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We hear a lot about “forgiveness” when it comes to success at anything, don’t we?
Forgiving yourself.
Forgiving OTHERS.
And the former is an insidious thing to accomplish because many times you’re not even AWARE you’re blaming yourself. The latter, not quite so complicated, but in terms of actually DOING IT?
Probably even harder.
Napoleon Hill writes of forgiveness and REVENGE as two sides of the same coin to be avoided (well, he doesnt specifically say that, but the two are related) if one is to aim for success.
As he rightly says, the presence of any ONE dominating negative emotion can undo all your other hard work otherwise …
Any “guru” of note has written about it.
Could be Dr Maltz in Pyscho Cybernetics.
Could be Catherine Ponder in any of her great books!
Could be …well, anyone of note really.
Yours truly oddly enough hasn’t elaborated a lot, if at ALL on this subject either in email or in his books – until NOW.
I’m more of the Trump school of “attack till I die”.
But am I – or we?
Read the following Trump quote on it, said like only he can –
“I think maybe my greatest weakness is I trust people too much. I’m too trusting. And when they let me down, if they let me down, I never forgive. I find it very, very hard to forgive people if they deceive me. So I dont know if you’d call that a weakness, but my wife said “let up””.
Said like only Donald can!
Now, my two cents on this – 1) it rings true – and I AGREE. and 2) He’s being HONEST.
It’s far better, as Dr Maltz said in Pyscho Cybernetics to “move on” as opposed to false forgiveness such as constantly reminding the other person that “he’s forgiven”.
True forgiveness means you dont just forgive – you forget.
I’ve no idea if Maltz himself was good at it. But he seems to be!
As he said, Forgiveness is like a scalpel that heals the innermost wounds, allowing you to “move on”.
True, but only if done in the right spirit.
But it ain’t the easiest of things to do.
But I’ve been working on forgiving certain people over the past few days, and while it’s been tough, I’ve managed to get some way there – genuinely.
And trust me, sometimes, it feels like a load has been lifted off your shoulders, so I can see what the self help “gurus” are saying on this one, and why.
And yet, I still do believe that in some cases, you never forget.
But you do.
That is what Trump meant, and what I DO.
I don’t forget the “occurence” or string of incidents, but I stop attaching IMPORTANCE to it.
To me, if I “forget”, it will repeat.
But if I remember merely the fact that it “happened” – and steer clear of that fact – then to me, assuming I go about the rest of it without emotion, then it’s job DONE.
At least, thats my take on it.
And no, contrary to what some might think, I dont bear grudges.
In fact, I’ve no desire to do so at all, as it hampers my own PEACE of mind, which to me is the most important thing.
Anyway, enough on that.
One of the tools I use to aid myself in all these mind techniques is exercise, specifically handstand pushups.
Being upside down certainly provides a new slant on things!
And the other is to “take feeling out of it” as far as possible.
Not always easy to do, but if you remember that there is a grand plan – that YOU have a goal – and “it all happens for a reason” – well I believe you’ll find it far EASIER to forgive and “move on” as opposed to forget.
Focus on what you want. Not what you don’t!
And on that note, I’m out.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – More preaching and sermons from Father Rahul here.
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