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Dear Reader,
I don’t know if you’ve heard the saying “there has be a fire brewing underneath it” – – in terms of goals, or achievement in general?
Look at ANY great achiever of the past, and you’ll see that their goals not only “didnt come easy” – – but the ONLY way at the end of the day that they HAPPENED was the BURNING DESIRE they had underneath the goal.
Desire, as Napoleon Hill rightly says is the starting point of all achievement!
A white hot flame of desire that kept them going in the face of obstacles most men would give up on just after hearing them – let alone experiencing them.
Desire that kept them going to the exclusion of all other obstacles and odds.
Financial odds. Odds against their success – – in most cases RESOUNDING ODDS against their success. Physical odds. Mental odds.
And yet, despite all these obstacles, at the end of they mustered up the will and GUMPTION to keep going – no matter what life threw at them and no matter how hard life hit ’em!
THE SAME thing applies to your fitness as well, my friend. The very same thing. It could be a biz – or a story – or a relationship – but the moral you take out of the relationship applies nonetheless!
Remember the story of Edwin Barnes? The “tramp” like person that showed up in Edison’s office – literally demanding to work not FOR him – but WITH him – as an EQUAL?
Barnes had nothing. He was so broke he traveled on a freight train to get to Edison’s office – and Edison being hard of hearing couldn’t even hear his entire story the first time around, so he repeated himself twice – at least.
Barnes had no qualifications at the time. No accomplishments. NOTHING to convince one of the world’s greatest inventors to work with him – – or even to get a lowly job in Edison’s company, and yet – Edison hired him – and why?
Because Edison could tell that the guy had DESIRE – a burning DESIRE underneath his goal, and when a man has that desire BREWING under any sort of goal, and stakes his entire life on one turn of the wheel, then he generally ends up getting exactly what he wants!
And why just Barnes? Edison himself was NO stranger to mishaps and other obstacles.
When he was young, the story goes he was literally lifted up on a train by HIS EARS by a conductor, which led to hearing disabilities his entire life.
He was told at school he’d never succeed at ANYTHING (I’m couching it in polite terms) …ah, but we know THAT part, don’t we??
He was fired from numerous jobs – his laboratory once burned down when he had NO insurance, and yet, he found it within himself to keep on keeping on!
And again – this, my friend, applies just as much to your fitness as it does anything else.
THIS is one of the main reasons I’m at the level of fitness I am now – genetics or other hogwash aside – – it is this – – DECIDE in your mind what you want – – get a clear PICTURE of the desire – – get some WHITE HOT heat brewing underneath the desire – – and then just go do it!
If you want to lose weight, pay NO heed to those that tell you can’t, won’t, or that it’s tough. Just do it, and keep doing it while you bear the end goal in mind, and you’ll get there – provided you do things the right way.
Want to get a 100 – or 200 – or even 500 pull-ups?
Take NO heed of those that snicker behind your back when you currently can’t even do ONE. In fact, thank them for the snickers. You’ll be the one laughing a while later when you’re pumping them pull-ups out, and they can’t (and believe me, I’ve got very real stories to share in this regard – actual customers that have gone through just this).
The key part is – never give up.
Napoleon Hill correctly said that great achievement is born out of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.
Keep that in mind as you go about your weekend – or day – or whenever you might read this!
Ok, my friend. That’s it for now. I’ll be back again later!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – If you want to achieve great things in your fitness – and KEEP those levels high for the rest of your life, then following the right exercise program is nigh crucial. Here is where you can grab the very best there is in that regard – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
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