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I seem to be a on a ROLL today, my nikka.
I remember Marc the African Silverback Gorilla saying once .. laughing …
“Hey … Rahul! You sure do seem to be in FINE FETTLE today” …
Dude, as always, was RIGHT. Spot on!
Anyway, it’s often been pointed out in yours truly’s family that “so and so are so good” and I never was or will be, and “so so is a wonderful writer and has a photographic memory” and so forth …
yet, they failed to realize the man with a true photographic memory is standing right there in front of them, hehe.
I could care two hoots less about that.
But I DO have the memory of an elephant, my friend.
And while the elephant is not one of the many admirable animals I’ve modeled my Animal Kingdom Workouts book on, I could have …
… but I left it for Isometric and Flexiblity Training!
And there is a damn good reason behind it.
But yes.
I do NOT forget a slight.
And while I love Dr Maltz’s book Pyscho Cybernetics, I’ve often found the “forgiveness is a scalpel that truly heals all wounds” part hard to do.
In fact, I’ve often wondered if Maltz himself could truly forgive and forget.
Sure, there are some cases in which you can do that (provided a reasonable resolution to issues have taken place with BOTH parties being concerned).
But in many cases, especially cases where people that have been tearing you DOWN all your life?
To me the former means NOT letting it affect one emotionally, or if it does, CHANNEL And USE that emotion – rage – CONSTRUCTIVELY.
But to truly forget?
As Donald Trump once said, “forgiveness is something he doesn’t do”.
And neither do I.
I truly believe that is only for the “world of utopia” or Jesus where you forgive even those crucifying you.
Admirable to a T, no doubt, but it ain’t a quality ‘ve got.
It ain’t one I WILL ever have.
Key being, to not let it AFFECT you!
And herein let me bring up a good point for the Bozo, and a few other people before I continue.
Dude, let’s get past the childish trolling and computer screens.
Come meet me – lets go MANO-O-MANO – NOW – BRO!
And THEN we’ll see whose the big dog.
Lets put away the guns, weapons, and so forth.
The houses, cars, girlfriends you stick your tongue into parts they don’t belong, and so forth,AND OTHER wackos and so forth.
Lets just go MANO -O – MANO – and THEN let’s talk.
’nuff said?
Crickets, I hear …
But anyway, pushups for biceps you ask?
Well, in Pushup Central, yes, there is a style of pushup that will build the biceps – like no other exercise including pull-ups will, and it ain’t handstand pushups either for those wondering.
There are TWO styles, actually, perhaps more, but definitely TWO.
And THAT pushup is the key to which the Bozo who left the “he doesn’t seem to have mentioned the keys” comment on Gorilla Grip should be pointed to – along with another key.
Both well and truly mentioned, my friend.
He was just too concerned about price to see anything else.
And fingers of steel – well – do ’em on CEMENT or steel if you want to build that grip.
And fingers with CRUSHING power.
If you’re like me, you live for that pain, the feeling of your muscles as they stretch and contract, and how your body SCREAMS at you to stop, but your mind will not allow you to quit, you have that target in your MIND, and you cannot stop until you HIT that target … YES, my friends, this is TRAINING – Brutally effective TRAINING!
Amen, John. Amen!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Along with pushups, remember that jumping rope is another key the greats and old timers used. Get the book on it NOW.
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