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Dear Reader,
Todays email is about the HATERS – – and it’s a bit of a lengthy rant – – so – – with that said – – full steam head!
I wrote a few emails back about haters of “Gorilla Grip” (back when I revamped it in 2017 and put it out) – and I wrote about how senseless some of the comments where.
“The information is available for free!”
“The exercises don’t work!”
Free? OK, so why did you even BUY the book to begin with if it’s that readily and freely available?
And second what qualifies you (and I’m talking about the reader who wrote that comment I referred to) to decide if the exercises work or not – without even trying ‘em?
Funnily enough or maybe not given the brain power (Im being polite, hehe) a lot of “haters” have – – the SAME person stated that the exercises DID work for the people I mentioned in the book – -all well known in their own fields …!
I mean, is there any limit to the sheer stupidity?
And in terms of what is going on TODAY with the COVID-19 virus, and the political wrangling that is going on – as well as the extreme polarization of the world, I feel compelled to rant on it again.
And this time, it’s about people that choose to stay in a certain country – and RANT about it galore – so much so that the sheer HATE in their words is nigh evident.
It’s one thing to point out facts, my friend, and it’s quite another to hate. The two are different, but when you build an obsession – – a very unhealthy one at that by connecting the above two – – well- – its time to DO something about it.
For instance, the anti-China brigade that has been getting more and move VOCAL over the years – – and especially now.
Now, before you dismiss me as an apologist or “leftist” – – rest assured I am NONE of the above two – or anything of that nature.
YES, there is VERY GOOD REASON that the anti-China brigade is gaining traction – but that good reason stops with pointing out FACTS in a constructive manner.
Everyone (with half a brain, hehe) knows how the current crisis was first covered up, then mis-managed, numbers mangled or under-reported, et al. That much is common sense actually, or at least it is to me given how things function in the mainland, but funny part is this – a very vocal part of the anti China brigade are those currently IN CHINA … and those that have no plans to leave.
And those that mix in FACT – – with EMOTION – – and HATE- – a recipe for disaster (think what happened before the world wars, for instance!).
Sure, there are some – – a lot, perhaps – – of things NOT good about China – – but on the other hand, there ARE SOME good things as well.
Every coin has two sides, so to speak …
And what I really don’t get it is the people that continue to stay in the nation – – and continue to COMPLAIN about it galore – – as a significant portion of the anti China brigade seems to be (and again, do NOT get me wrong – – I have no vested interests in either side of the argument – – I’m just calling it like I see it).
Napoleon Hill (in Think and Grow Rich) had this to say of those that criticized the capitalistic system that has made America the great power it is TODAY …
“If you don’t like this country – – well – – you have the privilege of CLEARING OUT!”
I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the sum and substance of it, and I AGREE.
At least have the balls to vote with your feet.
And don’t get me wrong.
Everyone likes a good rant every now and then, but when that turns into an unhealthy obsession it becomes completely counter productive to the ORIGINAL reason the rant was supposedly made i.e. to “improve matters”.
Amazingly enough, if you ask these people for constructive suggestions during the current crisis – – you will likely hear CRICKETS – – and that don’t surprise me one bit.
Again, and for the third time I am NOT saying all is well when it isn’t (with certain nations).
What I AM saying is to stick to fact – and to vote with your feet. If you truly don’t like a certain nation – – well – – nothing, not even teaching English for a living is compelling you to stay there – – and that is a FACT, my friend.
And of course, on the other end of the spectrum we have the “all is well” crowd … who are equally laughable, if just for their sheer IGNORANCE of facts (I’ve written about those people before, so I won’t mention it again here – for now, hehe).
Whatever happened to a rational analysis of FACTS – – and compromise – – and then working on finding SOLUTIONS as opposed to needless hankering about problems and “gloating” over said problems (if they don’t affect the individual in person)??
Personally, I will say this much. I came to China in 2003 and have spent the vast majority of my adult life there.
While there are certain things I do NOT like about the place, and have spoken about them in the past, the same holds true for ANY country. Difference in my case always was when it “got to be too much”, I just up and moved to a different country (more on this later, but those familiar with my 2018 move to India KNOW what I’m talking about).
I didn’t just sit there and complain. I followed my heart – took action – and that’s really what I’m trying to say.
Take a stance – – a constructive one, my friend – – in ALL aspects of life – – and you’ll be surprised how things start to “open up for you” once you do so!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – In terms of fitness, it’s time to take a stance NOW, my friend. Dare to BREAK OUT of the rank of the chronic complainers, tyre kickers, lookie lous and perennially unfit crowd – NOW. Stand up, and be counted – and take CHARGE of your life – and fitness – TODAY. And the best way to do that fitness wise is to get STARTED TODAY on the BEST DARN fitness system out there – which you can and SHOULD grab right here – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
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