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My daughter, for whatever reason, has always been a fan of handicrafts so long as I remember.
Well, now that I write this … so was I. Until a certain age! 😉
And she recently made a (and showed me a) beautiful “pen holder” made out of nothing but an empty soap carton.
A cute little thing if there ever was one, but she makes plenty of ’em, and what caused me to stop and ponder when I “saw” this one??
Well, something.
The sheer creativity, especially the kiddie frills at the back of it. Slim “shards” of carton dangling down at just the right angles!
Perhaps it’s also her Mom, of course, that we need to give credit to here – who makes “homes” for her out of empty Amazon boxes. Hehe. Creative to a T in certain regards is my significant other, I’ll say and GIVE HER that much!
Anyway …
0 Excuses Fitness, my friend, was NOT planned.
It was a random idea.
Out of the blue.
Suddenly came to me, and I Still remember. It was 7PM, going on 8 as I sat there in my apartment, beer in hand (I think, but maybe not) and just “did it.
I booked the domain. Created the site. And the rest is, well, history …
I’d been thinking along similar lines for a while, but when it came to me, much like the “Think and Grow Rich” title came to Napoleon Hill’s mind all those years ago, and replaced “Use your noodle to get the Kaboodle” (or something like that) – I just did it. Like he did.
Like all great men, and every other successful person (Donald trump being one prime example) did and have done throughout history.
Gut feeling.
The inner voice speaketh!
And when it does, as Claude Bristol famously said in the Magic of Believing, you better be ready to ACCEPT what it says.
As he said inspiration often strikes out of the blue. Well, it wasn’t Bristol who said that but there is a good reason behind the saying.
And what it mean is what Claude said, that being that when you intensely ponder a problem from all angles and positions, for instance, and then (unable to arrive at a suitable solution), lop off to sleep for one?
The next day you wake up recharged. Perhaps feeling GREAT. On top of the world.
And out of the blue, out of nowhere, the solution hits you.
It may sound crazy. May come at a busy time (usually does).
But you have to recognize the urge, act accordingly and just do it, for though the time is never right as they say, the time is NOW in terms of that “solution”!
And those that live life in the flow know what I BE talking about.
Anyway, fitness wise, you the reader often get the urge, I’m sure, to drop the gym and check out what Rahul Mookerjee is yelling about.
All the time.
At the top of his lungs.
Silently albeit!
That being, bodyweight exercises are the very best way to get fit, strong and healthy as a horse for your entire life, and given the results in front of you, can YOU honestly say you don’t want to be knocking out pull-up workouts and be done with ’em in less than 15 minutes?
OR don’t want to bang out 100 pushups daily?
Or don’t want to sprint hills?
Or so forth …
… And given the amount of peopl ethat haunt (and yes, I got that from my little girl, hehe, truly a fount of knowledge even at her age though she don’t know it as yet) my site, space, and everything else … I’d say hell yes.
Else they wouldn’t be doing it. Hehe.
Give in to that urge myf riend. Just do it.
You never know – you might be pleasantly surprised!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Here is the BEST damned fitness system ever. All born out of ONE RANDOM IDEA!
PS #2 – Random ideas are how I wrote this post – and how I fixed a VEXING issue with the popups on the site. Yes, most people didnt “like” the pop-ups. But they are back with a bang – and for a good reason, hehe. Sign up NOW my friend. ’tis FREE!!
PPS – I’ve put emailing on hold for a while, but I’m about to restart. Stay tuned! (perhaps within the next couple of days again. Change of provider. Long story. Amen! Hehe).
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