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Somewher ein all these emails, I believe I wrote about my wife telling me the other day (that came out as “wifi” initially LOL. Signal? Wives do “transmit!”!) about how some monkeys chased her while she was out throwing the trash.
India apparently being what it is, and the people apparently thinking the way they do, apparently the concept of a “dumpster” is alien.
Some dude shows up on a push cart, jangles those annoying ass bells, open the clanging gates, and in general makes a ruckus and then people slowly mosey out and dump their trash into the push cart, which usually has a ton of CROWS following it.
Crows, for whatever reason have been a bird I admire, but don’t like.
There were gaggles of them ALL over a massive banyan tree outside my Grandfather’s house in Kolkta for whatever reason. I hated ‘em!
Not to mention the roaches that were there EVERYWHERE.
Anyway, yours truly doesn’t like crows or roaches. I’m sure I’m not alone!
(Im a HAWK guy).
But anyway, point being this – that day apparently monkey were following dude.
In what was supposedly the most “exclusive” housing colony in the city.
Monkeys roam all over the place there, unfettered and free, and people feed ‘em, so they thought she was gonna feed ‘em, and …
But anyway, that was an interesting story she told me. I thought I’d share it, and did.
But it reminds of what “Apollo Creed” said in Rocky I.
“Be a thinker, not a STINKER!”
When promoting his boxing match with Rocky hehe.
Of course, he was one of the most analytical fighters ever! Boxing is CEREBRAL, my friend. Anyone who says it’s a barbaric sports and all about violence is a prime MORON who has never DONE the thing.
Grandest order.
But anyway point is my response to her …
“I’ve seen them often”, I quipped.
“I just flail my arms like a monkey though and they take off”
“I was doing monkey bar work the other day, and they all ran away!”
(They didn’t, of course. LOL. In China they call me “Da Xing Xing” aka BIG monkey – Gorilla (no, these aren’t customers either – Sophia said it too, her of the “how much money you have!” fame) … and they don’t have monkeys runnign around there.
They thought I was one of ’em. Another monkey!
They EAT them all .LOL.
A tale of contrasts, as it were, and in the White Tiger (the book, not the probably most idiotic movie made on it), the guy that wrote it often compares China and India.
Read it if you want. Not one of my favorites, but much like yours truly, he gets PERSONAL.
He goes DEEP.
And he’s usually right …
As I am when I tell YOU, my friend, to be a CHIMP.
Be a strong APE pounding out pull-ups and doing THICK BAR monkey bar work as opposed to the CHUMPS who can’t do either, and complain, piss and moan and do everything including getting FATTER And more and MORE miserable by the day – as opposed to the one thing they should be doing NOW upon reading this which is to INVEST in themselves, and get CRACKING.
There is a reason they call them monkey bars.
There is a reason ole CHIMP is strong enough to kill a CROCODILE – with it’s bare HANDS
There is a REASON most CHUMPS – modern day men – can’t do a dead hang at all, and stink up the room with nasty flatulence when they DO (if they can do it).
It’s just HORRIBLE.
And the sad part, most of the world seems to be accepting this for what it is, and getting mushier and FATTER by the nanosecond.
Don’t be one of these people, bro.
You know very well if you’re reading this that Mother Nature didn’t intend a MAN – a REAL MAN to be an EMBARASSMENT, and a slovenly one at that.
And yet, thats precisely what most so called modern day men are.
A SLOVENLY and pathetic embarassment not just to themselves, but the human race in general.
Might not sound nice, but it HAD to be said.
Now I have.
And I’ve said it in greater detail on the Animal Kingdom Workouts page which is a MUST GRAB my friend – if you truly do aspire to return to your ROOTS – and become the BEAST you’ve always wanted to be.
(and if you have a pulse, you should).
And thats it from me.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – And in terms of BEAST, check out the testimonial on the page too.
(and others here).
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