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Dear reader,
It’s a beautiful day outside.
The sun’s shining, and being it’s winter, I’m enjoying “basking” in the winter warmth for however long it lasts (probably another couple of hours) – and as I was sitting in my ole rocking chair (not really, hehe), I took several trips down memory lane.
And while I’m not going to detail all of those here, I’ll talk about a fitness related trip – one which most of you reading this should ENJOY – and also incorporate into your current routine, because what I am about to tell you is applicable to everyone reading this REGARDLESS of your current fitness plans, regimen or level.
Anyway, let’s hark back to 2003 – when yours truly was posted in China. ‘Twas another life, a pretty interesting one at that, but from the “work” standpoint I used to work a full time job at that time which used to keep me busy from about 6:00 A.M. in the morning to about 7:00 P.M. at night – and sometimes even longer.
Long hours, but I still trained at home – but I wasn’t making the progress I should have – pretty much because I was doing things the wrong way – in many ways the exact opposite of what I was doing now.
My diet was shitty, and though other aspects of my life were going along well, fitness wise, it was all starting to go down the commode at the age of – get this – 23.
Anyway, all this changed when my (then girlfriend) asked me out on a date to “climb the hill”.
Huh? Hill? What hill? Ain’t no hill nearby, is what I told her.
“Open them potatoes, Rahul”, is what she cheerily responded with – and yes indeed – lo and behold – there was a park right next to my apartment complex which I had very “blithely” and completely ignored until then.
It’s amazing but true – we tend to ignore the BEST things in life sometimes even when they are “right there” in front of us literally “begging to be used”! I had been living here for almost a year, and though I had seen the park, I hadn’t once bothered to go inside and see what “the fuss was all about”.
Anyway, long story short, I figured a hill would be no big deal.
I’m in shape, I thought. Perhaps not ideal, but I’ve lifted weights in the past, and climbing hills – PAH! That’s easy as heck!
Well – long story short – although I can vault up that hill and barely break a sweat these days, that first hill climb was something else altogether, my friend. I still remember my heart pounding in a way it never had before, and my “muscular” legs threatening to give up on me – and I still remember the giggles the passing girls gave me as I huffed and puffed my way up that sucker behind my somewhat svelte (in comparison, hehe) lady at the time.
Man oh man, what a workout it was – and get this – that hill is by no means ULTRA steep or ULTRA difficult. There are far tougher climbs I’ve undertaken, but THAT was the very first time, my friend.
And the next day?
I felt like a TRUCK ran over me – a Mack truck at that. My back and traps were sore. My forearms felt worked to the bone (??). My upper abs were complaining, and my calves and thighs took on a life of their own – and believe me, all of this just SCRATCHES the surface of it.
I go into more details on this story, and the “aftermath” in 0 Excuses Fitness – but anyway – why am I telling you all this?
Because hill climbs benefit EVERYONE, my friend – regardless of current fitness/conditioning levels – and truth be told, hill walks are so vitally important to incorporate into your routine (if you’ve got a hill nearby, that is) – that I’ve dedicated an ENTIRE chapter to hill training in the book.
Yes, you read that right – that picture on the top cover of the book (the red lantern) is really where it all started for me fitness wise, my friend – and though what I’m doing right now is far superior in many ways to climbing hills regularly – it still can’t give you some of the unique benefits that hill climbing on a regular basis can.
So if you’ve got a hill near you, incorporate it into your routine. You’ll be nigh amazed at the changes that take place in your physique – and FAST at that!
And yes – I delve into this topic in great detail – including my actual “workout on the hill” in terms of timings etc in the 0 Excuses Fitness System. Crack on over to see what the fuss is all about – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
P.S. – Do YOU work a long and hard day? Well – thats NOT an excuse by ANY means not to get it done no matter what. And if you don’t believe me, well, read my own personal “training” journey in this regard in the book – and you’ll see what I’m yellin about – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/.
P.S #2 – There’s far more to this tale, my friend. Far, far more. Jump aboard the 0 Excuses Ship right now, and you’ll hear about it “by and by”.
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