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I Can just hear the lunatics emailing me.
Calling me.
Banging on my door (well, figuratively).
And so forth.
How dare I say it.
“What will you do with a gun!”
“Who will attack you!”
And these are the same bloody fools that call for the police to be defunded and then weep about astronomically high crime rates, and when crime happens, guess who they call and who they COMPLAIN about not showing up on time.
When something violent or bad happens, these same Bozos shake their little heads, look on from distance, and wail mournfully.
What can we do, the wail goes.
Well, my friend, there is something you can do …
And we all know what it is.
And those that DO, as Marc the Silverback Gorilla (African, hehe) once told me about the idiot pestering me about “training my mind” when I was doing pull-ups (he took off shortly thereafter. He was a big guy. Myself not. I didnt even have “el weapons” or what not. But he took off like a hare, believe me!).
(that ain’t me tom tomming. It’s me saying when I get truly pissed off – -WATCH – the hell out!)
And I used a polite term there.
Was going to drop (yet another) F- bombs. Boo hoo.
But really, the stupidity is MIND fucking boggling.
And as Marc said, those that DO the thing usually get badgered the most.
If they let themselves, that is, and I dont at all these days.
Any hint of pestering, and badgering, and I block, delete, or do what I have to do to escape the moron-ity and insanity.
Now, the point is this.
These people are the SAME – I repeat – the SAME people that look on with “I could care less” looks when you talk about pushups.
Getting in shape.
Doing what you yourself PREACH.
When you laugh at people having humungous and massive bellies telling others to lose weight and that “look at your stomach! It’s so huge!”
I mean, dude, really.
Like you yourself said later … “I’m no less of an elephant”.
Well, perhaps you’d BE less if you stopped your inane badgering and pestering and sticking your nose into yours’ truly’s biz where it does NOT belong …
Anyway, talking to all these people is a gigantic and massive, immense, astronomical, catastrophic, Universe like waste of not just time.
But MONEY too.
All three are related, bro.
And if you want to improve your life – financial standing – everything in 2021, then remember one thing.
Take care of yourself first.
By that I Dont mean molly coddle yourself.
I dont mean watch Tee Vee Shee Vee enllessly, and gorge away like a horse and do NO activity at all.
(at least horses eat healthy, hehe).
What I mean is this – take charge of your fitness NOW.
Your body is the HOUSE you live in – anywhere.
And if thats full of shit, both literally and figuratively, guess what will show up in terms of results outside.
You got it.
Shit with a capital friggin S …
And thats that for now. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Be sure and pick up the most insanely motivational fitness home based system ever – The 0 Excuses Fitness System. Thank me later, hehe.
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