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I can HEAR it.
The naysayers, Doubting Thomases, Limp Fish Handshakers, and those that just dont get it in general (or they do, but don’t wanna admit it) bawling their little eyes out.
“You talk about grip like it’s the most important thing after breathing!”
“You must be the guy they call when there’s hard to, and almost impossible, stuff to open at the house!”
Both true comments, both coming from a fattie who couldn’t grip to save his life if he tried, and doesnt want to try and doesnt want to learn from the TRUE MASTER at it.
Or, as close to Master as you can get.
This ain’t about him tho.
There’s tons of Bozos out there who don’t work the grip, despite it being the most impotant part of your training, or one.
Brooks Kubik in his book on bodyweight training once wrote …
“Grip training (grip and core) are so important that you should devote entire DAYS to training just the grip and core”.
He’s damn right, bro. Damn right!
And here’s what I dont get.
The complainers are also usually the ones who lift weights and claim the weights are where it’s at.
OK, but how the hell do you lift heavy weights without a decent grip?
Isn’t grip the limiting factor for most of YOU when you try and hoist mammoth weights (which you shouldn’t anyway unless you do it RIGHT)?
For you REAL strongmen out there – that DO do it right … isn’t GRIP what matters the most, along with leg and core?
And we come full circle to what I say about it in the Rolls Royce of Fitness.
Look fella, you simply cannot get away without training the grip, neck, legs and core (and by extension the BACK).
Argue all you like, but I’m yet to see one point against “too much grip training” or emphasis being placed on the same, and it’s usually jackasses that complain about it anyway.
On that note …
Even if you ain’t interested in any of the above?
HERE is another great reason to train the grip, one I haven’t mentioned before, from John again in the United Kingdom.
Hand/Grip training is vital just for survival let alone sports.
If you take the time to develop a strong grip you’ll automatically get stronger all through your entire body, the reason for this is simple, you have more brain signals to your hands than any other part of your body.
Buy this book, train your grip and everything else will become easier, excellent book, thank you.
Sage, sage, and more so!
Excellent book on a very important subject, as he says – and I do too!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I’m sure I’ll be back later with more, hehe, probably pretty soon!
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