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The words still ring out in my mind …
“Youve got no ambition! You’ll never make anything of yourself (or haven’t!)”
I’ve heard this SO often from the people supposed to be closest to me, and the exact same reverse from people you wouldn’t think are anywhere NEAR close to me …
… and I’ve written about this before, of course. Galore, and many a times !
And this isn’t so much about bringing this piece of the past up, as another.
In 2005, I believe (I know – I have the memory of an elephant), hehe, yours truly was young and wild.
Yours truly DID NOT understand the meaning and import of “hide your strength and bide your time” (I still don’t for the most part, hehe, but I’ve improved as I get closer to 40!).
As I have my fitness too! 😉
I didn’t understand either back then that sometimes it was better to concede the battle, and win the war.
And that sometimes, just sometimes, you’re on the wrong end of an argument.
And so I was, as “Quasimodo” told me in an irritated manner (or I believe he told the forum owner)…
“Alright, mate (when asked to stop debating the topic)”.
“But really. Why does Rahul always have to have the last word?”
Well, in THAT instance, I was WRONG.
But when Bozo Schofield, and a host of other bozos out there get pissed off at me doing so, it’s usually jealousy and their own laziness speaking and displaying itself to the world.
Hey, no-one stoppe dthe Bozo from creating his own site and products, did they?
Not that I am aware of.
We all make choices in life, and we live by those choices.
Live by the sword, and DIE by it has always been my maxim. All I’ve done as of late is to mix sensiblity in them, to minimize risk and maximize gain (profit!).
Now, what on earth I BE talking about, you might be thinking.
IS that the ULTRA competitive, UBER COMPETITIVE spirit was always there in me.
In school, I HAD To be the guy that would cut class the most. Hehe.
I HAD to be the strongest guy – except I didnt know how to!
In college, I still remember a friend of mine (Vincent) saying to me “Rahul, you can’t be the best in the gym!”
(This was back when the two of us were taking “PE 101” or some garbage from a Spandex wearing cute instructor who said she’d “get me pumped” – and yours truly was so irritated he walked out, and dropped the class RIGHT THERE AND THEN).
HA! Little did Madam know .. but again, she was cute. I’ll give her that. Hehe.
And therein lies the point bro.
ALWAYS HANG OUT WITH PEOPLE that areBETTER THAN YOU, and MAKE something better of yourself, each and every single DAY.
Doesnt necessarily gotta be workouts.
Could be LIFE.
Could be relationships.
Could be anything.
But the point begets!
And on that note, I’ll have the last word again, hehe.
Back soon! (for more last words! ;)).
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – HERE is where you can get on Pushup Central – truly a course that makes MEN out of BOYS and then some, as ALL my courses do!
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