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Interesting one, ain’t it?
And one that just came to mind for yours truly, much like a lot of the stuff that (as of late) I’ve been talking to you about has and DOES …
I was finishing up a set of 15 handstand pushups.
For some reason, I broke this down into 7, 1 3, and 4.
Don’t ask why.
Just worked out that way!
But I feel energized again, not to mention feel like I got a super lat and trap workout in less than 3 minutes I think.
And will sleep like a baby too, given this set got me to 45 (5 more to go) and given 3000 jumps are out of the way.
But really.
And I actually Googled this idly.
“Are handstand pushups tougher than pull-ups?”
It’s something that peopel think about, but haven’t asked me as yet (not one single person as yet).
And I never did put it in the FAQ book because the answer is obviously subjective (each person has his own take on it, quite obviously).
But overall?
The pull-up is one of the TOUGHEST exercises for most adults, bar none.
But I really, really believe that muscle ups and their variants apart, the good ole handstand pushup and certain versions of pushups are even tougher.
Not so much because you can’t get good at ’em.
You can.
The criteria is the same as for pull-ups, as Ive mentioned in my books …
But really, handstand pushups are just IGNORED.
And the massive trap workout (and lat) workout that you get from these – using what are normally “pull” muscles to push … well, let me just say the results beggar belief my friend.
And overall, given the number of people that can do either exercise well?
I’d say WAY more people can do pull-ups (and that ain’t a lot) than those that can do handstand pushups …
And if you get to free standing handstand pushups – even ONE – well, you’re in the rarest of rare category.
Now, you who is overweight and fat (some of you are, not all) may be thinking th efollowing.
“How does this benefit ME”
“How does heck does this advanced stuff benefit ME”
Well, it does.
My friend, here’s the deal. Even if all you do throughout the day is get up into a handstand and hold (even if it’s a partial version where the weight isn’t entirely on them shoulders) for say a few seconds – your strength and conditioning WILL improve.
I often tell people that the best way to get better at pull-ups is by doing pushups, and for those that can, tons and tons of handstand pushups.
Crank out 50 per workout at least, and pull-ups will become SOOOO Easy you’ll wonder why you ever had any trouble.
But really, the two exercises are symbiotic to the extreme and you should do both.
And it’s just the “balance” part of the handstand pushup (as well as the facts that it doesnt a) let you cheat and b) is EVEN more unforgiving of LARD around the old tummy) that makes it harder for most people, I bet.
But it doesnt have to!
Pick up my course right here today, and get started my friend.
I look forward to hearing back about your progress.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Advanced workout fanatics – go HERE – BattleTank Shoulders.
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