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The great Steve Jobs was an achiever of yore, and highest order and firm believer in following his GUT.
That yours truly does too, and lives his life by, and that EVERY person that has achieved anything of worthwhile and lasting note has.
As my buddy once told me “if your gut tells you, then 9 times out of 10 it is right”.
And I’ve lived my entire life based upon gut, of course, which is probably why people don’t “get it” (or what they don’t “get” about me).
No plans?
Well, there IS a grand plan but as Napoleon Hill said in “Outwitting the Devil”, isnt it better to leave the making of the plans to a POWER that knows a hell of a lot more about them plans than us “mortals”?
(Paraphrased, but you get the gist).
Anyway, all great men have their quirks. And unique ways of “relaxing”.
Steve Jobs, amongst other things dipped his feet in the toilet water in the company toilets to “relax”.
Hope you aren’t reading this while drinking your morning tea or coffee ( I was – the former. UGH!).
But all great men have their quirks.
Jobs had many that didn’t particularly endear him to his colleagues or family.
His quick temper for one. Perfectionism (which I can relate to). Making sure that every little detail, even those that customers don’t normally “see” are perfect. I can relate, again.
But putting bare feet up on company desks etc … nah. I wouldn’t subject my co-workers or colleagues to that, hehe.
Sittin in the lotus position while in a meeting?
Well, ain’t nothing “wrong” with that in my not so humble opinion.
The advanced book on pull-ups contains a style of pull-ups which, believe it or not and you can put it in Ripley’s if you don’t, hehe, which is done in this position.
Might seem impossible, but it gives you a groin workout from HELL for one.
And more.
Anyway, yours truly has gone for plenty of “foot baths” in China.
Somewhat relaxing I suppose. Foot massages are great I guess for those that like them or achy feet or what not but despite all miles and miles I walked daily, mine never did.
I’d rather a good OVERALL BODY PUMMELLING, hehe. And I got that quite often as well …
I should say I GET it quite often. Hehe.
Anyway, point begets.
We have all our own unique ways of relaxing.
Mine is to get in my man cave, write, do my own thang.
Drink a few beers.
Anything but NOT be disturbed with inane nonsense, Mama and wife fights (speaks tomes as to why, like Mr T said, I LIVE AND TRAIN – ALONE!) and so forth …
And of course, TRAINING.
The first thing, or three things I did when I got up this morning and was done with brushing my teeth etc?
Is to make tea, and jump straight into a) static handstands. And b) advanced pull-ups.
I was supposed to jump straight into Volume 2 of a new book (that I just got done writing Volume 1 for yesterday), but GUT said no.
Gut said “get her done” while the rest of the world BE SLEEPING.
So you’re ahead of the pack when you start.
And so goes it, my friend.
All for now. I’ve got a bit of kink in my right shoulder from all the writing. Bear crawls time!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Bear crawls, you ask? Well, animal like workouts are some of the BEST workout you can get my friend. Trust me on this one. Pick up the BEST course on this now – Animal Kingdom Workouts. Lots of exercises and workouts for you to choose from, the bear crawl is only ONE (but a goodie nonetheless).
PS #2 – Don’t forget to check out “Pull-ups – – from STUD to SUPER STUD” while you’re at it. Only for you SUPER STUDS out there though. Not for everyone this one!
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