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The entire world is awash with … hypocrisy these days.
And of course the outrage. The sheer outrage, mostly from the Left at Trump having “declared he’s won”.
It’s insane (not reall,y hehe, not if you know how to do it!) how a simple one line comment that Trump, or any successful marketer makes “off the cuff” (again, not really, but we won’t get into that here ;)) generates so much controversy.
I mean, he said it like it is.
Or like he FEELS it is.
Which is the entire key, along with a host of other keys that Trump probably just KNOWS (or has done so often in his life that it’s seond nature now to him – much like it was second nature to yours truly from the day he was BORN most likely).
Now, point of me saying this?
Well, it’s this.
The hypocrisy for one. The left that is actively rigging the election as we speak. Areas with populations of 300 K for one receving double and more votes than that (to be counted, of course, “later”!).
And of corse, the very people that claim they’ll be “tough on China” or so forth doing the exact opposite thing privately.
Need I say more?
I dont think so my friend. And Trump says what he thinks about it, and gets the “he’s making false claims! How dare he”.
Why would be a better question, and it’s amazingly obvious.
“You post inflamamtory articles” I still remember a friend of mine saying. “Which is fine, but … “
Except it isn’t because if it was truly fine he wouldn’t notice it in the first place. Hehe.
Which brings me to the point I often make.
One of them.
Along with getting to be an utter STUD at pull-ups if you follow what I tell you to do in my inital book – – proof in the pudding as it were, and along with getting to be a bonafide stud x 10 and then some if you do whats in the advanced book – I often make the claim o fhaving lost 60 kgs in but a few weeks.
I often make a claim of losing weight right AFTER a workout!
And many more.
Now, a lot of these claims don’t “sound” true.
But they are.
And as of claims that “sound good” as I’v ebeen accused of?
Well, believe it or not, sounding good is the least of my priorities – in fact it is not even on the bucket list of priorities.
I COULD probably sell a lot more by saying “0 Excuses Fitness works best if you do with a gaggle of admirers egging you on and taking selfies and what not at the ole gym”.
I COULD and WOULD probably sell a hell of a lot more copies of Pushup Central i fI said “pushups are just a prelim to bench presses”
I COULD probably sell a TON of books if I said “my stuff is mostly conditioning and prepares you for the real deal which is weights”
And a ton of other sales would probably FLOOD me if I said any of the above three in conjunction with some of the other rubbish that the sheeple, bozos and lazy fools believe.
And yet, I don’t.
Because that ain’t me, my friend.
When you buy 0 Excuses Fitness, for one, or any of my books or products or are on my list, read my writing etc, you’re getting ME.
Plain and simple.
Along with that you get stuff that flat out WORKS.
The nitty gritties. The down and dirties. The “in the trenches” info.
None of that is particularly “nice to say” or “sexy” or politically correct or any of the other rubbish in vogue nowadays.
But guess what – it works. Flat out works – and works better than any other fitness related stuff out there!
And yours truly can prove it.
And feels no need to make any false claims whatsoever.
And on that note, I’m out. Here is where you can pick up the best damned fitness system ever, if you so choose …
Rahu lMookerjee
PS – Plenty of tips in that above email. Hehe. And there are MORE in ALL my products. Take a gander NOW my friend.
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