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So I’ve been doing some thinking as of late.
Remembering some things.
And as memory floods back, I remember the roar of the ocean. The “nothingness” and “Everything” the ocean represents, especially choppy oceans with giant waves, and that constant “roar” …
I can still remember it.
On the beach. Staring out at the ocean for hours on end.
OR those beach runs at night …
And many other things, but for now, between the years of 2010 till 2012 (and indeed my whole life, hehe, from various angles) an attempt was made to “put me in my place” (albeit very indirectly in some ways and directly in others) by those you’d consider closest to you (or many would, at any rate).
People that have always pooh poohed what yours truly accomplished, choosing to focus on what I did not i.e. The BS THEY wanted me to accomplish for THEIR OWN selfish “wants”.
And it didnt work out, of course.
The strong willed, and indeed as “Malcom” in Jurassic Park so famously said of the dinosaurs that couldn’t breed (supposedly so) – that “life finds a way!”
And so does the subconscious, my friend. So does the subconscious!
And those periods in the Middle East, those dehumanizing (in many ways) and “depressing” (again in many ways) during the tumultous period yours truly worked for a couple of large multinationals in the Middle East and before that in a suburb of Delhi in India no less (back in the day) came to mind.
It’s no secret I don’t work a job.
But it’s also no secret that I’v ebene happiest and accomplished the MOST when I chose my own path.
And curiously enough for a period after getting married due to whatever reason I didnt, before of course yours truly reverted to type.
Does a fox change its colors?
Or a lion shed it’s mane (coat)? Hehe, I thought not.
Neither did I.
Anyway, point of this isn’t to rant about the past, but the wonderful things MEDITATION can do during times of deep turmoil (such as what the World is going through NOW).
Do you often feel as if you’re “stuck somewhere due to (and indeed, it’s true!) no fault of your own”?
And I don’t necessarily means lockdowns etc …
And youd be right in asssuming that a LOT of peopel are going through this right now.
Work is slow (for many). Money is drying up (for many). And many other things.
Stuck at home with SO’s when both grate on each other nerves.
And … well, you get the picture!
There are days when you feel like “doing nothing”. Maybe you’ll exercise. Maybe you’ll do your work. Maybe you’ll … but you won’t accomplish much.
That mind will never calm.
And in these turbulent times there are two things that can help you and GET YOU OUT OF them – much like they always have for me in every bad situation I faced/was throwin into (insert terms of choice).
(Not to mention being cheated durnig those years. Anyway …)
One being meditation, and it has to be done right.
Many people are surprised at the spiritual side of me, especially given my viscerality in writing , speaking and thinking – and physcial prowress in other areas.
And yet, this (not) jock IS a deeply spiritual man, as those truly close to me know.
And tuning into yourself is one of the best things you can do during these tough times.
Do so RIGHT though.
And you’ll truly experience what Claude Bristol referred to in “TNT – the Magic Force” – that being the power of going “within”. Into nothingness.
Think of nothing, and all your problems will fade away, my friend.
And it’s true.
And along with this, PHYSICAL exercise is key.
Could be walks on the beach. Could be runs. Could be pull-ups. Could be anything.
Key is to short bursts of exercises throughout the day to keep yourself fresh and mentally charged – and ready to HIT IT!
And that, my friend, is really (or are really) the two KEYS.
Have at!
Rahu lMookerjee
PS – Here is where you can pick up a fitness system, the best ever, that will allow you to do precisely what I’m talking about here – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
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