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“Indeed!” is the phrase that comes to mind when you first look at the heading of this particular email.
And why?
Well, because it’s true for starters.
I recently received a comment along the lines of (and yes, again, in response to a post about pull-ups) saying that ‘while pull-ups are great, the iron is where it’s at’.
So I ask the dude how many pull-ups he can do, and how much iron he can hoist.
The answer to the first is a big fat ZERO.
But Im trying, he finished lamely. I can hold on to the bar with legs bent for a couple of seconds. . .
A couple of seconds?? Wait a minute, I interjected. And you’ve been doing this for how long now?
Apparently he’s been trying for “months”.
And apparently this same guy can chug down several protein shakes daily, find time to visit the gym twice, do a ton on the lat pulldown, and apparently deadlift a house or several too.
SO he says.
I didn’t ask him about his bench. He’d probably respond with “I can bench you if I like”.
And I didnt ask him about overhead presses, as he’d likely respond with another zero. Interesting how the real tests of strength all get that response, hehe.
Anyway …
Point being this.
“I’m trying” doens’t count as being able to do pull-ups my friend.
And it sure don’t count in terms of you deciding or stating that the “iron is where it’s at”.
That would be like saying steak well done is the best without even trying the RARE version.
And just like a virgin can’t really tell you much about sex until he or she TRIES to, same thing and principle here.
OK, OK. I know. I’ll stop.
But really, the point stands!
I mean, “trying to hold on to the bar’ isn’t doing pull-ups.
It’s the lazy man’s version of saying “I won’t try” in favor of doing something that requires virually nil coordination and zero REAL strength.
Moving an easy to handle weight off the ground for reps with a inverted/pronated grip, and a few inches at that.
Yee ….HA!
Compare that to the sheer exhilration you’ll FEEL when yo uan do your first real pull-up.
That first day you manage the chin over the bar and hold will be a landmark day ,a nd you’ll not only feel great – you’ll be writing to me about it too like Gautam once did!
And when you’re doing pull-ups for reps, smooth and easy, all the way up, all the way down, smooth as butter, well the sheer feeling of STRENGTH – – real strength – – cannot be beat.
Not to mention that corrugated core, but again, physcial benefits aside, and there are tons, the FEELING is what counts.
And if you still think the “iron is where it’s at”? And “bodyweight is useless”?
Well, I hate to say it, but you ain’t really done it first my man!
And on that note, I’m out for workout #2. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – The course on pull-ups is right HERE, and will get you cranking them out like there is NO tomorrow.
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