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“Oh, really!” was an ex girlfriend’s angry response in the late 1990′, I believe 99 or something … when we really SHOULD have broken up, she didnt want to, and she didnt want to move out either (most amazingly, she was bitching up a storm about ME moving out!)
“So you can get hot with the hotties, huh!”
She was referencing a certain “hottie” (admittedly she had big jugs, but that was the extent of the “hotness” as far as yours truly was concerned – I’ve been a leg man forever!) who was “telling me to go another lap in the pool” and who lived opposite us, and who I didnt know from Adam, or Eve …
She just “showed up” one day in the skimpiest bikini ever, and well … quite the polar opposite in terms of body shape of the Tsingtao beer gal I’m referring to, who pissed off – yes, the FAT babes the most.
(so much for women loving each other against us big, bad gorilla like man. HA!)
Not the feminists and the hotties, hehe.
The first loved her.
But the second category?
They claim they ignored her, and they probably did not, but they didn’t complain up a storm either.
They’ve been known to have a giggle with yours truly about “her” too, heh.
She was all decked out in green, and I’m sure you can find her in the Google Archives etc.
Wearing shorts. Nice slim legs. Chinese gal (or Asian, I assume).
Curly hair. Black curly hair.
And yours truly fell in love (again, lol) at the age of 25 … and of course, the first thing I had to do when “Php-Nuke” CMS or whatever we used on Donggun Expat came out with a splash page extension, or plugin or code bitty or gizmo or what not, was to, well, use it.
General Michael was the first to comment.
“Rahul! Thats an interesting splash screen!” was his comment.(this from a person who had admittedly, at least to an extent “been around the block more than a few times”. I highly doubt anything like me, but he got around, I’ll say that).
Now, this lovely lass popped up right before you clicked “login” on the site.
It was supposed to be a “community” site (yes, all the bashing that I mentioned occurred there on a regular basis, but hey, nothing if not keeping it real!).
And no community is a community without hot women around, hehe. So went my thinking at least.
Instantly, it got reactions (I didn’t add her because of that, I just did it because …well!)
Thomas, a dude I knew back then and still do loved it!
One of the bar going types he was …
Still likely IS.
Uncle Bob didn’t make any comment at all. He was a bit straitlaced in that regard, but then again, as they say, appearances can be deceptive. Hehe.
Yours truly loved it.
Jenny, a girl who never liked my so called philandering ways and sympthaized privately with all of Ann Lee’s gripes and very public “running after me” ( I mean Geez girl, at least keep it private was what I wanted to tell her!) and didn’t much like macho men “in your face” either sent me the following.
“Rahul, please delete me!”
Not to mention there was a delete button on the site “delete account” which she could have used herself and just DONE IT.
With no drama, but Nazi feminists don’t miss a chance. Hehe.
She then went on about some rant about “how I don’t want to see beer girls before loggin in”.
(apparently she was ok with females ranting about past lovers online publicly on the same site, and the same beer gals in person when she went to the bars which her corpulent self did quite often).
(from what I father).
Gather, sorry.
There were plenty more such inane notes too.
But really, folks.
Goose and gander.
If it’s OK for a bar to do it, I see no reason why (for a brief few days) a site admin cant play around with his own damned site …
Point of this?
Well, not sure there IS one other than a brain dump, and carrying on from the last post on marketing.
But she was fine, fine, FINE!
You’d either love her or hate, hehe. My type of gal.
And on that note, my type of products are right here, and they deliver results, and quick.
They also seem to piss off a lot of Bozos, a certain Bozo amongst them has been steaming and frothing at the mouth and sendin about a bazillion weShat messages a day he thinks I don’t know about.
More on Schofield the one and only “troll el Supremo” later tho.
For now, pick up some products here.
I’ll see ya on the other side, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS -How do you explain the “other meaning of mushrooms” to a 7 year old, hehe. I just said Magic Mushrooms and was DONE before she knew it, LOL. I mean with the explanations – them kids can be really curious!
Nah – but my kid was asking and I was trying to sidestep the question. God knows I don’t side step too easily. LOL.
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