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Perhaps one of the reasons that I ultimately became the “bodyweight GURU” as many people say I is that I was the exact opposite when starting out.
Or, I should say I never got any push to DO what I truly wanted, then got frustrated, and never did, and …
From having a pull-up bar installed, but no-one teaching me how to use it, from being told to “lift pink dumbbells for strength” from a person that has never done any meaningful exercise in his life himself, and from being roundly beat up at school most of the time (but somehow I still got the gals, hehe ;)) – perhaps thats why? ;)) … yours truly was the LAST PERSON anyone expected to become what he did.
And thats one reason I’m so roundly hated in certain circles, and why I love the hate.
But really, if your MIND is working and you have a purpose, and you GO AFTER IT, you’ll get it.
Let me tell you the tale of “Baby Halder”, a maid in India’s upper class homes (I read this in the New York Times a while ago when she became a bestselling author for a book she wrote).
Let me tell you this as well, being a “maid” in India isn’t like being a “paid by the hour” maid inthe US, or perhaps other locales.
It’s more like indentured servitude with zero rights, and you’re humiliated every step of the way.
India,and people in India on the whole still for whatever reason have a morbid fascination with their household help and lording it over them …
… and so the practice continues.
(No, I ain’t interested in changing the world for those that wil no doubt ask).
As Denzel said …
“Yeah. Right. Changing the goddamn world!”
And he was right.
Spot on.
My point is this, despite the many years of humiliation and the immense hardships she endured, she finally, by luck or crook or chance found a kind employer who noticed her writing down “scribblings” in her spare time.
He recognized the raw talent.
Encouraged her to nurture it.
The rest is history.
Indeed, those of us that accomplish the most go through the exact opposite first!
Recall the quote from Christ/Edison having to surpass all but insurmountable obstacles.
(from Napoleon Hill’s “Outwitting the Devil”).
It’s true!
And fitness wise, same thing.
If you’re 50 lbs overweight, and get called out for it – channel the humiliation my friend.
Channel the “impotent rage” and make it a very potent fire indeed.
And once you light a FIRE under your desires, watch out how the world STANDS by – and let you pass!
Truly the best thing I’ve said all day, and the last word too? Hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Here is the workout system that will light a RAMPANT Aussie BUSHFIRE under your ass – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
PS #2 – Speaking of fire? Fat burning courses are what the doc ordered for many of ya’ll and Doctor Rahul “el cranko” gives you his very best at in Advanced Hill Training. Check it out – NOW!
PPS – Some may ask why “Baby” didnt just out and tell her employers to “piss off”. (yours truly has thrown fits for way less, hehe). Well, she had no choice. She couldn’t say it. It was all bottled out … but she hid her strengths, and bided her time, and when it came out … oh .. BOY!
Enough said, eh. Hehe. On many fronts …
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