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It never fails to amuse me when people look at me accusingly in a “pseudo knowing manner” (at a time and place of THEIR choosing and convenience, when the other person can’t reply) and claim yours truly was a problem child.
“You’ve not been an easy child to raise”, went the moan.
Of course, the problems only happened because I was headstrong and despite everything else, somehow found a way to NOT do what I wanted to …
… and this “headstrong” nature persisted into adult hood, and then some.
As did the memory of an elephant.
It’s funny.
The very people who call me an idiot expect the most out of me!
In school, getting 98% plus was never enough.
“Oh, we all thought you could do better at Math!”
In LIFE, being the first anyone “in the family” to do something, whether it be sales, go to China on my OWN STEAM – or write books – or even start businesses and FAIL MISERABLY at them and yet start BACK UP again time and time again… it was neve rquite “enough”.
Apparently being the first lawyer in the family was a big deal, but none of th eother things were, because I was the wrong “gender” to be praised, hehe.
And of course, I didnt “sit in the office” in a Bozo like manner, twiddling my thumbs with nothing to do.
One the mantras of success I’ve always followed is this my friend.
(and it could be workouts, it could be writing, it coul dbe anything)
(could even be getting it on in the sack, hehe).
It is this.
Reserve the first couple of hours of the day, which is when you’re typically the freshest for yourself.
For YOUR things.
And so forth (and amidst all the babel of daily life, people forget to do this, and those that do …)
(As far as the “problem child” goes, its interesting how the focus never ends up on the parents eh. Always the child’s fault. All my fault, as my wife loves to say too, and I love hearing, hehe).
Anyway, that mantra.
Reserve the first coupla hours out of each day for yourself.
Make sure you get your workout in FIRST.
The world can wait, my friend.
We can only take care of ANYONE once we take care of ourselves – FIRST!
Same thing for business.
If you value your business, and whatever it is you do in life – you give it priority over ALL.
You wake up first thing in the morning and start to get after it!
And if you’re the problem child, you do it all day, hehe.
And if you’re the bodyweight exercise guru, fitness fanatic, and a lot more, you make sure to pop out sets of 10 handstand pushups throughout the day on occasion! 😉
Between my writing that is.
And thats another key to staying supremely fit and strong as the years fly past.
More on this later – back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – HERE is where you can pick up the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
PS #2 – Herein lieth a very, very important lesson in terms of “failing at something and NOT giving up”. Apply it to handstand pushups, that holy grail of bodyweight exercise, and see how you do! 😉
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