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So, was browsing through the internet (and yes, I’m back to my “trusty” 4G connection – don’t ask!) – – and saw the following written about the current COVID-019 scare (and that is precisely what it IS as I’ve been saying all along – a SCARE) …
“When it all passes, and it will, this will be nothing more than another bad memory”.
There was MORE, of course, but that was the sum and substance of it, and if there is ONE very powerful VISUAL that I can share with you in these “trying” (so called trying – I personally think most of this “trying” period has been manufactured by our own minds!) times – it is THIS.
Indian actor Rishi Kapoor (he of the “chocolate boy” look way, way back in the day, hehe) made a similar comment on social media a while ago about the lockdown in India.
A country of over a billion people, placed on COMPLETE lockdown … with less than 4 hours notice.
I’ve written about that before as well so I won’t get into it here – – but the point is this – he made this comment “when this passes – and it will – every kid will be GLAD to go back to work”.
“When this passes – and it will – every office worker will be GLAD to return to work!”
And so forth.
BOTH the comments above (all 3, actually) are paraphrased, but they make perfect sense, and tie in perfectly with what I keep yammering about in terms of visualizing the END goal – and the FEELING behind it!
I’ve written about my own trying times (from a personal standpoint) in 2018.
Today, barely two year later (less than it actually!) … I hardly even THINK of those times.
When I do, it’s one of those “bad memories”, but that’s all the attention it gets.
Truly in the grand scheme of things, defeat is TEMPORARY (as Napoleon Hill was fond of saying) – – and for those of you truly ATTUNED to what you really want – – really, really want deep down in your CORE – in EVERY FIBER of your body – with or without knowing it – you KNOW what I mean!
Setbacks WILL occur. You WILL be tested – – multiple times.
As Hill correctly stated in Think and Grow Rich, there seems to be a hidden guardian whose job it is to “guard” the gates of SUCCESS fiercely, and hurdle potential ASPIRANTS over seemingly insurmountable obstacles galore … and problems that seem HUGE at the moment, but in the grand scheme of things aren’t really worth a lot – and actually make SENSE.
Along the way, you’ll also notice small miracles happening – if you are attuned into them – and you SHOULD be grateful for each of these, my friend.
And that’s the best way I can think of to encapsulate the current madness – – but wait – – a final spanner in the works before I bid adios!
My fitness journey – – or rather, the steps I took over the years to get where I’m at now has been anything BUT what most people would consider comfortable.
My routines have been called extreme (though they really aren’t). Madness (waking up at 530 AM Mike Tyson style). “Crazy”( me working out in a torrential downpour – – often times in freezing cold weather).
And so forth.
Yet, if you were to ask me – would I give ANY of that up – or classify it as a bad memory?
Would I classify the time spent chained to the keyboard hammering out novels and fitness courses to be “bad times”?
Heck no – no way – I enjoyed every minute – and that’s how it is when you’re truly attuned into LIFE, and the many MIRACLES it has to offer, my friend … if you only LET it!
And that’s that for now. I’ll be back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – The 0 Excuses Fitness System is not only the BEST overall fitness system out there – – it is also the most enjoyable. Believe me, those “trance” like photos in Pushup Central were NOT an aberration. Here is where you can pick it up – – https://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
P.S #2 – And once done, don’t forget to grab your copy of Pushup Central as well – right here – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/
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