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Well, well, well.
If there’s SOMETHING I well and truly wanna drop from my life other than the blasted plague that China spread, it’s WinDOZE.
And other names I can’t or won’t come up with now …
I dont know why, but windows while always been extremely buggy and annoying to a T has gotten EVEN more annoying in 2020.
My damned computer has crashed not once, twice, but THRICE.
And I lost data the first two times. The vast majority of which was all backed up, but still, it’s a pain to re-download and set everything up all the time!
As I’m sur eyou’d agree.
And right after I finally managed to get Animal Kingdom Workouts done in July or so I believe, third crash.
(getting THAT book uploaded was a nightmare. My computer just wouldn’t WORK).
And then Isometric and Flexbility Training … well, lets just say draft 1 DISAPPEARED.
I redid it, of course.
Much like Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts who wrote the bestseller about an Aussie on the lam in Mumbai, India – or Bombay as I said, hehe) did with his giant of a 1000 page book which was torn apart by sadistic and moronic prison guards THRICE – and he re-wrote by hand!
Anyway ..
My computer is acting up again.
Seems a fitting finale to 2021?
I’ve finally got it to a stable point so I can sit and writ eto you, but I think one reason Windows is making things so hard is they’re losing boatloads of moola due to piracy etc, and they’re doing all they can to combat those sneaky little fixes a lot of us implement …
Especially for Office, Outlook etc – yours truly does not use any of that junk, but the vast majority of the world does.
I still use WinBlows, but I’m open source for the most part, and will likely switch to Linux next year.
Anyway … takeaways from all this?
Well, first off, piracy …
I used to be worried about it in days bygone.
But now that I see some of my books from the “other site” in the other biz freely posted online, guess what.
I dont mind it one bit.
And sometimes, I’ll point users there too!
It does NOTHING to dampen sales. If anything sales increase if you do it right.
Just like they get a major fillip when the bozos and trolls attack you (if you handle ‘em right, hehe).
I was thinking about putting out a book on the following – How to Profit Handsomely from Trolls and Bozos that mindlessly attack you with inane RUBBISH.
(And of course, no prizes for who will feature on the cover perhaps. LOL. Nah. Not really. But you get the point!)
But I might just do up the damned book, so let me know if there is interest, and I might! In fact I might put it as a very lengthy tip of sorts in the second volumes for Zero to Hero – and 10 Commandments of Successful sales.
Maybe I’ll rename the latter to 20, as thats how many tips it DOES have. If not more …
And it WILL make your sales SHOOT through th eroof in ANY economy. And it’s just a STARTER course!
Anyway … enough on this.
I’ll be back soon, but one thing – remember – the SHIP membership goes up, up, and UP starting tomorrow.
Don’t say you weren’t warned, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – We’ve rejigged our products page also. The old style is my favorite, and it’s still up where it was, but THIS link might be of interest too! Let me know which you like better!
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