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It’s a conundrum, ain’t it?
Or so they make it out to be …
9 times out of 10, or should I say 11 times out of 10, when you ask a person why they’re always cranky, irritated, never happy etc – they’ll answer with “Money”.
“If I had more money”
“I wish I had a better life”
“I wish so and so would give me more money so I could relax”
(yes, believe it or not, the “entitlement” mentality out there is only INCREASING, as more and more people come to think “they deserve something for nothing”).
Newsflash – no – they – and no-one – DOES.
“Ain’t nothing free in life, my friend”.
Ole Alonzo in Training Day had it spot on.
But anyway, in the James Hadley Chase book “The Vulture is a patient bird“, which I re-read for the … I dont know, maybe 10000’th time yesterday …
(on a side note, the more I write, the better my reading speed, which was always and already phenomenal – gets. Interesting that eh).
I think I’ve spoken about the book and the plot before, so I won’t get into it much here.
Basically a group of bounty hunters end up in the African jungle replete and teeming with all sorts of wildlife and giant Zulus living in a premieval world apparently – to hunt down a diamond stolen by a millionaire recluse, who lets them in (he has advance notice) but does all he can to prevent them from leaving, including a man hunt in the most “brutal” manner possible.
I love Chase.
Straight, to the point – and cuts to the chase if I might say so!
And he’s BRUTALLY honest in his books, like me.
His books have no sex, but they don’t need it.
They have plenty of everything else!
Anyway, one of the bounty hunters is an escaped and dangerous convict “Fennel” whose specialty is breaking safes – another is a lovely girl named “Gaye” who all the men have the hots for, and who can’t stay away from money, and “needs it to be happy” – then we have African safari expert and perennially happy “Ken” – and then last, but not least, Garry – a helicopter pilot whose chosen for his skills with the bird.
All of these men spent some time in prison for either minor or major offenses.
But only ONE survived the safari.
Anyway, in the book they talk about the luxury the recluse lives in, his lovely cheetah (pet), the crocs in a pond in his garden, hungry vultures and more.
And Garry says he doesn’t need all the money in the world.
“Life can be pretty rough without it”, says Gaye.
“Yes, he replies”.
“But all this … ” he points to the opulence around him.
“I’d rather something more rugged!”
Now, I could write a book on the book itself.
But only ONE of these people survives the manhunt, and I’ll let you guess which one it is.
Not perennial and sometimes overly enthusiastic Ken who jumps into a croc infested river to test the waters out – not “Bull strength” Fennel who gets eaten alive by a hungry hyena, and not Gaye who insists on wearing the Borgia Ring, which contains poison on her finger …
(Most of Chase’s books have a “brute strength” kind of guy, either a villain or not …)
It’s Garry.
The tall, lean, PRACTICAL minded yet “happy” broad shouldered dude!
((He’s thick, but you’re BROAD!) Remember THAT comment? )
Now, point of this you might ask.
Is opulence BAD?
Not at all, my friend.
Is ABUNDANCE – of anything – bad?
No way!
I love both.
But take all of the opulence away, and I’ll still be smiling at ya, challenging ya to pull-ups out there in the park, for one …
That meme I keep writing about says it best.
Take a person’s house, car, degrees, and other fancy junk (and money) away – and lets see how well they can stand on their OWN two feet.
Sage, my friend.
You do NOT “need money” to be happy.
Happiness, my friend comes from working towards a goal that really means something to you.
And curiously enough, eventually, you’ll attract money and boatloads of it without even “trying” if you stay “happy” anyway.
THIS is the concept I keep trying to hammer home in Zero to Hero, for one ….
And the first Chapter – or the Prologue, should I say of the book says it all.
Grab this now, and get cranking , my friend. Truly a great book to read, and implement, like all of my others!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – In that book lies the key to my numerous escapades, jaunts, travels, and all done for the most part without really “caring two hoots for the future” (which I’m not saying you shouldn’t do or should do – hey – but I’m saying “be happy FIRST” and the rest will FOLLOW).
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