was none too happy with a lot of my decisions either at that point, but we had money in the bank and yours truly had about half or less the foresight he does now, and didnt care, and … ah, but where was I?)had this to say about all this.

“He’s never handled anyone like you before”.

“He doesnt know how to handle you”.

He wasn’t the only one …

He joined pretty much every other employer I’ve had whose either put up with me as long as they could (or in the case above, as the results literally POURED IN) … and when “enough was enough”, they wearily fired me.

With that look of “righteousness” and the unsaid “Why, Rahul. Why”.

Actually, it was the first question my then boss (ex boss) asked me after canning me the first time.

“Rahul, why did youdo this”

His second in command (who was brought into the mix the next time around) had this to say.

“Rahul, everything else is forgivable! But not this! You were a pillar!”

And on went the righteousness. Snicker.

Why do I snicker.

Well, it’s mentioned in the 10 Commandments of Succesful Sales in GORY detail for one.

But in short, all I was doing was trying to get a better deal for myself based upon the very real results I gave the company.

When I wasn’t getting it, I naturally rebelled.

“In between” person #1 chided me often ruefully.

“You’ll never find a job like this one again!”

Hmmm. Maybe he was right .I love those guys, and I probably won’t find a job like it again. I enjoyed every bit of those few months leading up to catastrophe in Sep 2008 (oddly enough around the same time that Lehmann Brothers crashed, as it were).

And neither would I want to, or find a job for that matter.

Haven’t for ages.

And probably never ever will (ok, 2016 for a few months was an exception but that was another story altogether).

Anyway, brings me to another point.

Bozo Scofield’s most recent rant at me had the title line of “Why”.

Rahul, why, he wailed.


Funniest part is he knows well enough why.

And the irony is that it’s a question he and a lot of others should be asking themselves, really.

Why kill the golden goose as I ask in the book (well, I know why, but it don’t make no sense, really).

Why start trolling a person that didnt ever say one bad word about you?

(Well, I know. Because thats what el trollo’s do, but hey … snicker.).

And so forth.

Most of the people that hate my guts have this to say … WHY.

And they get no answer.

And the amount they bang their heads on the wall trying to get an answer that they pretty much know themselves never ever fails to amuse me no end …

(NB – the best “firing” I got was from a job I never worked at. Major General Michael had this to say to me and Uncle Bob (no longer with us) …

“Right now Michael, Rahul and Bob are the only ones who have access to admin rights on the site.

I unlocked the thread, and someone locked it back up again.

This is not a pissing contest.Can you piss FARTHER THAN ME? (replete wth images emphasizing the same)

You are both FIRED as Site Admins and Major generals … (to emphasize his point he used red colors and many others, hehe).

Public notice to follow shortly.

If you have issues with this, please feel free to flame me publicly!

Major General Michael sends with best Regards”

Now, the context behind this was Dongguan Expat, a site Michael and myself admistered, and , well … a lot that I won’t get into here.

And the Major General (not reall,y hehe) and myself were drunk. Myself too much so to even notice this until the next morning until Uncle Bob did and told me.

(I believe I was at one of those infamous company “annual dinners”. Ugh, you might say, but this one was fun actually, especially with a certain lady “V” and the dance she did…)

(I’ll write about “V” later, hehe).

Let’s just say V for Valentine.

But anyway, I love Michael. Like a brother. Perhaps thats why yours truly chose the English name “Michael” when he had to! (or decided to).

And that was an apt response given the situation as opposed to the “hands wringing” “why, Rahul why” a bozo would no doubt have uttered.

Ah, the frustration.

Anyway, crowning glory in all this?

Is that yours truly has been there.

Yes, I know the frustration. Gotta know how it feels to market it and all that (I know, I know).

But it’s the same way I feel, for instance, when I look at people that can’t do their first pull-up for instance, and keep struggling – and yet refuse to follow my pulling ways, instead preferring to moan and groan about the utterly useless lat pulldown machine.

Or those that can’t lose weight because they’re too lazy, and yet when told how to without change in diet, won’t do it.

So I feel ya, Bozo Scofield and the rest.

I feel your frustration.

But really, you know why. 😉

Admit thy errors, grasshopper, and I might just … ah, but thats a tale for another time!

For now, it’s adios. And I’ll be back soon with more!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Sometimes the best answer to “why” is the Chinese way i.e. “no why!”

Why does my fitness system work so well (as well as I say it does?)?

No why, pal.

Just get on the damn program and just DO it.

(but be warned; it isn’t for the easily offended or politically correct, especially not with a few of the “same gender” bathroom jokes I made in the video. Cindy didnt care but some might …)

I’ll see you there! (on board, grasshopper!).

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