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The more I see about Joe “Hidin” Biden, the MORE it becomes painfully obvious to me that while this man may be many things – many admirable things – the one thing he is cut out NOT to be is this.
A leader.
All we see of him is a picture of him sitting beside the White House desk – the Resolute one if I get it right – and occasionally having Secret Service pick up doughnuts or what not (I can’t remember, but it was some bakery order) on the way back from church, and thats that.
Curiously enough that didnt cause a furore, but when the great Mike Pompeo, possibly the BEST Secretary of State EVER asked his personal staff or something to “walk the dog” everyone was up in arms.
Typical liberalism, goose and gander, and so forth.
As for Biden?
Again, likely is a great, great guy.
But leader?
No way, Jose.
Where be the charisma? the MAN that says it like it IS?
The guy that puts the FREE WORLD FIRST – and by extension encourages the ROW to do so too??
The “man behind the scenes”.
The man who tells you what he THINKS!
The man who does what is BEST.
The man who takes on the tough battles and the unpopular decisions, because guess what, that is what he was elected to do!
The man that calls China out for the bully that they are – the ONLY one to do so – the man that rightly terms the plague what it is – a pestilence the bally Chinese introduced and knowingly and willingly SPREAD to the ROW.
And more …
Remember, all this off the top of my head!
Donald Trump had all this, and more.
Anyhow, I saw something – a snippet from past Presidents meeting together in the “ole President’s club or something”.
Bush, Clinton and Obama.
Good ole Bush looked like, well, Bush.
The “you’re either with us or against us” man has AGED – and mellowed, but the spunk is still there, hehe. I’d love to sit down with him over a few ribs and beer (or wine, or what not, hehe).
Or a couple of stiff ones which caused the “mano – o-mano” spat back inthe day!
Well, he’s aged even more. Voice, appearance, everything. Can’t be easy living with Hillary, especially not gimlet eyed wives after …well, “Monika Gate”. LOL.
But say what you like about Clinton, and I dont like his politics, dude’s got one thing.
CHARISMA. Big time!
And hey, can’t fault a man for wanting a BJ. I’ve been there, and then some!
But Obama?
Easily the most articulate of the lot, and the one I least liked, as I’ve said before.
I really do NOT think he was a good PResident in ANY Way my friend. Any way, shape or form.
And I fear Biden will be much the same.
What people want from a leader is the real deal, my friend, and Donald Trump was the real deal.
You might not like him. You might hate him. He might get more one star reviews than anyone on this planet except yours truly (not really, hehe).
When there’s something to be said though – something to be done – the good fight to be FOUGHT AND WON – guess what tho.
The Donald will be there, andr eady for YOU.
I miss Trump. I’l be honest.
I disabled Google news and all that on the phone, but Trump is the ONE MAN I follow. Hehe.
Because his voice matters, and you KNOW IT.
Anyway, same thing with me.
I’ll go to the ends of the planet to praise those that get it – and DO IT.
John Walker for one is already “chomping at the bit” not to just get my next book (either the already released Pushup Central – – but the upcoming book on training with Indian clubs and the like) – but more importantly, and I love this – IMPLEMENTING what I tell you to in there!
A man that counts – matters!
And I always have time for such people, bro, and so should you.
Anyway, enough on that. That was another one of those “out of the shower” posts, hehe.
Anyway, the book that contains workouts that you can most compare Pushup Central to is this one – Animal Kingdom Workouts.
And the book that complements it all perfectly – Jump Rope Mania!
And the TWO Systems that tie it all together?
The book on isometrics, and of course the evergreen, results bringing 0 Excuses Fitness system.
Jump on all these now, my friend. Truly the very BEST OUT THERE.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Another person I’d have PAID to hear speak is Raegan – obviously not possible, but still. The man was a great, great President! My all time favorite before Trump.
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