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We sell ourselves daily – whether we realize it or not.
Going for a job interview, we sell our talents to the employer, you’d think – but really speaking, we sell “ourselves” – subconsciously, especially for senior level positions, it often boils down to “personal traits” and whether the person in charge “likes you” (not saying talent does not matter – of course it does – skills do – but end of the day, it’s a person hiring a person, emotions count).
When you’re talking to someone, or discussing something, your selling your point of view – as when you’re debating, and your selling it in that you’re convincing the other person of YOUR viewpoint – and its validity etc.
Dating – your selling yourself to your partner!
No matter what human relationship you talk about – SALES is omni present.
And so I’ve always found it surprising horders of nuts globally give sales and salespeople a bad rap in general.
Sales is what brings home the bacon my friend – no sales = skinny kids – fact. Sales is what every CEO is concerned about first and foremost. Sales is the bottom line, anyone not wanting to get good at sales is seriously shortchanging themselves in terms of what they can achieve out of and from life in general.
Bearing all this in mind, here is what Janet Claire Parker – who has also narrated the audiobook for this project – has had to say about the book, “The 10 Commandments of Successful Sales“.
“This book holds a lot of information. This was all about using your best personality traits to promote what ever you wish you to sell. Whether what you sell a product or your self. Listen to this story and unlock your own power to influence your own progress. Anything you want is within your grasp so listen along with us and grow into your best self. 4 stars”
And she’s right!
She’s also done a great job on the narration – took all my feedback on board, and implemented it – right down to removing the “echo” from the voice when it was there, to studying the material beforehand to get a better grasp of it before talking about it (so it isn’t just pure narration – you’ll hear her voice – its different!)… thanks Janet!
And she’s right, you can sell literally anything using the tips and tricks in this book, and there’s way more than 10 if you look between the lines, more like 20 …
Focus on your strengths, and strengthen your weaknesses while you’re at it, but use your strengths to sell – and better yourself, and that, my friend, should be all the incentive you need to buy this book NOW.
Those interested in the audio book, a link will be made available on the sales page when it’s available – or a seperate audio book page.
And thats that!
Rahul Mookerjee
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