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Someone recently told (advised, I believe he would say) my wife the following.
“Try and avoid crowds, especially during the festive season. The COVID rates are really increasing!”
Now, the plague from China is what I’d call it. COVID sounds like way too polite and dignified a team for the biowarfare that the People’s Republic knowingly, willingly and gloatingly released upon the ROW – a reality a lot of folks are yet to come to terms with.
Not the actual plague itself, but the Chinese intentions.
I mean, but really.
These days in the news, it seems there is nothing but this blasted COVID related news going around, which is nothing but a “super flu’ basically, and 9 out of 10 people that do “get it” DO RECOVER!
Which is a fact oft ignored in all this PANIC.
Another thing oft ignored during this panic-demic is this.
That out of the 10 people that do get it, most, if not all have SOME underlying conditioning which weakens the immune system first.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say what Trump did, that being doctors falsely inflate COVID counts etc (though there might be some truth to what he said).
But I WILL say that people attach way too much importance to the numbers and the panic being spread by the media.
At the end of the day, that old Claude Bristol saying holds true my friend.
As we think, so we are.
This holds true for families. Individuals. Societies. Countries.
And if we buy into panic on the whole, then PANIC is what reigns.
If we try and stay optimistic as a whole, then THAT is what registers with the subconscious.
IF we buy into Hilter like thinking (and while China is one country in the world that comes to mind, there are many others doing the same damn thing, India being another prime culprit though it’s not often talked about, of course!) then guess what happens.
What happens is, well, what happened during the World War. II.
And so on and so forth.
Personally, yours truly avoids crowds like the PLAGUE even when the China plague was nowhere to be seen (Except perhaps a lab in China).
You on this list are well aware of my distaste for crowds, especially when working out.
Other hand, they have their uses. Hehe. Lunar New Year 2018 being a prime example, when the pathbreaking Advanced Hill Training was written and filmed, all in two days FLAT.
On the spur of the moment.
Back to crowds though.
I mean, really my friend.
The Trumpinator for one holds massive rallies daily … people packed in shoulder to shoulder despite the COVID.
Is everyone that doesnt buy into the panic stupid?
OR is it the reverse?
And was it specifically sent out for the latter category, sheeple and more.
Point to ponder, eh. One that the POTUS already has, and one that I already have for that matter, one that is common sense.
Yours truly doesnt even have a face mask.
Dont plan on getting one, and never plan on wearing one unless I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO (and I don’t).
I socially distance.
Wash my hands.
Do things I would normally.
I exercise as much as I do normally, sometimes more, sometimes less.
And I try and tell people that the plague is the “overlying symptom” but the real issue is something else, and of course, no-one believes me.
But really my friend.
Precautions, not panic.
As I said the other day to a guy in the park …
“China done spread this and bailed. Now we as the ROW need to deal with it. What are you going to do about it?”
(He was asking me about lockdowns etc)
“Are you going to just stay at home and be “scared” the rest of your life because this ain’t going away anytime soon bro. It was engineered that way!”
(and believe you me, the China figures on the COVID are anything but real. In face right now, Qingdao is under lockdown (certain parts of it) from what I hear, and there are more, and … well, yours truly should know!)
The answer is obvious my friend.
Feed the RIGHT emotions, not the wrong ones.
Ok, enough on that.
But really, remember one thing.
It’s the super flu, and ain’t nothing other than that.
And a good solid exercise regimen is the best damn protection against it, bar none (and most of those who rail against not wearing masks etc, well, goodie – I’m not asking you to, or not to – but fact remains exercise is but a dream for most of these people. I should know. I’ve seen plenty!).
And so it goes.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – For the best damned course on pushups out there, and indeed what many call “their favorite course ever from yours truly); go HERE : Pushup Central.
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