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On another site, I’ve written about how housemaids of all things (in various shapes, forms and guises) provided inspiration (in a pseudo “perverse” sort of manner) for some of the things I wrote there.
Not what you’re thinking, no.
Schofield loves it though. Hehe.
But I spoke about my Grandfather’s house in an email or so before to this one …
I spoke about the roaches that were everywhere, even the FLYING ones. UGH!
Crows and roaches, as I said I cannot stand ‘em.
Neither, for whatever reason have I been able to stand the idea of dealing with “maids” ANYWHERE in the world.
I don’t know why, my friend.
No, it isn’t some “guilt” over these poor people and what not.
It’s a job – simple – admittedly not in the subcontinent where (and again, read the White Tiger for more on that, or my own emails) it’s more humiliating than anything, but by and large, well, its a job.
And a well paid one apparently in some parts of the world today. I still remember the supermodel like “maid” my Uncle (or perhaps Aunt? I don’t know, I wa sjust 15!) hired back in the day … (upstate “People’s Republic of Connecticut” I believe. Not sure!).
PRC, no less. LOL!
But anyway, my grandfather’s house had a GAGGLE of maids too. One or two were “live in”.
And despite them coming in daily, and working their butts off, it didn’t seem to deter the flies, roaches and mosquitoes one damn bit.
And I’m not an expert on maids, again.
I’d rather NOT have or use ‘em, which puts me APART from all the “alpha males out there”, but so be it.
I’d rather be a caveman, left to my LONESOME without jangling bells, maids and what not to deal with.
And cooking aside, I’d rather do it MYSELF if I have to as opposed to dealing with whining, moaning, supervising and such.
And cooking? I’d rather order out if I could, hehe, and DO SO in China, I do it all the time.
As well as get my beer delivered.
And I’m set!
But anyway, back to maids.
Apparently the idea of mops with long handles hasn’t caught on in the subcontinent (it has in China, but China for whatever reason never really had this “maid” system that the subcontinent did post 1949).
And so you’ll see these ladies doing PRECISELY what I mention in Animal Kingdom Workouts, and Isometric and Flexibility Training, two of my BEST books till date … (well, I give you more detail and workouts etc, but thats the gist of it).
Wanna get fit?
Well, follow along with that housemaid.
Squatting on her haunches, bending over each time to “mop the floor” with her or his bare hands, and moving around like that all day.
Try it someday bro.
It ain’t easy.
And no, I ain’t exhorting YOU to become a maid or what not.
I’m exhorting you to make things EASY on yourself.
Because that my friend is ONE of the poses I mention in my books that most people cannot do, expel flatulence when ASKED To do, and a pose that will get you in the best of not just shape – but HEALTH as well.
And strengthen thy legs and groin beyond belief.
We’re all interested in the latter, ain’t we.
Grab – now!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – The courses, I mean …
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