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It never is, and never should be!
After some maniacal stuff (par from the course) from the old “S.O” – or lady, depending upon how you call it – it was exactly what the doc ordered too.
Anyway, I was damn near “dead” after yesterdays workout. I was supposed to walk while the young ‘un biked to the park – with two clubs on two shoulders.
But she was tired too, so it’s good we didnt do that.
Went out to the park tho, nice walk – and on the way back “Dad, can we call a taxi to take us back home”.
Dad, my legs are like rubber.
Keep pushing, I advised her. And she did – champ!
You’ll see her in action in some videos too … filming, and being the star. Hehe.
You should also be able to if you watch carefully – tell she’s tired.
Nothing like that for me – we filmed a bit of Gorilla Grip today – and finally – a proper pull-up on a THICK bar that I actually do as opposed to those annoying chin up stands which I was using yesterday, maybe thats why the video didnt come out right.
I love me my thick bars, period – and my thick gripz!
So you’ll see that in today’s video session.
And you’ll see me attempt to be the great Gama, lifting stones and such — – truth be told, I DID do these things back in the day, but I neglected my cardio big time at that point.
But I’m getting back into it, lifting a 80kg stone up even partially from the ground (I used to cradle it like a baby) … well, I’m getting back into it!
That sort of odd object lifting builds tremendous strength in a way nothing else can – so long as you dont neglect thy cardio with the “I’m strong, it doesnt matter” idiotic excuse, you can and should do it daily.
It’ll be featured in Lumberjack Lodestone Fitness as well, those of you that have not as yet, GET the pre-order now!!
Other takeaway from this – man, ALWAYS work the back of the body – and again, core, core, core.
I cannot emphasize enough how important core training is.
It was my hamstrings and legs feeling it the most with that bulky stone.
So it should be if you lift RIGHT (i.e. LEGS should do most of the lifting, or initial “power up”).
And thats that.
More here on our Youtube channel … (I know I said I wouldn’t do very many of these any more, but the time is nigh now, so I am!)
Rahul Mookerjee
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