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So, I was doing some idle browsing on the Internet. Business related, of course, and what came up first was . . . yes, you guessed it.
Good ole China!
China and the US have been in the news a lot, and we’re all aware of my views on China in that (or any related) regard.
But the BBC article I read said something interesting, and something that is, or SHOULD be basic common sense to all involved, and has been for me for years (and yet, not always!).
What do I mean?
Well, the bio warfare that the Chinese willingly and knowingly unleashed upon the world has and will have many consequences, most of which people globally still don’t believe (or don’t “want to believe”).
Deep down inside they know whats happening, and what might happen, but they don’t want to acknowledge it . . .
Hope springs eternal as it were in the human breast, and while that is never ever a bad thing, it DOES need to be mixed with more than a modicum of REALITY.
Mix in hope with what is going on out there in the REAL world, and THEN you’re off to the races, my friend. Otherwise, you might as well just be building castles in the air.
Anyway, where was I?
Ah. The BBC link I was reading.
Has a fantastic headline for one “Breaking up is never easy”
And . . . here is the quote I was referring to
It taught them a valuable lesson that depending on one country all the time for everything is bad for business.
And this rang so true that I immediately had to DROP everything I was doing and write to you about it.
It’s always a bad option to not have a backup plan.
True, as Napoleon Hill once said, the ONLY way to achieve real success whatever it is you really, really want is to burn ANY AND ALL bridges first.
Or during the process of getting wherever it is that you want to be.
You cannot have any backups – or excuses.
No “if this doesn’t work”. You HAVE To make it work!
But on that note, he was referring to the GOAL and sticking to it. Not necessarily how you get there!
And yours truly has been guilty of violating above advice more than a couple of times.
Web hosting, for one.
You on this list know about the travails I’ve been having (before I finally switched over to the latest host I have now – – in the good ole US of A and they’re the best ever!) when it comes to site downtime etc.
All in the past now, but what those few months taught me (and really, based upon how the last web host responded to me etc when there were issues – and indeed, the new hosts (all of them) were all SHOCKED when I told them of the same as in “you shouldn’t have to go through anything like that with a web host, Rahul!” – I should have known this before and acted accordingly) was this.
That relying on just ONE option is a bad idea.
And right now, I’ve got my sites sitting on multiple hosts.
Fitness sites on one host.
The others on another host.
And YET more on . . . yet another host!
And I’m glad to say that after the very stringent (and sometimes annoying probably!) vetting process I’ve put these guys through, they ALL Came out with flying colors, and I couldn’t be happier at this point.
And yet . . .
Always have MORE than one option in your kitty my friend!
And the same thing holds true for fitness.
If pull-ups are your go to upper body exercise, well, guess what.
They’re one of the best exercises you can do, period!
What if you’re confined to your house though with no pull-up bar or place to hang from?
Or, if you’re in a house like mine when I was growing up where someone installed a chinning bar, but there was NEVER any push for the kids to actually hang on them. If anything, all that happened on that bar was my Dad hanging there once to “show us how it was done” and flopping down with a huge “aaaah!” after a second or so.
And that was that.
The only usage that happened after that was after I grew up, and got into fitness myself.
Parents can really, really screw up a kids development. We all know about toxic relationships and just how demoralizing and demotivating that can be, but what I’ve mentioned about parents is even worse.
Anyway, that’s a topic this list is well versed with, and one I’ve written about a lot, so I’m not going to get into that here. Suffice it to say though that my own daughter has the exact opposite example to follow in terms of fitness!
But, again.
Always a bad idea just to have ONE option in that kitty!
If you’re like I was back in the day, and count upon that hill climb to get into and stay in shape – GREAT.
I cannot recommend hills highly enough.
But what if you’re forced to move to an area where you can neither climb hills regularly, or worse, don’t even have enough room to SPRINT?
It’s then that pushups and squats will save your ass from lard ass’dom, my friend, and on that note, I’m out.
Just remember.
Always good to have more options at your beck and call – and that holds true for any and ALL endavors!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Here is where you can grab the one fitness system which will give you plenty of options to work out, and then some!
PS #2 -Don’t forget to grab Pushup Central while you’re at it – a course that is really garnering rave reviews, and flying out the door as we speak (and picking up speed monthly too!).
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