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Alan, an old “boss” of mine (and a good friend) once made the comment at the school I worked at (short while, thank heavens!) about my GRIP.
“Hes got the strongest grip by far here, doesn’t he”, he remarked to “Tommy”, another teacher at the school (at the time, I was discussing severance packages etc with Alan).
Thats one of the things about Alan. Even in one of the MOST unprofessional industries out there, Alan C Murray IMPRESSED the ever living heck out of me by being the MOST professional employer ever (so were the institution that employed me, and my other supervisor “Gabriel” too) . . . something I’ll never ever forget about working with Alan.
He gave me a testimonial on this site, but hey – if HE needs one as a “boss” he’ll get it too.
But Alan, your eyes may water again, hehe.
Anyway, Tommy replied dismissively.
“So what!”
“It’s just grip!”
“When we used to wrestle in …”he continued, before doing some mock wrestling.
Apparently he wrestled, but grip is “so what”.
I cannot even begin to tell you how stupid this is – and I’m not a wrestler!
I mean think about it bro.
If you’re a wrestler, ji jitsu WARRIOR – A SAMURAI – a marital artist – or boxer – or participate in any sort of physical anything – you use your hands the most!
Wrestling – and its just grip!??
Are you effin kidding me bro?
I didnt say all that, of course. I just smiled.
And the matter passed on.
But it reminded me of Charles the friend who kept complaining “you act like grip is the most important thing after breathing”.
Well, it IS bro.
He too said he was a wrestler, but later admitted he never really got into it “football being my jam. I didnt really mess with wrestling”.
Wonder why he didnt say that upfront . . .
Anyway, all of you wrestlers on this list know how STUPID that above comment is.
Shows an utter lack of knowledge for the sport itself.
In Iran, for instance they make it even harder by OILING the wrestler’s bodies so it becomes even harder to grip. India does something similar too – it’s not for nothing the nation back in the day produced the Mighty Gama!
Anyway, you can find all the grip luvin you need here – Gorilla Grip – and Gorilla Grip (Advanced) but back to Alan … he would shy away from shaking my hand often.
(dont forget the TIPS here)
Though our hands were the same size – SMALL – and he was actually more heavy set than me, I’d “crush” his hand – and NO, I dont aim to do that every time I grip!
IT was my NORMAL grip.
And he’d hold his hands limply with a “Jesus” expression.
Even Marc the African silverback gorilla who is an accomplished BOXER and martial artist made that comment once.
“Man, you need to back off!”
But I wasn’t trying to crush his grip!
Then my ex MArine buddy.
Now HE pulled back with equal force, but when a man monster – a wrecking machine about 100 times my size says “you got it” and “kung fu like grip” … you know the ways I teach BE real.
Sometimes I wonder how much more stronger the grip would have been if I did martial artists seriously beyond 8th grade?
Anyway, I think I’ve made up for it with my workouts!
But it showed up in my dreams too.
Last night, a “new employer” showed up in a car.
He was offering me a position on Sunday which I declined since I “already have something very profitable to do on Sunday” (which I do, actually to be honest).
Then the old guy showed up – a bit of a bully.
We shook hands.
He asked me something.
I replied – but it wasn’t the answer he wanted.
He raised his fists to strike me.
Now, violence in dreams isn’t something new to me. And I always fight back!
But this time?
I grabbed his hands, and all of a sudden he squealed – like a BABY.
“My fingers are being crushed! Please, leave me!”
When I did, he looked at me in an aggrieved “lady like” manner.
(it was his middle and ring fingers that almost shattered)
It was hilarious!
Later on in the dream world, a “teacher” showed up to pound the heck out of me for something similar.
A magical “barrier” appeared.
A lady showed up in black in it.
And the teacher was going to be punished.
But he figured so what. LEt’s pound him anyway, since I’ll get punished anyway!
He rounded on me. Big, huge dude, aiming the punches right where it hurts (dirty boxing!).
And as I dug an elbow into his soft flabby belly, what a friend said about a lardass once comes to mind.
“He might be big and strong, but let’s see him take one to the gut!”
I was stopped from retaliating “because he was a pussy”. And doing the right thing.
I stopped – then woke up.
Long night, lots of dreams.
But ain’t nobody and nothing stopping me from writing this to you, so I am!
Alright, thats it for this one.
Be sure and pick up Corrugated Core right here to develop the corrugated core you always wanted – and for grip loving in ONE compilation, go here.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember, another must have course and possibly my best ever is Animal Kingdom Workouts – check it out NOW.
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