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And doing LESS, not MORE, to get MORE of what you WANT.
Both life wise, and fitness wise.
And it can only be done if you first and foremost abandon the scarcity mindset.
My friend, look around you.
(not the plague shague nonsense, but everything else).
The seasons come and go. Grass still grows on them hills. Qi Feng Park is still as nice and relaxing a place it was as when Ann Lee first giggled upon it kicking my BOOTY – royally so, hehe, pun not intended!
Same thing with money (btw, the above bit gave me an idea for another email for another site, hehe).
The Great Depressions EVERYWHERE were ultimately caused by none other than MAN.
And man’s thinking.
Money, my friend, at the end of the day is energy, and it FLOWETH to those with the right energy.
And thats as simple as it gets.
Reverse your thinking, and you reverse the negativity.
Hence what I keep saying about this panic the entire world is buying into, hook, line and sinker with the Chinese virus. They wanted it, and planned accordingly, and th eworld while “knowing this” is panicking – even more!
Right down to “rich man face shields” costing $199 or some ROT.
Ugh. What Bozos!
I mean, if you’re coming in close contact with patients daily, are a doctor, nurse etc, I get it, but the Average Shmo walking down the street?
Move to Mars, I tell ‘em. Hey, Jeff is actively making plans for that as I hear!
Anyway, I wanted to keep this pithy, and I’m already NOT. LOL.
What I was going to say was this – once you abandon the most idiotic mindset listed above, you’ll realize one thing.
That you work hard (note – this doesn’t mean “slog” or work “stupid” or put in “long hours” where there is NO NEED TO) … only so you don’t need to work “hard” later on!
The goal, my friend should be to do LESS ultimately.
Now, I’ve spoken about that in the last two emails, so in this installment of “grind #3” (nah, it don’t apply to BUMP and GRIND, hehe) lets give you my own example fitness wise.
Right about now, I’m a little over 40.
I can do things that men half my age can’t even DREAM of doing.
Less than half, actually. The average TEN year old couldn’t do most of what I do.
May sound like I’m “crowing about it”, but hey I’ve earned the right to DO IT.
But thing is this.
All those hours of working out, all those hours of climbing hills, sprints etc got me in great condition.
And now, all these years later, I’m doing LESS.
Way less.
And gaining way MORE.
I don’t believe I’d be doing 15 pull-ups in less than a MINUTE right now, for one, something I couldn’t do even years ago when I was climbing hills and shedding lard at the speed of WARP.
Sure, you TOO can get to that point, and you don’t need to grind for it, but if you’re 50 (more, actually, given the LARD asses out there) lbs overweight or more, drink beer every night and can’t even do dead hangs properly (no, assisted dead hangs ain’t what I be talking about), then you do need to lose the weight.
Can be a grind in SOME regards (not really, but some might think it is).
But really, in the spirit of keeping it pithy … I can do ONE arm pull-ups NOW, for instance.
Something I’ve NEVER EVER been able to do, and something a customer of mine asked me to put out a course on (which I will – patience, hehe).
I can do one legged squats – NOT in high reps, but we’ll get there!
And more.
Point isn’t to get YOU to do all this if you don’t want to. Most people don’t need any of this advanced stuff, and what I tell you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System, probably one of my most basic courses is ENOUGH for YOU for the rest of your life.
But as Claude Bristol said, the only way to go is UP.
Stagnate and resting on your laurels means you ultimately go DOWN …
And hence my products etc (for the DOERS in life, not the Bozos and “Mamma Mia” ass clowns running around complaining “it’s too expensive”).
But anyway, I just gave you the best and perhaps most pertinent example of what I keep talking about right NOW.
See if you can “get it”, hehe. Or if you DO.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Get the best damned compilation on pull-ups out there (like with the course on pushups, I literally CHALLENGE you to find one better, bro!) – right HERE.
(And folks – do get back with more testimonials on pullups too – Michael – yours is WAITING, hehe).
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