Letting off some steam, and then some …. !

So what I am about to say may and probably will resonate with you BIG TIME.

It’s something we all need to do occcasionally somehow, and these days?? Oh boy.

Over the past couple of days I’ve been in a bit of a “mood”.

Things just aren’t going as I’d like (and I aint talking biz here necessarily) either globally or otherwise in terms of certain (new) goals I have.

And while in accordance with the sage Napoleon Hill words “Tell the world what you’re goin gto do, but SHOW IT first”, I wont reveal just what it is, my social media should be enough to give you a hint, or more than a hint.

And my response is predictable, of course.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What I’ve done ALL my life!

IS to work out – even harder!

Might sound strange, but years ago, I remember climbing the hill and then stretching out at the end of it in a lengthy workout which no-one in their “right mind” and given my own personal situation at that time would do!

I mean, I waas down big time.

And the sages all wisely (not) advised me to “spend more time trying”.

I disregarded this advice.

As I stood there in that famous “stretch” pose of mine the 0 Excuses Faithful know SO Well, a voice chimed in my head.

“I love this! I’m goin gto make it no matter what. I certainly won’t give up!”

Years and years later, here is what I got to say.

Given times these days, we ALL tend to get frustrated.

Feel rudderless, as if “events are beyond our control”.

And more (especially given the plague that the Chinese spread globally for one and the immense and brutal damage done to economies and lives everywhere).

Truth it, as far as some of it is concerned, yes.

Truth also is, no matter how dire things may seem, there is ALWAYS A way out given the right amount of will.

Nature knows no such thing as the word “impossible” my friend.

And back to fitness.

When I was 24, I remember discussing something frustrating with my father of all people (someone who has always had opposing views on everything from me, and certainly in terms of fitness!).

And his reply!

“Well, maybe a couple of good climbs up the hill will resolve the frustration!”

I never thought I’d say this, but everyone is right … SOMETIMES. And rarely is anyone right ALL THE TIME.

Anyway, effective immediately I’m switching to something which was another main reason I wrote to you about this.

TWO workouts in a day, and for me personally, the first one was 3500 rope jumps. Way above what I do normally.

And the second will be pull-ups, and perhaps more, at night.

I normally get it all done at one shot, but a few months ago you’ll recall I Was doing two workouts a day.

And I plan on doing just that tonight, and I will probably write to you about it on the other site as well!

And back to “feeling powerless”.

Working out won’t necessarily resolve that.

But for those of you that never give up and have the gumption to keep going towards whatever goal it is you have, take heart – there is ALWAYS a way, and the better your fitness levels, the more energy you’ll have to accomplish said goals.

MENTAL energy.


And so forth …

Just look at the inimitable Donald Trump for one, who once famously claimed “exercise depletes the body’s batteries” for more proof on … ah ,but I best not go there, hehe.

I’ll just say this.

Trump DOES say it like it is – IF YOU’RE reading between the lines, brah!

And as far as the issues that I spoke about and goals etc?

I’m off to work on them – now!

IN the meantime, invest in your fitness, and stay in top conditioning by investing in the 0 Excuses Fitness System today my friend. YES, you will need it down the road!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushups give you a great workout within 15 minutes and will burn all the fat off your frame you want to. Get my critically accalimed course right here: https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/

Why I don’t feel the need to prove (and honestly don’t give a rip over) “selling X number of books”.

Or “how many people like me”.

Or “providing lots of value in my daily emails”. (well, I DO care about real value, but something like that would never appeal to the “I want it now and for free” nutzos)

Or “how many sales I’ve made today” (not in the way you’d think, at least).

And a host of other “yardsticks” the easily offended and self righteous hypocrites who think it’s perfectly okay to do something to others (Bozo Scofield for one) and then get offended and jump up and down when someone responds in triplicate, because that someone does it in the bozos wouldn’t have thought of in a million decades, and because, well …

.. a host of other people who say and think “Just how dare he!”

So much so that  I once did up an entire post on “how dare I”, hehe, just for the bozos and self righteous idiots out there (and the snowflakes, Mama’s boys, and a lot of other basement dwelling types).

Anyway, on the bozo note.

The infamous (by now, hehe) Scofield sent me that comment about “you can’t prove you sold X number of books!”

He sent it to me more than once, which is why I Remember it (normally I just scan through his rant and see if there is something that makes me chuckle more than the “how dare I!!” vibe coming off the rants) …

But it’s actually a good point. For all categories of people above, and also the penny pinchers, tyre kickers and other nuts who write in to me (Steve (last name withheld for privacy) being one) about “why are my products so over-priced”.

It isn’t so much for the people that say “the products are priced higher than usual, but the value is just mind blowing!” (the REAL doers and those I’d prefer to associate with).

It isn’t AT ALL For them actually! ?

And without further ado, why I could care less about proving what I mentioned in the subject line.

Well, first off, it simply doesn’t interest me in the way you think.

The numbers aren’t really what cut it for most of the time, unless you count the zeros in the bank account, hehe.

And in that regard, you’d be amazed at how less adds up to more.

(Which is a secret you nuts out there that obsess about “how many people opened my email” and how many “liked my post” and so forth will be hard pressed to understand).

But second, and even if it DID add up to more moolah, I wouldn’t care either way.


Because that’s just how I am my friend.

To me it’s important to put out stuff that WORKS.

If that means antagonizing the vast majority of hoo haa’ers and gym bros, so be it.

If that means “less sales”, so be it.

But I’d rather put my name to something that works, and something I believe in myself as opposed to “what everyone is doing “ or worrying about “what others might think of what I write or sell” or “proving I’m so and so to so and so”.

I mean really, who cares.

Not to mention it’s none of anyone’s business but mine, hehe.

And on that contrary note, here is how this applies to fitness as well.

“I bet you can’t lose 10 kgs in 10 days”, you’ll hear when you crack open Advanced Hill Training (as an example) and rave on about the mindblowing info in there that most people would never think of.

Or dream of.

Or the results for that matter.

“It’s impossible!” I hear people say when I tell them.

And when I show them the proof and results (though I don’t have to, hehe) their jaws drop, and the vast majority gets back with “so what”.

Not so much “no prizes for being right”, hehe, but “so what”.


So what.

So why would said person care in the first place.

And that is what I laugh about the most.

These nuts that jump up and down about all this and send me bazillions of email daily about how less they could care about me, and my stuff, actually DO care.

How dare he, hehe.

How dare he actually DO something of value.

How dare he not fit the “crab that prefers to stay in the bucket”.

And so forth.

Anyway,in terms of “X” number of books …

Last I checked, Gorilla Grip is still the BEST SELLING course I’ve got out there, my friend.

The first one I revamped and put out.

And much like in 2010, it STILL sells like hot cakes, and is still the biggest bestseller.

#2 is 0 Excuses Fitness, the best darn system out there in terms of fitness.

#3 is Shoulders like Boulders (a course that rank incenses a lot of people out there – perhaps because of how quickly it works).

And that’s all I care about, hehe.

Enough numbers?

I hope so!

And on that note I’ll be back soon.

Until then,

Rahul Mookerjee

PS – You know you’ve got it made and their little pea brains (or lack of them) wrapped around your little pinky when they even start to ape you and write like you. LOL.

PS #2 – Build ape like pulling strength by doing pull-ups, and learn how to do ‘em right here – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!


Why I highly recommend gymnastic rings, and do NOT (and havent ever) recommended CHIN-UPS

Well, well, well!

The pull-up expert saying he doesn’t recommend chin ups you ask?

Well, bear with me a minute.

In all my pull-up books – Pull-ups: from Dud to Stud within a matter of WEEKS, as well as the pathbreaking ADVANCED course (must grab!) you’ll notice one thing.

That there is no section where I recommend nothing but chin-ups.

In fact, I’m sure you won’t even find a mention of it in the initial book which TEACHES you how to do pull-ups.

You’ll find everything else.

Mention of thick bars. Mention of dead hangs. The other SECRETS to getting better at pull-ups.

And so forth.

But no chin-ups …

And why?

Well, I’ve often gone on record saying that the pull-up position is a far more natural one than the chin-up position for one.

Chin-ups may work for some, and may be “easier” to a degree if you use the biceps primarily, but if you do that, you’re a) taking away the primary benefit of pull-ups, and a re b) severely limiting your gains.

For obvious reasons.

And thing is, even if you’re just interested in preening and posing and beachboy muscles (think biceps and chest, both of which the chin up heavily taxes) then you need to remember ONE thing.

Done from a dead hang, they put IMMENSE stress on your wrists and shoulders my friend.

Not in a good way either, simply because the position is unnatural.

How often have you see an ape swing from branch to branch with a supinated grip (I believe that’s what they call “palms towards you”)?


I thought so.

How often do you lift things up from the ground with that grip (no, deadlifts don’t count brah)?

Yeah. I thought so.

And that’s pretty much why I don’t recommend chin-ups – much as I do NOT recommend shortcuts to getting better at pull-ups like kippin for one.

Now, some of you have complained in the past.

“But provided I work my back otherwise, there’s no sense in not getting more bicep work” (one 100 pushup per day reader sent this in to me – he’s trying to improve his pull-up numbers as well).

And while it wouldn’t be high on my priority list, nothing wrong with what he’s saying is there.

Enter gymnastic rings.

And Ropes and chains .. .

Both of these, but especially the former give you a great great BICEP workout (and inner forearm) WITHOUT any unnatural stress being placed on the shoulders, wrists, or anywhere else.

Especially gymnastic rings because ethey “move”.

They’re not static.

So towards the top of the movement, you can turn them inwards if you so choose for static holds and MORE bicep work!

Basically hammer grip pull-ups done on gymnastic rings is what I’m referring to.

And while I wouldn’t recommend these are a primary workout, they work great in terms of a secondary and or “other” exercise during your workout!

I should know. I just got done with 50 of them, and I feel great!

And that’s the missive for today. . .

Now, before I go, some of you will be thinking “so what”.

“I can barely do a pull-up. How does this help me?”

Well, it should motivate you to get off your ass if nothing else my friend and if it doesn’t you’re likely on the WRONG damn list.

And it SHOULD motivate you to get off thee buttocks and invest in the course that will get you cranking out pull-ups like there is NO TOMORROW.

Yes, my friend.

This course really, really works. Grab it now and check it out for yourself!


Rahu lMookerjeee

PS – – And yes, ALL my emails WILL have a pitch in them. If that isn’t your cup of tea, well, you know which link to click ….

Lower abs – running, sprinting, or jumping ROPE?

Ok, so as promised, I’ll try and keep this one short and fitness only! ?

Well, I didn’t promise short, now that I come to think of it …

… although Bozo Scofield is likely well acquainted with the words “short” and “puny” (as well as “rank obese”). He probably hears it every n….ah, but I best not go there. ?

And since I ended up breaking “promise #2” (but hey, I couldn’t help it. These nutzos deserve it – the ones that keep following me. I mean for f’s sake. STOP hounding me, and I’ll stop replying – in duplicate, triplicate, and so forth, but of course, when someone’s jerking off in Mama’s basement with nothing better to do (well, last I heard he got kicked out and is in public housing)) …

Ok, Ok.

I’ll stop.

Anyway, back to lower abs (and nothing beneath that, hehe. No long and short! ?)

I’ve often touted the benefits of jumping rope, and rightly so.

I haven’t put out a course on it, but it’s on my mind, along with course on isometrics that a certain customer wanted, but I STILL haven’t gotten around to it (and if you were to call me out and say I “erred” in that regard – hey – I’d agree! I haven’t gotten it done as yet, and mea culpa on that one my brother).

And benefits you ask? Well, I won’t get into it HERE, but if Tyson, Ali, Frazier etc did it as a MAINSTAY of their routines, often in the thousands of reps, and often times for long periods without stopping, there must be something to it, eh.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Jumping rope is not just an excellent exercise to develop dexterity, mobility and that “speed” boxers want so badly, but it’s also a great way to lose weight.

And for the “el Tubbos” out there …

A GREAT Way to lose weight – and a low impact one at that.

But should you “only jump rope” to lose weight?

Well, it depends on yoru goals my friend.

You COULD do nothing but jumping rope the rest of your life and you’d make great gains, and get in GREAT shape.

But should you?


I’d say mix in running – NOT pounding the pavement style but REAL running.

And work in sprints too occasionally.

Ever notice that the lower abs sometimes just don’t “go in” as much as you’d like?

No matter how many times you jump rope.

No matter how many squats you do.

No matter how many (certain types) of pushups you do (with certain types of pushups, those lower ab muscles WILL POP, and the fat WILL FLY OFF, and how!) …

Somehow, despite the overall fat loss, the “bloat” and “lower abs fat” doenst seem to go away no matter what …

… until you start doing TWO things.

One being pull-ups.

And the second being SPRINTS.

And being sprints aren’t exactly the easiest to start off with, running …

Why do I say this?

Well, because although the “up and down” and sideways (if you so choose, or even diagonal) motion when jumping rope is GREAT for losing fat, especially that nasty INTERNAL fat (I can almost feel it lopping off as I go through the reps), the “forward” (or backwards! ?) motion of sprints cannot be beat.

Neither can they be beat when done uphill.

And it’s really when you sprint all out, and you REALLY, Really go full bore (or run at close to your maximum pace for at least 20 seconds or so and do it in sets) is when you really start to lose BOTH types of fat incrementally.

It’s a different type of feeling. I can’t explain it.

But do both is my advice.

Or, as I told a friendly recently, do one on your days off, and focus on the other exercise as a mainstay. Switch around sometimes!

All the great names mentioned above didn’t do just ONE.

They did both!

And that, in itself should explain it – and for those that have done both, and KNOW how both exercises make them feel – well – you know what I MEAN!

And that, my brothers and sisters is truly the long and short of this. Take it or leave it – amen!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is where you can learn all about sprints done RIGHT (and the results which truly DO COUNT!) – Advanced Hill Training

Why I could care an iota less and then some about drama Queens (and/Kings)

Last year (I believe until about the middle of last year or thereabouts), I taught a class to a couple of young doctors.

A couple in grad (medical) school. Or whatever you call the Chinese equivalent of med school!

The campus was huge. Strapping! And walking from end of it to the other was probably enough to give you a workout unto yourself.

Now I’ve written before about the fitness tips I gave these kids.

But I didn’t mention the “drama queen” part of this, or at least I don’t believe I did.

Bear in mind that part of the overall package I offered these two students (and occasionally a third student) was “improving their oral English debate skills”.

Not so much just debate as talking, but debate as well, since that was apparently one of their core classes in college they had trouble with.

And one fine day while doing this (after climbing up to the fourth floor of the building and “holding session” in one of the classrooms there) we were discussing that oh so thorny issue.

“Women’s rights” (or something to that effect).

I cannot remember if it was “should females serve in the military” or if it was “women working from home”.

But there were two guys and a gal in the class, and both guys enjoyed the class immensely.

While the girl suddenly started acting weird and “feeling unwell” all of a sudden in the middle of the class.

Although I was being as politically CORRECT as I could (hey, it was class, and …) apparently that wasn’t enough and so I piped up.

“Hey, if this topic upsets you, we can always change it”, I said, shrugging. After all, they had chosen the topic themselves!

“No, please continue!” chimed in the two guys, and the girl sniffed. “No, I’m oK!”

Later that night as I went home, class curtailed abruptly “because she wasn’t feeling well” or some BS (and it was utter BS) the guy messaged me out of the blue.

One of the guys.

You see, she was his fiancée apparently.

And apparently despite her not being able to say it openly, the topic was upsetting her (only she knows why!).

“Rahul can you please talk to her”, he mourned miserably.

“Why”, Iasked. “Whats up!”

“She’s angry with me! She won’t talk to me anymore! It’s after class that … “

Now, normally I wouldn’t entertain anything of this nature period, but they’re both good kids. I liked them.

And being dude clearly didn’t have a clue, and that it was his “first time” (hehe), I spoke to her for a while.

And predictably, she was happy at having gotten her way.

And predictably as well, the classes quickly tapered off after that (despite my “political correctness”).

A similar thing happened when I was the “debate moderator” for a Sunday afternoon debate once (with all the participants being Chinese).

Similar topic (women’s rights or something – in fact I think it was Women’s Day in China that day).

And of course, the minute the guys started piping up about their opinion on whether or not they believed women should do ANY housework (note, not all. ANY!) – and it was just an opinion, a woman piped up.

“I don’t think it’s right!”

I invited her to explain her viewpoint, and WHY and what she thought wasn’t right, and asked her not to throw a hissy and DEBATE the issue.

She threw her head back haughtily and walked out of the room.

“Ive had enough!” she yelled, en route to the debate organizer (presumably to complain about the unrepentant foreign devil discussing women’s issues. How dare I!;)) …

And while said organizer was told very clearly not to interfere, or I’d walk out RIGHT THERE AND THEN, the point stands.

And that’s of course one reason why teaching English in China is a crock and a dancing monkey job by and large. The students or so called students control what you say in class. Facts and everything be damned, if that monkey doesn’t dance, they’ll do your best to fire ya on the spot.

And in one case, that’s exactly what “Grandmother Ashley”, a woman I once knew tried to do when I was organizing something similar at an English learning center in China.

She ran straight to the owner, and being she was the one that pretty much paid most of the tuition there, the owner threw a hissy as well.

… only to make a sullen face and back down when told to piss off.

The same thing holds true in terms of fitness.

Charles the Tom Tommer threw a hissy the other day about me promoting pull-ups and my info not “babysitting” him.

“Your info doesn’t help!” he wailed (while making other silly demands and statements).

I could never for the life of me understand why a so called weight lifter that professes to hate bodyweight exercises was following my posts in the first place!

Ah, but those pesky facts, eh.

Same thing for Bozo Schofield, always looking for SOME DRAMA or the other.

And plenty of other nutjobs out there.

And my response?

I could care LESS about all that.

I really don’t give a rip about your drama my friend.

What I care about this – giving it to you straight, and saying it like it is.

If you’re fat and cant do pull-ups because you’re lazy, slovenly and fat, then that’s exactly what I am going to say.

I am not here to hand hold you, molly coddle you or provide you with information “tailored” to your sissy demands my friend.

That last bit might sound harsh, but really, I’m not the one asking people to “follow” me or buy my products. If you want to, you invest. If not, well, no skin off my nose!

It’s the DRAMA I can’t deal with my friend.

And drama queens, or kings, or the sissy versions of them at any rate. Or whatever the term is!

Massive waste of time, energy, and an unending source of annoyance. Not to mention LAZY as heck in most cases. And NOT exactly the sort of person that says it like it is (unless it fits their OWN narratives in which case they’ll be shoving it down your throat, or attempting to, all day long and every damn time you even start a conversation with them).

And so forth.

Leftos, anyone??


And on that note, I’m out. Check out our NO NONSENSE FITNESS PRODUCTS that just FLAT OUT WORK – right HERE!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Thank you for all the comments on Pushup Central. Yes, it truly is the best damned cours eon pushups out there!!!!

As the cries to “unfollow this dude (yours truly)” grows louder, and the “wolves” start to howl …

Howling like a wolf. That brings back memories!

A long, long time ago a friend of mine once told me the following (once I stopped questioning what he said and (seemingly) accepted it as a gospel).

For a while, anyway! ? ‘Twas an experiment of sorts that I didn’t even know I was doing at the “callow” age of 24.

“Rahul, you do know you’re much more pleasant to be around! The old Rahul still howls on occasion, but the new one is far more preferable!”

This, of course lasted only a while (the brief truce – – it soon gave way to “Rahul, you’d make a great Microsoft employee”).

Ugh. Microsoft. Not only are they run by a bunch of leftists, but working for those big companies? I’ve worked full time in one before, and le tme tell you, that is NOT an experience I’d like to repeat (can we say the most useless and unproductive hours I’ve ever spent, and an UTTER AND TOTAL waste of talent?).

Anyway …

This morning, I logged into my LinkedIN.

Posted a couple of comments.

Straight from the heart, all TRUE and FACTUAL. All a very accurate “picture” of what is going on in the world today and why.

And predictably, the babel started.

One particular gentleman’s voice stood out, if just for how aggrieved it was.

“Don’t follow this dude!” he said to no-one in particular and pretty much everyone.

Now, whether or not he meant I should stop following Donald Trump (following as in reading up about him) or “people should stop following Rahul” is up in the air.

He was so ticked off he wrote nothing else, but I sort of suspect the latter.

(And sorry, the former ain’t happening).

And he ain’t the only one! ?

There have been literally SCORES OF PEOPLE as of late chanting the same anti Rahul “this guy is too much” slogan.

How dare he, I keep hearing, feeling, and hearing over an dover again.

Just who does he think he is?

How dare he say what he does about working out.

And the best was from the all time greatest Bozo of all times, Bozo Glyn.

“How dare a person like you…”

Reminds me of certain family members … “How dare I!!”

Ah, the anger! Or should I say angst!

Well guess what fella (and you, Bozo Scofiled).


And AM.

And that pesky list of my “followers” keeps growing. Last I checked it was past 11 K on Facebook alone, and that ain’t the only form of social media I’m on by far.

Anyway, some lessons in there for those of you that choose to learn.

And anytime you say it like it is, my friend, this is bound to happen.

IT doesn’t matter if I call fat guys out for being what they are – FAT – and tubs of lard not able to do pull-ups because of excess weight and nothing else, or if I scoff at suggestions that bigger guys do worse at uphill sprints than “smaller” guys (or gals).

IT doesn’t matter if I tell the puffing and buffing nutzos that it ain’t about how much you can bench – it’s about how much you can lift – or PRESS overhead.

And it don’t matter, most of all if I tell people, most of all, that the BEST way to lose weight is NOT what they’ve been fed/taught/spoonfed.

And yet, that list of BUYERS keeps growing, my friend.

And fitness wise, only YOU can decide which side of the fence you’re on.

Jump on the train HERE, my friend. There’s plenty more where that comes from,but make a start right now.


And start to get into the best damned shape of your life if you so choose!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – As a friend recently told me “Damn, if they hate on you that much, you should consider that a compliment. They’re quite obviously threatened by you”.

Amen, my friend. Amen! I do, and they ARE – on a certain LEVEL if not another is what I’d add, but I agree!

PS #2 – HERE is where you can learn the REAL secrets to knocking out pull-ups effortlessly, smoothly, willy nilly, without doing much different at all –https://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-from-dud-to-stud-within-a-matter-of-weeks/

On boobybuilders playing football, “big guys VS “small” guys” and more …

Way, way back in the day I met a tall, strong and strapping guy named Joe.

One of the first persons I met when I went to Univ for that matter.

His name was Joe, and he was at least 6’4” inches tall. Like, HUGE. And not huge as in boobybuilder huge or “Arnie” muscles.

He had massive shoulders and strong forearms, and the first thoughts I had when I gripped his hand to shake it (and remember this was pre-workout, pre-Gorilla grip days) was “My, my!”

That’s one strong MOFO, I remember thinking!

And as we (and his friend Jody) got talking about size (Jody was probably more “normal sized”) he made the following comment.

“We make them big down here!” he laughed.

Then the topic went on to football and how I kept referring to my physical size and why I couldn’t play football due to my size.

“There’s no way I could do that”, I said. “I’d get mangled!”

Jody laughed.

“Sure you could Rahul. You know, you do have protective gear!!”

“Yes but … “

And then “Joe” gave me one on the shoulder (friendly way, but it felt like a mule had sloshed me to be honest, hehe).

“Dude, I play football every night out there”, he said gesturing to the lawns. “Lots of guys your size and build play it!”

And those comments struck HOME. Bigt time.

He was the one who months later urged me to sign up for the Army and I’ve detailed that story before.

And of course, this brings to mind what one of my best friends a former Marine, and a giant of a man himself to be honest once told me.

“Small??? You???? You’re not a small specimen, Rahul!”

This was a couple of years ago.

Anyway, this morning I was checking my FB feed.

And I saw a picture from Andrew, a former colleague and current friend.

And as we shot the bull back and forth, I commented on the picture he posted, which seemed to be of guys playing rugby.

A brutal contact sport, and just for the record, Andrew is my size, or maybe even “smaller” to an extent.

But that grip of his when I first met him.

Though it wasn’t anywhere near Gorilla Grip levels, it was a STRONG, STRONG grip, and remember, dude hasn’t worked out in years. (not that I know of at least).

It was the grip of a man whose done plenty of physical labor in his life, to be honest, but we never got around to talking about it back then, but we did today!

“I used to play that back in the day”, he said.

“Really”, I said. “Damn, rugby. That’s brutal!”

“No! That’s Aussie rules football” he remarked.

And upon closer look, indeed it was!

And then I made the comment.

“Well, Aussie Rules Footie > Rugby > US Rules football in terms of sheer BRUTALITY”.

And it’s true!

And then the comment that sparked this little here note.

US football for show ponies, every 20 seconds have a break, go to an ad, time out…

My reaction?

LOL … Yeah, mostly the boobybuilders that couldnt make it in real wrestling, hehe.

Now, before the snowflakes jump up and down, remember one thing.

Tongue in cheek, though all the comments DO HAVE real world releveance.

And yes, there is an overemphasis on SIZE in what we know as “football” (not what the Brits refer to as “soccer”, or is the other way around, hehe. ?).

Really speaking though, it brought to mind what Charles said the other day.

For years he’s kept me under the impression that he was a former wrestler and big guy and so forth (he’s somewhat big yes, but more FAT than big to be honest).

And I kept wondering why he kept railing against pushups and pull-ups (while curiously enough still trying to do the very exercise he claims to hate i.e. pull-ups) when those are the holy grail of any wrestler’s training regimen.

And his GRIP.

His grip is downright WEAK. NOT the grip of an ex wrestler to be honest!

I could never figure it out.

Until he told me he just “dabbled a bit in wrestling” and that “pro football was his jam”.

Did he actually do the latter?

I gotta say, I have NO idea either way!

But all this ramble should convince you either way that it ain’t about size my friend.

Yes, big guys can do pull-ups, and lots and lots of them, and those that can’t are just flat out FAT.

And if youre fat, as Brooks Kubik famously once said, you just won’t look like an athlete. Sorry to offend (his own words, NOT mine) – but its true.

Yours truly would probably say “happy to offend”, hehe, or (as I told my daughter the other day) “Papa doesn’t know when to say something and keep his mouth shut, but his daughter does. BORN SURIVIVOR! Of course, so is your Papa. He just doesn’t CARE, but you don’t, but you still know …”

Anyway, ok, enough on all those fronts. I’ll stop, but again,

It aint about how big you are, or your genetics my friend.

It’s about YOU.

Can you MAN UP and just DO IT?

Or are you content to drift along making excuses, both in terms of life and fitness?

No problem if it’s the latter for you – but for me personally?

Ill always choose the former option! ? And always have all my life.

So should YOU brah. It truly is worth it!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is where you can pick up the PATHBREAKING course on pull-ups with tips you’ve never DREAMT of before, let alone seen or heard – Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS!

PS #2 – And here is the very best darn course there is out there on pushups (I CHALLENGE you to find one better) – – Pushup Central.

PPS – “Even if you’re just interested in strength, there’s no excuse or reason to be fat” (more of Brooks’s words, and they ring so damned true!).

Why you sometimes have to LOSE in order to win (and big)

You see a host of self help authors out there claiming that visualization works wonders, and that it’s all about moving ahead, and not backwards.

But is it really so?

Is that how this here GAME OF LIFE works?

I’d say NO (in part), and anyone that has been there and done it would agree!

Vince Mc Mahon, who started out as an “abused child” (at least physically) in a trailer and has since become one of the richest men in America, and the very face of sports entertainment as he knows it (and he likes big guys! ? by his own admission – and so he should for his biz) had THIS to say about failure once.

“Sometimes you have to take three steps backward to take ONE ahead”

Donald Trump, one of the best marketing minds of all times had something similar to say right after he once said “my entire life is about winning” (so it should!).

“Sometimes winning in part is about knowing when to let it go. About when to give up the fight, and move on to something more productive”.

And I have paraphrased the above three comments, but the sum and substance of it is clear.

Years ago, every time I started to do something, I’d wonder why I kept getting “knocked down”.

I remember what a “wise old man” John Mc Intosh once told me when I was working on an IT biz back in 2008 …

“The Universe is testing you, Rahul! You aren’t being tested by me, but a FORCE that conspires to stop people from working on their own terms, from living an INDEPENDENT LIFE as you so want to, and precious few have what it takes to make it. I believe you’re one of the few that DOES!”

At the time I didn’t understand fully.

Now I do, and then some!

Napoleon Hill has often written about the guardian that stands at the door of TRUE success, whose job it is it to guide men through all sorts of failures and heart breaking situations before they finally “arrive”.

And everyone’s path is different. There is no set path to any of this!

A higher power decides. Things happen for a reason.

And back to what I am saying …

Sometimes, you have to fail – and fail BIG in order to succeed. Give me any successful business person, or a person successful at anything ,and I’ll giv eyoua person whose failed MORE TIMES Than he’s succeeded.

A lot more times.

The key lies in being able to brush the failure off, as Edison did when inventing the light bulb, and KEEP GOING.

Keep moving on!

And the key also lies in knowing when “enough is enough”, and to move on to other things.

ON a very micro level, take a look at Bozo Schofield for one.

The guy’s been running after me for years (despite having blocked me and then wanting me to unblock him).

He’s done everything he can to gain attention (his own sorry life includes whiling away his time snorting you know what while on public welfare back home in the UK). From making racist memes, to silly personal attacks, to starting groups dedicated to (you got it – yours truly!) … he’s done it ALL.

And he ain’t the only one either. Hehe. He is the wackiest of the lot though, and that “fight” should have been given up a long, long time ago …

… but it wasn’t, and he’s ended up alienating pretty much everyone that stuck by his side (a sum total of TWO people) through his madnesses. Believe me, I’ve written about him before, but you’d probably rather dine with Hannibal Lecter than have this lunatic by your side!

Would make a perfect bed companion for Grandmother Pelosi and Race Mongering Harris while they go about … ah, but I’lls top. Let’s not “ruin” this with political talk hehe.

But the point stands.

Sometimes, you gotta move on to other things my friend.

Even if that means taking a step back – or three.

Fitness wise, you ask?

Well, same damn thing.

You see people slaving away at the machines on the gym for eternity and burying their heads in the sand of “the iron is the best” – and yet, the gains never really come.

Secretly, these people are all looking at the guys with corrugated cores, for one.

Guys that can crank out bodyweight exercises like there’s no tomorrow!

Why can’t I be like him. Why isn’t my training really working.

These people will never admit it, of course.

But these are the very people that need to take step back – or THREE – in order to really get to where they want to be!

And if you’re one of those people – well – I’m here for you!

Remember, my friend. IN life, business or fitness – sometimes you gotta just walk away from what is clearly not working and start on the tough path of what DOES work and has been PROVEN to.

That’s really as simple as it gets (or as Richard, a friend of mine said the other day “Simple as that!”).

Fitness wise, start right HERE.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Pushup Central got the rave reviews it did for a damn good reason, as have all other courses. BE sure and check ‘em all out!

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t!

Ever notice this in YOUR LIFE?

In any regard, or many for that matter. I know I have my entire life for one in more regards than one!

Por ejempelo, when the one and only TRUMPINATOR contracted the Chinese plague, he posted about it, and naturally I shared his post in a “get well soon bro” sense!

Because he’s the best damn president ever, and no-one, I repeat, NO-ONE deserves to die of a dastardly little plague like this one, least of all one spread willingly and knowingly by the PRC.

But anyway, I also posted that Donald Trump, hale and hearty, and full of energy and VITALITY at the age of 74 no less did NOT look likely (to me, at any rate) to be a person at any sort of risk for contracting the damned plague.

But contract it he did.

And the leftos jumped up and down, wailing about how he didn’t wear masks (while conspicuously ignoring the wide spreading rioting going in certain lefto run towns back home in the US where LARGE scale mobs roam around willy nilly, demanding the disbanding of police and other such roguish, thuggish demands, and all without masks etc of course. And social distancing be damned).

IF there ever was an example of people NOT following the “goose and gander” principle it’s the left. Pot calling the kettle . . .

But anyway, once he recovered, I posted about that.

And the left showed up again.

“He didn’t even get it”, they wail. “It’s all a political stunt! Pathetic!”

From the very people that a post or two earlier said he was obese (and really, yes, he may be overweight, but that ain’t the whole story BY FAR in terms of Donald Trump’s tale as I posted about earlier) … and the SAME people that said he was at very high risk of getting it.

Sometimes I wonder if these people even value the passport they’ve got and the independence and freedom we all sometimes (well, not me – I try and be very mindful and protective of it) take for granted.

And we shouldn’t!

Anything you take for granted often gets taken away and how.

Perhaps that’s what the left wants.

Of course it does!

But anyway, enough on that.

Fitness wise, same damn thing.

When you tell Charles, for instance, that the only way to do pull-ups is to a) just do ‘em and b) the RIGHT way to prepare is to dead hangs and focus on the lats (And other tricks that I mention in the pathbreaking book on this), then he pouts.

“The iron is the real deal!”

“Pull-ups aren’t really that important! They don’t build real strength! Hoisting the iron does!”

(the second is a comment he THINK – hasn’t said it as yet, but the vibe comes out strong and well).

And yet, he has been trying to do’em for years.

And complaining that “his weight doenst matter” when it comes to pull-ups.

Oh yes it does pally. Hate to break it to ya, but while it’s your right to live life as El Tubbo, and rant if people call you out on it (And of course make your favorite memes etc (if you are! ?)) … fact is this.

And this can be cross checked with CrossFit, the U.S. Marines, the Navy Seals, Michael Phelps, Iron Mike Tyson, or anyone you consider to be an expert on pull-ups.


Forgot to mention yours truly there in that list! ?

But anyway, it ain’t so much about weight.

BIG guys can do pull-ups. They can sometimes in some cases do way more than I can.

FAT guys however, CANNOT do pull-ups right. Find me one that can knock ‘em out all day, or even half of all day, or even for a couple of mins straight, and I’ll doff my hat to ya.

The more fat your carrying around that tummo, the tougher pull-ups get.

‘Tis just that simple my friend.

And of course, when I Say that.

How dare I eh.

Can’t win for losing …. For most people! ?

And thats why I market my stuff and SELL to a very EXCLUSIVE group of DOERS my friend.

Not for me the whiners, moaners, pissers, groaners, lookie lous and so forth.

It’s about an EXCLUSIVE bunch of folks that HAS what it takes and is willing to GIVE what it takes, and then some to GET to wher they want to be eventually!

Are you part of that elite group?

Only you can decide, my friend!

But either way, the “damned if you do damned if you don’t” behavior is just plain juvenile and stupid. I’ll have more on this later too. For now, it’s adios, and I’ll be BACK with a ROAR soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember to pick up “Pull-ups – – from DUD to STUD within a matter of WEEKS” TODAY, my friend. Truly the one and only definitive course there is on pull-ups, and I CHALLENGE you to find any better! ?

Why I’d rather be the guy that tries, fails, tries, fails, tries, fails . . . and eventually SUCCEEDS!

When I first started doing pull-ups, I could barely get ONE.

And I didn’t start when I was obese. I started wayyyy back in the day at the age of 14 or so (or perhaps earlier) when a doorway chinning bar (a “Bullworker” if I recall correctly) was installed in my doorway.

Of course, there was no push to exercise when we were young. At least not in my house.

So while I did once see my dad hang from the chinning bar for a grand second or two before flopping down with a “oooooh!” that was the extent of it.

I still remember asking for football shoes to wear (Soccer!) when I wanted to play soccer at the age of (9, I believe) and being made to feel guilty for that.

“He can’t play soccer!” (So said my dear Mother . . . with NO attempt being made to actually TEACH me how to play soccer as opposed to the other kids).

Same thing for when I saw other guys working out with bullworkers (for the chest) – and as a kid, of course the one thing I wanted to do was to build a massive rippling chest, and so I asked for the Bullworker.

Sneer! There’s no point giving you that! You’ll never do it!

Anyway, I could recant plenty more such instances including the infamous “he thinks he’s so strong” comment that stuck in my craw for years, and will probably never go away.

But it’s funny. Looking at me now, doing pull-ups, pushups and more at the age of almost 40 in a manner people HALF MY AGE couldn’t even begin to dream of doing . ..

Ah well. Point made. Mini rant over!

But that wasn’t the point IW as trying to make.

Point was that with my shitty genetics, zero encouragement in terms of physical training (the opposite, actually) and flagging confidence as a young kid (except, and this is strange given the uber macho environment I grew up in the exact OPPOSITE in terms of confidence with girls! ?) it didn’t come easy.

Charles the China tom tommer, for one, thinks that “I have great genetics and could always do pull-ups”.

He doesn’t look at the years of effort that went into this though . . .

He doesn’t look at the years of effort it went into sculpting muscle memory that will revive QUICK even if I don’t do pull-ups for years . . .

And he certainly doesn’t look at the effort it take to write books, take pictures etc. And more.

And of course, according to him “my fitness information is useless”.

And according to him (in his own words) when I make sales to the tune of 500 GBP and more in a single DAY no less (I know, that doesn’t sound like a lot, but remember, this was back when I first started 0 Excuses Fitness – brand new site and all) – “WOW! That’s a good steal!”

The effort that went into all that behind the scenes?

Nah. Let’s not take a look at that.

I still remember him telling me when I first started my tea biz years ago.

“That’s just 75 kgs you’re shipping”, he said. “That ain’t shit! That doesn’t qualify you to make any sort of assumptions about the industry in China!”


Fair enough, perhaps from a certain standpoint (I disagree, but lets let that point stand).

But compare that to Charles who never did much at all to improve his own life other than singing ABC in front of a bunch of gaggling schoolkids (and believe me, ESL in China is so far apart from the REAL DEAL that it ain’t even funny) despite having the skills to do so.

OK, perhaps not writing. Perhaps not fitness. But he has other skills that he’s just too lazy to buckle down to brass tacks and do.

Instead preferring to try and bring down those that actually DO.

His response to that was something that shocked me though. Even from a guy like him, I didnt expect a comment along the lines of “I was zero before, I’m zero now, so I didnt lose much”.

Thats what he said!

If there was EVER a comment that classified one as a complete . . . ah, but I digress. But you get the point, I’m sure!

I mean really, Charles.

You said there were no prizes for being right. I’d counter by saying there aren’t any or many for being wrong and I’d rather be on the RIGHT SIDE of things when the smoke and dust has settled.

And I’d rather be the guy that tries, fails, is OPEN about his failures and the mishaps etc that occur along the way as opposed to someone that is content with the status quo.

Has nothing to do with “whether you have the right to do it”. Of course you do! We all have the right to live our lives the way I want, but hey, that is how I personally choose to live MINE.

I’d rather support and help – not bring down! But then again, you ain’t alone in that regard, so take heart. 😉

Brings to mind a comment a friend of mine (and he didn’t mean this in a bad way, actually) made about my fitness biz not succeeding “before 10 years”.

Hmmm ….

I don’t think so my friend.

But therein lies the nub of why I keep saying its best to keep your plans PRIVATE. Never tell anyone, especially NOT Friends and family, as believe it or not, the “crabs in the bucket” mentality comes out in a most searing manner from the very people you’d expect it NOT to despite them (sometimes) not wanting to.

And remember this, my friend.

Nothing comes easy in life.

As the saying goes, “nothing worth having is EASY”.

And when I say “not easy”, I mean often times YEARS OF STRUGGLE are required to get to the point you want. YEARS of innumerous hardships, many experiences that would probably “kill” the average person, and then some.

As Napoleon Hlll said in Think and Grow Rich, there seems to be a “hidden guardian” that very zealously gurards the doors of true success.

Sometimes, it seems that men have to go through all sorts of heartbreaking disappointments, failures, and repeated “success failures” to get to where they truly want to be!

And he was dead on right.

Sometimes, that guardian will throw you a few “chunks” of success.

You may think you’ve “conquered the toughest obstacle” and are finally past it.

But remember one thing my friend.

As Claude Bristol rightly said, success is a matter of never ending application. Pause and rest on your laurels, and there it goes, flying away . ..

I am paraphrasing here, but the point stands.

And to me, I’d rather talk to the guy that has gone through the numerous disappointments or IS going through them now. And is FACING them like a man should. (or a real woman for that matter).

I’d rather talk to and help the guy that understands that these are but temporary obstacles on the path to success at whatever he wants.

I’d rather be friends with the guys (and believe me there aren’t many) who understand the value of PERSISTENCE!

As Marc the African Silver back Gorilla rightly said once.

“75 kgs will turn into a tonne before you know it!”

And so it has, my friend. So it has.

Same thing in terms of fitness. Keep at it bro.

If all you can do is 25 pushups, and every workout is a struggle, well, keep at it. I’m here to tell you it will get easier – and it WILL be all worth it at the end of the day. Nothing worth having is ever “easy” and remember that if it is – it is fleeting.

It won’t last!

That’s just the nature of the Universe my friend.

And on that note, I’ll leave you be. Take this for what you would – up to you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Here is where you can pick up the best damned course on pushups – Pushup Central.

PS #2 – Once again, I cannot say ENOUGH good things about the current web host I’m using. Thank you – SO MUCH – from the bottom of my heart, guys!