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I wrote about this a while ago, but not a long time ago. Those of you on my list paying attention should get it, hehe.
But along with core, let’s talk about GRIP as well.
And first, a bit of a story (flashback).
Back in the day, I believe Gorilla Grip, easily still the bestselling course here (though Pushup Central is fast threatening to shoot ahead!) was the first book I wrote on fitness.
Even before I wrote all my other books. Hehe.
And it was a nifty little neat manual which I later expanded in 2017, when I ramped up 0 Excuses Fitness.
And while I wrote a bit more on grip in the revamped edition including a “special just for YOU” primer to the book (really, it’s a MUST READ if just for that primer worth its weight in GOLD!), there was something I then did.
I revamped the book on pull-ups with something I thought of for years, but never put in the book. Once I tried and tested it (which I had at that point) I did!
And of course, the results peopel got were OFF THE CHARTS.
But perhaps the most important thing that came out of all this tweaking was the (were the) numerous changes I made to my pathbreaking book Shoulders Like Boulders!
One, I put in the exercises you NEED to do in order to get better at handstands and handstand pushups.
Two, I emphasized WHY I do things the way I do and why I teach the exercise the way I do – opposite from most “experts” and while I wrote this part way back in 2010, I addded ON TO IT.
Again, worth its weight in gold if I might say so.
Three, and extremely important, I showed you how to position the fingers when doing palm handstand pushups – another killer tip which most people “miss” when they start.
And fourth, and more importantly, I told you just why handstand pushups build the grip – and CORE like they do!
It sounds strange to most people to begin with, of course, that handstands build the grip.
You’ll hear grippers. Pull-ups. Fingertip pushups. And so forth.
All of which are great options, but believe me, despite the fingers not “crushing” as they do in most of the above movements (or the reverse as in fingertip pushups) the very act of balancing your entire bodyweight on your arms send your WRIST And FOREARMS into overdrive!
Blink and you’ll miss it, but years ago (and Is poke about this many times) in 2007 or so I believe, I was fairly strong.
Did plenty of pushups, hill climbs etc, but I couldnt hold a handstand for more than a few seconds, if even that.
I had WRIST PAIN when I did ’em. Big time! And I wrote about that too … including a nasty bone spur I once developed on the left wrist (my naturally stronger hand) while doing these.
This went away after I Started doing MORE pushups – but numbers weren’t the key.
The variety and style of pushups were …
But really.
My FOREARMS feel sore after a good handstand workout, and it’s for a reason.
First, your whole body weight is placed on the forearms. Second, the flexion. Third, well, bodyweight on wrists, and fourth, the way you push that much weight on an entirely vertical base really taxes the supporting muscles too.
Am I saying don’t do pull-ups with it?
But by themselves, and in and as of themselves to be honest, handstands and handstand pushups are great for the grip – and the above “story” (true!) should tell you why too.
Anyway, the core, you ask?
Well, gee whiz.
Just do a handstand, and you’ll soon see that other than the shoulders it’s not your arms or anything that shake first if you do it right.
Believe me now and trust me later, when you lose focus, or start tiring, it’s not the arms or shoulders, but the CORE that starts wobbling.
Think about the super core workout pushups give you. On the floor.
Then take that weight, and double it or whatever, and amp the load on the lower back and upper abs for one (and the entire internal “trasversus abdominus” or whatever you call that little muscle internally that is REALLY responsible for holding your abs in and sucking the fat off).
IF your entire core feels tigher after a good handstand pushup workout, its because the GLUTES are heavily taxed too, bro.
And the thighs as well (though not as much as in regular and other styles of floor pushups I teach in Pushup Central -t hats for sure).
Well, my friend, thats enough info for now. I just got done doing a set of these, and my abs feel so tight a Mack Truck could run over it, hehe.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Another unusual course from yours truly that seems to be getting a lot of eyeballs as of late is Animal Kingdom Workouts. Check it out – no less than 68 exercises to kick your butt for one! (And plenty of workouts too, hehe).
PS #2 – Pick up one of my favorites, “16 Inspirational Fitness Recollections” right here. In these plague ridden times, we all need a good solid dose of motivation daily, and then some, don’t we? !!
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