Why Bozo Bestsellers peddling miracle cures for the plague deserve the BOOT, and …
- BOOT to ASS!

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My friend from the Marines once made the following comment about my brash style to me.

“Rahul, back in the day, I was like you, putting BOOT TO ASS!”

(This when he was telling me to “tone it down”, but I wouldn’t, hehe)

“I like you! I dont like many people at all…”

Anyway, that aside, the idiocy continues, this time globally apparently.

Apparently some jackass is now selling “bleach” as a miracle cure for the plague, autism, and what not, and using strange marketing techniques to get the Bozos (true Bozos those who buy and USE that stuff!) to buy into it!

And he apparently, horrendously enough, seems to be having success with what is clearly DANGEROUS and illegal, and this idiot is peddling it all over the place!

(and horrendous because the stupidity in general – is – well – just horrendous).

I mean, remember when President Trump spoke about X rays and disinfectants killing the plague from China?

I’m sure he was right on that one.

As Trump said, pointin to the doctors.

“I am not a doctor”, he said. But, pointing to his head “I’ve got a lot up there, you know!” 

Which is damned right!

one of the most brilliant men ever I’d say, and certainly more so than the idiots with fancy degrees sitting around either prescribing medicines that aren’t needed to make more cash, or prescribing “C sections” when they’re NOT NEEDED to make more moolah, or making people come back for doctor visit after doctor visit, often times with NO improvement on the part of the patient and so forth …

… Anyway, that aside.

Apparently some idiot “scientist” is the latest fraudster out there.

From US company illegally peddling ‘miracle cure’ bleach for new Covid variants | US news | The Guardian   … 

The appearance of a new marketing push out of Miami by peddlers of the bleach “cure”, often referred to as “miracle mineral solution”, or MMS, signals the FDA’s uphill struggle in trying to control the potentially lethal trade. Since the start of the pandemic, the federal agency has been clamping down on fraudulent products which claim to treat or cure Covid-19.

It has also been using its enforcement muscle to move against chlorine dioxide dealers. Last August, the FDA arrested Mark Grenon and his four sons, who were among the most prominent “miracle” bleach peddlers in the US.

Members of the Grenon family claimed to be “bishops” of the Florida-based Genesis II “church” that sold bleach under the guise that it was a “sacrament”. They remain in jails in Miami and Colombia awaiting extradition to the US facing charges of conspiracy to defraud the US and to introduce a misbranded drug into interstate commerce.

Having taken down Genesis II, the FDA is now facing outcrops of new MMS dealers. Oclo is run by a former Cuban living in Hallandale Beach, north of Miami.

Ricardo Garcia describes himself as a “research and development scientist” trained in chemistry at the University of Havana, though he also identifies as a real estate agent. Most of his customers in the US are Latino Americans.

He is also known to be offering to transport bleach in enema form to Europe for use on autistic children, at a cost of $680 per liter plus shipping.

In text messages between Garcia and an autism advocate based in Europe, he said that he was distributing the vials mainly in “local areas in the USA”. He added: “We have been censored several times on social media but are still producing to save lives.”

Despite Garcia’s protestations, his main trading route still appears to be through social media sites. He promotes his toxic products on Facebook, Amazon and eBay.

He clearly has some success selling through Amazon. His “immune booster against pathogens”, costing $49.99, is a bestseller ranked 105 in the “sports nutrition and hydration products” category.

I hope the FDA “gets” this jackass too.

They probably will.

And I hope the looney tune bins reach out to the idiots that bought into this rubbish.

(same with the jokers who injected bleach into themselves, and ended up in the emergency room of all things after Trump said what he did. Bozo Schofield from what a friend told me was amongst them, of course, given his fascination with “rear ends” and fingers that don’t surprise me if you get my drift:.

Anyway … I’m not going to link his site here for obvious reasons. People like that deserve to be in JAIL (I mean clown selling the idiocy that he is).

But .. I mention it because of the “bestseller” status the Guardian has apparently given his stuff.

Not Amazon.


Selling at #105 in an obscure niche doesnt necessarily make you a bestseller any more than robust, rising and daily sales through THIS site have made me a multi-bazillionaire richer than Jeff Bezos (at least as yet, hehe).

My point is this – stay away from TAGS and labels.

I keep mentioning this on another site as well.

Tags, labels and “bestseller” tags in particular are overused and WORTHLESS.

Yes, if you have something that is doing well say it.

Shout it!

If it’s a bestseller, shout even louder!

Hell, I do …

But simply deciding whether or not to buy a product based upon that tag as many people do ?

“So many people and X and Y have bought and endorse it and shoved it where ..ah, but you get my drift!”

So what, my friend.

First thing you know, the masses aren’t necessarily the most braniacal of us out there.

Do the OPPOSITE of what the herd and sheeple do is what I’ve always done and advocate you to do.

And in terms of the fitness books and everything I do, thats why  I HIGHLY urge people to sign up for my list first.

It’s yet another reason, sales aside, I “pester” everyone on my list with multiple emails a day as opposed to one a day they signed up (no, it isn’t just over-deliver while underpromising, though YES that is PART of it).

ITs because I want the cream of the crop buyin from me, my friend.

The BEST for the best!

The BEST – OF the BEST!

And people that are DOERS, ready to take ACTION, and make CHANGE happen in their life NOW.

And thats one way of aggressively culling people from my list, and life in general.

So I’m left with the cream of the crop, and its a pleasure serving people like that!

And that, my friend is that.

Hopefully this idiot is caught soon (Bozo Scientist referred to above) – we’ve got enough wackos in the world as it is, and something like that, duping the sheeple and selling something illegal? Put the fool away – like NOW!

So I say, at least.

And again, hopefully the wardens at looney tune bins around the world BE reading this.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Bozo Schofield, the one loon even wardens at the looney tune bin probably wouldn’t want anywhere near ’em (they’d choose Hannibal) once (twice, actually) famously said “no-one buys your books!”

I wonder what he’d say if he read this, hehe. Which of course he is …

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