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I’d use the word “left”.
In most cases.
Words, my brother, have tremendous power whether we realize it or not. The smart man (or woman) chooses them wisely, even in the “heat of the moment” (as far as possible).
Anyway, years ago, I met my friend Charles and his S.O. for whom my “wife” and myself had done a “favor” of sorts.
Business-favor I suppose you could call it …
And I think I’ve mentioned the specifics here so I wont get into it again here.
But inevitably, the Bozo, who was also there brought up (indirectly) my Lothario like tendencies, and his SO made a face.
And privately, I could figure out what was going on.
Yet Charles, and I’ll always commend him for this made the following comment out in the open – before I made mine.
“Say it!”
I was going to tell her she was WRONG and why that sort of thinking is “full of it”, but I refrained. Hey, can’t convince those who dont want to be, especially women when it comes to emotion laden BS.
Plus, sort of out of respect for him.
And mostly because I quite frankly didn’t CARE.
(Much like I didnt even think about it when bringing up my own Lothario like ways in an offhand, “laughing it off” manner a year or so later with another friend – unknowingly -and his SO gave me the EVIL eye. Oh boy!)
(I didnt argue with her either, obviously. I didnt even know about it until later!)
But anyway, I said it.
And he replied to his woman with the following –
“This guy is here, doing his own thang – making a living. Who are YOU to judge him without knowing HIS background?”
Charles knew, of course.
And remember, this is the same Charles who I write bout, so it isn’t as if “we agree on everything”.
He was right when he said though that when it comes to women, “they will give you aggravation compounded”. That most of them do, if they’re allowed to!
But really, this “abandoned” crap a lot of us guys are accused of.
Do we ever hear GIRLS that leave their marriages – that cheat on their husbands and lovers – and believe me, there are PLENTY – ever called out on it?
Even other women won’t call the out on it, will they?
There’s always a reason.
“He didnt give me enough money” (which then becomes he didnt love me, and he isn’t good in bed, and well … one retarded statement leads to another before you know it…)
And ever notice how it’s never EVER the woman’s fault in these cases?
Ever notice it’s NEVER the woman’s fault even when she files for divorce, and plenty do?
It was brought up in an interesting manner in a movie way back in the day in India “Akele Hum Akele Tum“.
(I’m alone, you’re alone)
The hero is a struggling “wild ‘un” doing his own thang, making ends meet, and a girl falls for him – a girl you’d never think that would fall for a guy like that – and yet she does.
Sort of like the Carol – you know who story!
Anyway, gal gets constricted in the marriage, claims dude is “stifling her ambitions”, and one fine night off she runs away to a friends house. She then turns into a major league movie star while dude keeps struggling.
In typical movie style, they reunite at the end.
But all through the movie, there was tacit acceptance of the woman leaving – and leaving behind a 7 year old child at that.
“Because of the guy”.
When all he was doing was trying to make it big!
Imagine if the tables had been reversed.
“Abandon”, the feminists would have screamed!
Perhaps thats one reason the movie makers chose a woman to star in the leading role and “leave”.
But really, my friend.
What gives anyone – and I mean ANYONE – to cast judgement?
Those that do are usually guilty of more than one “sin” themselves!
And are usually CONTRIBUTORS to the problem themselves.
I mean, what if the person “abandoning” didnt have a choice? Was forced to? Is it better to continue on in a dead relationship for years and not achieve much or anything of note – or achieve – and THEN – if the person wants – tackle things head on?
Sometimes, success makes things a lot easier in that regard.
Of course, the price must be paid.
I think about my daughter all the time, but do I want her to see me stifled – in a relationship and place I do NOT like – permanently?
No way, Jose.
I’d rather leave and spare her the negativity … (now, I didnt make the decision to leave FOR GOOD just due to that reason – there were many other factors – but you get my drift).
Furthermore, I’ve never quite understood the “acceptance” of divorce and seperation – but not “leaving”.
Much like I’ve neve runderstood the concept of “marriage” – as opposed to living together forever.
Does signing that sheet of paper make things a lot different?
I know it does for most women, hehe. A switch goes off. At first, you’re just boyfriend and girlfriend, or lovers, or what not – but marriage? OK, you’re in for it!
Maybe this sounds hard to believe, but it’s TRUE if you think about it.
Anyway, Bozo Schofield gleefully jumped on the abandonment page being the cuckold he is, and left the following “great” comment on the Fitness Pioneer page, which smacks of manliness – not.
(This was after “El Batto” Schofield tried signing up for the site with the “Rahulabandonedwifeandchild” username. Sounds suspiciously like a few Nazi feminists I know, heh)
Being as I’m something of a pioneer myself, I thought I would try Rahul’s book. Utterly, utter drivel spurting from the mouth of a barely literate mad men. He cheats on his wife, so what can he do to his friends? Avoid this book.
My comments?
And that “someone is jealous”, especially given his comment on “super stud” and the like.
Anyway … I dont believe in casting labels or judging people until absolutely necessary, and even then I would rather stay away from that too. More negativity that does NO-ONE, including myself ANY GOOD …
But anyway, on that note, there ARE some reasons I think the word abandoned should be used – especially when a lot of folks add products to the cart, and then never check out.
The software rightly flags it as “abandoned”, because the person forgot to follow up.
So if that is you, or anyone reading this, kindly do me a favor, and either delete the item from your list – or pony up, and GET IT.
Either is fine by me, but if you choose the former, you’ll likely get “more on abandoned” from me, hehe.
And thats it for now – back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – The GYM is one place you CAN and should abandon as it does you virtually no good (other than time wasting). I mean, those things that do not add ANYTHING of value to your life …well, you be the judge! But remember the only gym you need is your own BODY – and you can start right HERE.
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