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Dear reader,
Oh, my, oh MY! As I sit here writing this to you, I’m soaked in sweat from my workout (one part of it, at any rate).
My heart BE thumping, my friend! My lungs BE pounding – along with my heart, of course, and my legs feel like they’ve been heavily worked to the core – and it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that I “tottered slightly” at the end of this INTENSE AS HECK – and yet brief workout.
‘Tis winter outside in my neck of the woods “here” (pardon the Southern expressions, hehe) – and it probably is for a lot of you reading this.
And winter of course comes with the associated “baggage” of laziness and excuses, especially when it comes to fitness, my friend.
You know the feeling, don’t you, my friend?
“It’s too cold to go outside for my run!”
“It’s way, way too cold to even STEP outside of a “heated” environment – let alone think of doing any outdoor exercises!”
“Tell you what – it’s way easier to just snuggle up in the blanket with a cup of hot Java and cookies, isn’t it?”
And so forth – and while all of those may keep the cold at bay, they ain’t gonna move along towards the fitness goals you HAVE, my friend – especially NOT the last option I just mentioned.
But guess what – you CAN – I repeat – CAN get a great great workout in – WITHOUT putting one foot outdoors!
And it’s so ridiculously simple that it can be done in your living room – or your bedroom, if you so choose – and if you do it right, and the way I teach in the 0 Excuses Fitness course, well then it need take NO longer than 15-20 minutes tops.
That’s right – 15-20 minutes, and you’ll be BUZZING the whole day long.
And what is this?
Well – simple – just pound out 500 Hindu squats at the right cadence – and you’ll see what I mean!
My oh my. It’s been over 2 or 3 minutes since I started writing this and while my heart rate went down almost instantly, I’m still sweating up a storm, my friend!
I mean, literally – I just wiped off a bead of sweat off the keyboard!
How would YOU like a workout like this my friend?
How would YOU like to NOT watch your gains stagnate during the winter – if anything, watch them improve – and do so by LEAPS and BOUNDS?
You’d love it, wouldn’t you?
Of course you would – and that is why I designed the VERY BEST exercise system on the planet, my friend.
Simple, down to earth instruction that flat out WORKS – and works FAST at that.
Order now, and watch the holiday pounds FLY and SIZZLE off you like “fat from a George Foreman grill”, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – One of the keys that people often ignore while doing the squats is to NOT go slow. Remember – as I state repeatedly in the books and videos – these are meant to be done FAST!!!
P.S. #2 – Still on the couch, curled up with a blanket ready? Well, no problem – you can get the system right from the COMFORT of your couch as well – downloadable and READY TO USE INSTANTLY after purchase!
Can’t beat that, can you, my friend?
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